8 Pretty Easter Decorating ideas from Minimalist to Maximalist!

Easter in Sweden is a big event. Although the country is largely secular, the holiday offers a perfect excuse for families to gather in the spring sunshine (hopefully), eat some herring, egg based delicies and of course sing songs while downing akvavit! Afterwards, egg rolling is likely to take place in the village and if the children are lucky - the 'Påskhare' (Easter bunny) might just pay a visit and hide large paper eggs filled with sweets. 

But let's rewind. Before the big event, there's decorating to be done! The leaves haven't yet unfurled in Sweden, instead birch twigs are decorated with brightly coloured feathers or hung with decorative eggs. You might also see a witch on her broomstick in the window (Swedish legend has it that witches fly off to Blåkulla on Good Friday before returning on Påskafton (Easter Eve). And on Maundy Thursday, you might just receive a visit from a little witch with rosy cheeks and freckles, asking for sweets. You've been warned! 

Whether you believe in witches or not, why not decorate your home and the table with some pretty Scandinavian inspired Easter touches. Here are eight display ideas - from minimalist to maximalist! 

1 & 2. This pretty display above by Nordic stories mixes flowers with eggs for a delicate table setting (first picture and above). 

3. Swedish paper eggs don't need to be simple - as Ingrid Wenell shows with her dried flower and ribbon DIY idea on Lovely Life

4. Don't forget to stock up on carrots, in case the easter bunny shows up! I love this edible display idea created by Céleste Bouchayer and captued by Louis Gaillard for Marie Claire.  

5. Feeling dextrous? Cracked eggs filled with delicate spring flowers look so pretty hung from branches. 

6. Paper honeycombe eggs also look lovely hung from a branch as seen in this pictures via My Life From Home. I've seen similar eggs in H&M Home. 

7. In the mood for some serious DIY decorating? This flower and egg display from Metro Mode is beautiful! See the step by step guide here. 

8. or why not go all out with eggs, flowers, paper decor and anything else you can find like Miss Kitten Heart - for a centrepiece that will put a smile on everyone's face! 

So pretty! I particularly love the edible carrot idea and the flowers in eggs. Is there anything you might try this year? Looking at these pictures, do you feel like a decorating minimalist or maximalist? 

And do you have any unusual easter traditions in your country? If so, please share as I'd love to hear about them. 

If you'd like to see more decorating ideas, check out: 

I'll be taking a short break over the easter holiday and back Tuesday 2nd April. I hope you have a relaxing week! 


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Easter Touches in our Cabin!

It's time for an easter break here in Sweden, and we're spending a few days up at the cottage. Here's a little sneak peek at what's on our table! 

Many Swedes hang decorative eggs from branches at easter time. It's also customary to attach feathers to twigs and branches outside - adding some much needed colour before the leaves and blossom appear! 

One of the highlights for me, is 'Semlor' - wheat buns filled with marzipan and whipped cream! A total calorie bomb, but worth every morsel! 

Other highlights include 'påskkärring' - children dressed as Easter witches with a headscarf, freckles and rosy cheeks, knocking on doors in a quest for sweets. Many also decorate their home with witches (no, that is not an example of one above. Just me!!). 

I found the 'witch' aspect so strange the first year I was in Sweden for Easter. I've since learnt that it was believed that on Maundy Thursday, evil was released into the world and witches would fly on their broomsticks to Blåkulla (you can see the island in my guide to island hopping in the Baltic). And many hang witches in the window as a symbol of this. Read more about the Swedish Easter this this post

Do you have any unusual Easter traditions in your country? 

Looking to decorate your home this Easter? Here are is some Scandinavian inspiration from the archives:

Oh, and of course, it wouldn't be easter without sharing my bunny napkin ears trick for the table. 

I hope you have some relaxing days off and the sun shine's for you! See you next Monday! 

Glad Påsk! 


PS There is an exciting sneak peek in these photos of an 'anniversary' item that is set to launch soon. Can you guess which piece it is? I'll give you a clue: it's Danish. More to follow in a fortnight! 

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Have a Lovely Easter Weekend!

I hope you all have a relaxing break planned over the easter holidays. My mother's coming over from London this evening and we'll be heading to Per's Dad's for easter, where the day will kick off with a sauna and dip in the sea - before egg rolling and an easter lunch! 

If you'd like to add some last minute easter touches to your home, here are some DIY ideas: 

And here's a recipe for a simple but delicious dish I make every easter. 

I wrote a little about Swedish Easter traditions last year (in case you're curious). What easter traditions do you have in your country? 

See you Tuesday 19th April. 


Photography: Malin Mörner

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A Danish Home With Easter Touches

Looking to get into the easter spirit? Mette Norrild has filled her 1970s house on the Danish island of Fyn with pastel hues, spring flowers (including Forsythia, cherry blossom and Magnolia) and pretty Easter touches. Oh, and don't miss the quirky details like artisan mugs, colourful glassware and twisted candles - they add such a fun touch! Here are a few snapshots to feel inspired by this weekend: 

So many pretty ideas!

