
An Idyllic Swedish Summer Cottage in the Forest

Today, I'm continuing with my summer cottage theme to match the relaxed holiday vibe in Scandinavia right now - and the sun has come out just for the occasion! This Swedish beauty belongs to Johanna Hagbard (whose city home I featured in 2018). Johanna acquired this beautiful croft 40 kilometres (24.8 miles) from Gothenburg ten years ago. It had been derelict for many years - save for a local orienteering group who had been using it as a clubhouse due to its location in the middle of a forest. Needless to say, it needed extensive work. 

A handy couple, Johanna and her husband have slowly transformed the property into a magical year-round country escape - with a cosy interior and hand built sauna and a plunge pool. Summer days are spent outdoors looking out over the wilderness and lake in the distance and a caravan serves as an extra indoor space to hangout! 

Ready to feel inspired by the tour? Step this way! 

A magical place to spend summer, do you agree? I can imagine it's really cosy in winter too! 

You can see more snapshots from Johanna's lovely croft over at @johannahagbard

Would you like to see a few more pretty Swedish crofts today? 'Why not' I hear you say! Pour yourself a glass of something cool and enjoy:

Oh, so pretty! 

My family and I are currently trundling up the E4 motorway on our way to Sundsvall to watch Liv swim in the Swedish nationals this week. We've been passing forest and more forest - with 5 hours of forest to go (it's a 10 hour very forest-y drive in total!). I'm excited as I've never been to Norrland before, and we've booked a little cottage on an island just outside the city. I'll share more from our adventure on my instagram stories if you'd like to follow along! 

Have a happy Wednesday!


Photographs by @johannahagbard, shared with kind permission. 


  1. THAT is just lovely to spend time ! Summer time brings out the best in crofts like that . Hi fro Maine

  2. Pure bliss! What a wonderful place for the couple to save. You can only get walls like that in a well-aged building. I'm ready to head there now. ;)

  3. I agree! what beautiful homes the couple have saved. What memories these happy children will carry. The living room!!!
    All the best, Liv!!! Win or lose, we are always proud of our children. You will do great!

    I wish I was driving thru the forest children and I often drive up and down the Cascades... some joy ride, but not in the winter.

  4. What a beautiful view to wake up to every morning!

  5. Beautiful place. So nice to see people in the photos.

  6. I could live here year round. My kind of home.

  7. What a beautifully transformed summer cottage! It might be worth considering integrating edible landscaping into the garden area. Planting berries, herbs, and fruit trees can not only add to the rustic charm but also provide fresh, homegrown produce for those summer meals.

  8. So cute! I’m curious—how is the insulation in homes like this? How do you keep cool in the summer?


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