
Lisa's Swedish Family Home with Soothing Green

Hello friends, how are you this fine Friday? I have lived in Sweden for over twenty years, and I still find it hard to grasp just how long this country is. Today, I'm excited to share Lisa's home in Piteå in the far North - some 1450 kilometres (900 miles) away from Malmö in the South. 

Lisa lives with her live-in partner Erik and their two children Seth and Sonja. Their lovely home has a soothing green theme throughout, which has been complimented with touches of beige and cream as well as plenty of different types of wood. 

Look closely and you'll also spot stainless steel shelving (a very on-trend material right now), William Morris wallpaper, old doors repurposed as a headboard and other wonderful touches! 

Välkommen inside Lisa's lovely home! 

Such a lovely home. I really love the tones - I find green so soothing, do you? 

Did you also enjoy the tour? 

See more of Lisa's home over at @tjugondehusknuten

Would you like to see a few more homes with a touch of green this weekend? Here are a few to love: 

That's it from me this week, I hope you've felt inspired. 

Have a fabulous weekend and see you Monday!


Photography by @tjugondehusknuten, shared with kind permission

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A Swedish Summerhouse in the West Coast Archipelago

Hej friends! The sun is shining, and the Scandinavian summer is in full swing. I have been swept up in the relaxed vibe and now that my children are finally free, we have arrived for a few days in the Swedish high coast - to explore and soak up the scenery of the breath-taking archipelagos. With this in mind, I will be taking some time out from My Scandinavian Home and will be back here again on Monday 22nd July. 

But I'd never leave you high and dry without some inspiration - so here are a couple of snapshots from a stunning summer house in Smögen, on Sweden's West Coast complete with its own jetty - after all, Mondays are made for dreaming, right? 

So beautiful! 

The more I explore of Sweden, the more beauty I find - and with its immense coastline and thousands of lakes, waterfront cottages are forever present! 

I have a dream to live overlooking the water - maybe one day this will come true, but for now I will admire from a far! Do you share the same dream? Or perhaps there are other vistas you long for? 

Wishing you all a wonderful week - see you next Monday!


Photography courtesy of Fastighetsbyrå, shared with thanks

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An Idyllic Swedish Summer Cottage in the Forest

Today, I'm continuing with my summer cottage theme to match the relaxed holiday vibe in Scandinavia right now - and the sun has come out just for the occasion! This Swedish beauty belongs to Johanna Hagbard (whose city home I featured in 2018). Johanna acquired this beautiful croft 40 kilometres (24.8 miles) from Gothenburg ten years ago. It had been derelict for many years - save for a local orienteering group who had been using it as a clubhouse due to its location in the middle of a forest. Needless to say, it needed extensive work. 

A handy couple, Johanna and her husband have slowly transformed the property into a magical year-round country escape - with a cosy interior and hand built sauna and a plunge pool. Summer days are spent outdoors looking out over the wilderness and lake in the distance and a caravan serves as an extra indoor space to hangout! 

Ready to feel inspired by the tour? Step this way! 

A magical place to spend summer, do you agree? I can imagine it's really cosy in winter too! 

You can see more snapshots from Johanna's lovely croft over at @johannahagbard

Would you like to see a few more pretty Swedish crofts today? 'Why not' I hear you say! Pour yourself a glass of something cool and enjoy:

Oh, so pretty! 

My family and I are currently trundling up the E4 motorway on our way to Sundsvall to watch Liv swim in the Swedish nationals this week. We've been passing forest and more forest - with 5 hours of forest to go (it's a 10 hour very forest-y drive in total!). I'm excited as I've never been to Norrland before, and we've booked a little cottage on an island just outside the city. I'll share more from our adventure on my instagram stories if you'd like to follow along! 

Have a happy Wednesday!


Photographs by @johannahagbard, shared with kind permission. 

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A Dreamy Swedish Summer Cabin by the Sea in the Karlskrona Archipelagos

Happy 1st July! it's officially the month many Scandinavians head off for their great summer staycation! Vacation time is serious business here - with most taking at least three weeks off to enjoy the (hopefully) good weather. But it's not unusual to take four or more weeks in a good year. 

This is definitely where Scandinavians have got things right. Many use the time to relax and reset and simply enjoy all that the Scandinavian summer has to offer from the comfort of their home, summer cottage or caravan - without a workday looming. Bliss! 

If you're liking the sound of this and considering moving to Scandinavia with immediate effect, I've found you just the summer cabin! This beautiful, contemporary cabin made by Sommarnöjen is right by the sea on the island of Aspö in the stunning Karlskrona archipelago. Made up of several buildings, it's geared up for an indoor-outdoor lifestyle. The wooden exterior and interior mirrors the surrounding nature and large windows and doors ensure that all rooms have immediate access to the great outdoors. 

Ready to feel inspired? 

So beautiful. I love the simplicity, something that's incredibly important in a summer cottage. The less items you have, the less you need to tidy up, leaving more time for relaxing! 

Notice how there are subtle changes in the wood and also a soft grey has been brought in as an accent. It's enough to make the interior interesting without detracting from the sea view. 

And I especially love how so many of the windows and doors can be opened right out giving the feeling that you're outside. 

Could you imagine spending your summers here? I would in a heartbeat! 

In the mood for more cabins today? Check out these lovely summer places for inspiration: 

Have a fantastic start to the week!


Ps loved all your comments about 'grippers' and 'dogs' in Friday's post - they did make me laugh! And thank you for all your kind words about my landing makeover - a reminder that you have until 27th July to make use of the scandi20 20% discount code with Superfront, so if you have any IKEA cabinets that need an update / hack, this is the time! 

Photography courtesy of Liwing Mälarbyrå, shared with thanks

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