Decorative mugs have become such a big thing in Denmark lately that I feel tour requires a roundup! 

From top left: Royal Copenhagen, Studio Palu (twisty handle), Krøllet Keramik (with cherries, sweets etc), Les Gens Heureux (pointed handle / splashes). 

It's made me want to start decorating my home this weekend, how about you? 

If you're curious about where any of the items are from, Mette's great at tagging her photos on instagram

For other pastel homes see:

And for some great easter decorating ideas take a look at: 

I hope this post has put you in the mood for the easter holidays! My girls break up tomorrow so we're looking forward to decorating the house a little. Maybe the rain / snow / everything the swedish weather gods wants to throw at us will clear up at some point too! 

Do you decorate your home for Easter? If so, I'd love to hear about your decorating traditions! 

Have a great weekend! 


Photography: Mette Norrild / @mettenorrild, shared with kind permission

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Wishing You a Lovely Easter Weekend!

Stopping by to wish you all a lovely Easter weekend - I hope the sun shine's for you. We'll miss family near and far this year but will do our best to make the most of the occasion with our little family at home.

If you're looking for some easter craft ideas, you might like to wile away a few hours with some of these pretty Scandinavian DIY ideas:

7 beautifully simple Easter craft ideas
5 lovely Easter DIY ideas
My big easter DIY edit

And a favourite in the Brantmark family: How to make bunny ear napkins for the Easter table (and it only takes a few seconds!).

See you Tuesday friends!


Photography: Malin Mörner

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7 Beautifully Simple Easter DIY Craft Ideas From Scandinavia

Easter is a few days away (here in Scandinavia it's one day earlier since they celebrate on Påskafton (Easter Saturday). This year, we may not be able to enjoy large family gatherings, and some traditions may need to be put on hold for another year, but we sure can decorate our homes and bring a pretty touch that will put a smile on our faces! So, if you feel like a little Påskpyssla (Easter crafting), here are 7 of my favourite beautifully simple DIY ideas from Scandinavia, with love: 

1. Eggs with crowns: Boiled eggs with happy faces and pretty crowns like these ones by Norwegian Engla Monica Strand are sure to light up everyone's faces come Easter Day morning! 

2. Naturally dyed eggs: Get creative with the contents of your food cupboard and dye your eggs all kinds of natural colours for a pretty display like Swedish stylist and florist Malin Björkholm. Check out this guide on how to make natural dye

3. Hang paper eggs from branches: Follow this YouTube guide to make pretty 3D paper eggs and hang them from branches like Elin Wallin

 4. Wire feathers to branches: channel a popular Swedish tradition and wire colourful feathers to birch branches for a pretty display like Swedish set designer Marianne Wikner!

5. Make an Easter wreath: Decorate your door or brighten up a corner of your home with a beautiful Easter wreath like this pretty one by Kristin Østebø. This YouTube tutorial offers a great step by step guide. 

6. Get crafting with leftover wallpaper: It's amazing what you can create with leftover wallpaper. Malin Mörner shares a lovely DIY here (remember her Christmas wallpaper DIY?!) and Frida Andersson has created pretty birds for a flight of fancy display! The original DIY for these birds is in the book Hidden Places - but if you haven't got time to pick up a copy, I reckon you could wing it (see what I did there?!) by using a bird template for the body and the DIY from Christmas Snöblomma for the wings. 

7. Brighten up your home with paper daffodils! Take a leaf (sorry!) out of Helen Lyth's book and make these pretty paper daffodils. You can find a step by step guide here (it's in Swedish but there's always good old google translate!). 

I hope these ideas have given you some inspiration for your home this Easter. 

Are there any that caught your eye? 

You can find more Easter crafting ideas here: 

Wishing you a lovely day friends!


First picture by Anne Lemonfox and last picture by Malin Mörner

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Sharing My Favourite Uplifting, Healthy Swedish Easter Recipe (Thanks To Samsung!)

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Spring is in the air in Sweden and Påsk (Easter) is around the corner - I can see it from my window! So, today I thought I'd share one of my favourite Swedish Easter dishes to lift the spirits! And the best thing about it: it's super quick and easy to make, requires only a knife, chopping board and bowl and when made in the right way, it's packed with nutrition. Plus, it can be whipped up as a light lunch or even just a snack (we've been known to eat it straight from the bowl in our house, shhhh!). But firstly, you might be curious about why I'm sharing my first ever recipe on MSH (Lagom book aside!). You might recall I acquired a new fridge and freezer a few weeks back (so happy with them - I can totally see why they won best in test at Elgiganten for the past three years!). And now Samsung has inspired me to share my favourite healthy holiday recipe. With many of us spending copious amounts of time at home right now, the timing couldn't be better!

The Swedish Easter Feast
Before I dive into the details, I wanted to share a little more about the Swedish Påsk (I'd love to hear about what a spring holiday looks like in your country). Easter in Sweden is a big deal and traditions linger even if many Swedes are largely secular. Maundy Thursday 'påskkäarringar' aside (see Wednesday's post for details!), like all holidays here, the big event happens the day before - on Påskafton (Easter Saturday). And it's something I'm looking forward to at home this year even if it's just Per, I and the kids! In many ways, the Påsk feast bears many similarities to the Julbord (Christmas buffet) and Midsummer's Eve fare. Pickled herrings, new potatoes with dill, poached salmon, a cheese flan, knäckerbröd (crisp bread) and a strong cheese are all delicacies usually included in the Easter buffet - as are any dishes that contain egg. And that's where we come to my favourite: gubbröra

So, what is gubbröra?!
Loosely translated as 'old man's mix', gubbröra is a delicious, classic egg-anchovy salad. It can be eaten warm or cold (I prefer mine cold) and tastes best served on dark rye bread or a thin crisp bread and works great as a light lunch, starter or as part of a smörgåsbord!

Gubbröra light!
It always feels great to make something for the family that's both yummy and nutritious and the beauty of gubbröra is that it has both of these elements! Anchovies, for example, are packed with healthy fats such as Omega-3 fatty acids and hard boiled eggs contain vital nutrients such as metabolism boosting B vitamins as well as Vitamin D which helps calcium absorption. 

You might also like to up the amount of radish garnish - it's high on fibre, and if eaten regularly it helps guards the heart. It's also high on Vitamin C which helps boost the body's immune system. I also like to use low fat creme fraiche - it tastes equally as good! 

Fresh ingredients 
If you're lucky enough to have a garden with a great vegetable patch and a window sill lined with potted herbs - wonderful. Otherwise, I keep my herbs and vegetables in the fridge to keep them as fresh as possible. My Samsung Refrigerator RR39M73657F/EE has a special drawer with a Humidity Control setting which helps them stay fresher for longer (a feature I love!)! It's also worth noting that Swedish anchovies differ from the ones you get in The Med and are actually known as 'sprats' elsewhere. Tinned, sprats have a shorter lifespan and need to be kept in the fridge. If you can't find sprats, no probs, normal tinned anchovies will suffice! 

Ready to get started? 

(serves 4)

4 hard-boiled eggs
1 tin sprats (or anchovies)
10 g chives 
10 g dill
1 small red onion (finely chopped)
2 tbsp light creme fraiche

Garnish / serving:
1 radish (sliced)
5 g chives (chopped)
Half red onion (thinly sliced)

Hard-boil four eggs and roughly chop before placing into a bowl. Chop the red onion, dill, chives and sprats (or anchovies) and then place everything in the bowl with the eggs. Add two tablespoons of light creme fraiche and mix everything together. Serve on rye bread or crisp bread and garnish with a slice of radish and a sprinkle of chopped chives. 

Why not serve it the Swedish way?!
Gubbröra tastes great washed down with a beer or a shot off schnapps - singing optional of course, but who can resist a round of 'helan går'?! 


Are you tempted to whip this dish up at home? If so, please do share the results, I'd love to see it! 

Roll on Påsk


PS would you like to see more simple Scandinavian dishes on My Scandinavian Home? Let me know if so! 

This is a paid collaboration with Samsung. However, all words are my own and I only ever work with brands and products I love and can truly recommend. Thank you for supporting the businesses that make My Scandinavian Home possible. 

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Easter Touches in a Charming Swedish Home

The Easter school holidays have officially begun in Sweden, the spring flowers are finally in bloom and the sun is shining (if only it were a little warmer though - BRRRRR - up North they have three metres of snow, crazy!). The home of Ulrika Andåker - the fashion and interior blogger behind Colorelle has added some lovely Easter touches to her charming home in Norrköping - which perfectly captures the essence of spring time in Sweden.  Keep a look out for subtle pastel accents, feathers, eggs, lilacs and blossom! 

In Sweden it's customary to tie coloured feathers to branches - I love these subtle brown-pink hues, they're so pretty!

A simple bouquet of lilacs from the gardens make a pretty display in the window. 

Pretty daffodils and geraniums brighten up the stairway. 

Ulrika's dressing room occupies a small yet bright spot on the upper floor and a garden trellis has been used for shoe storage - such a clever hack!

William Morris Pimpernel wallpaper brings spring blooms to the master bedroom! And there's even an Easter touch in one of the children's rooms (below!)

I love these subtle ideas! In fact, there is so much inspiration to be taken from all the decor, don't you think?! 

See more pictures of Ulrika's home as well as get fashion and styling ideas over on her blog and instagram

For more DIY ideas check out My Big Easter Edit and Five Beautifully Simple Easter DIY ideas. We're heading to London for Easter this year but I might contribute with my DIY bunny ear napkins

Do you have any Easter / spring decorating traditions?


Photography: Ulrika Andåker shared with kind permission 

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