
Plants, Books and Wall art in a Boho Berlin Home

Having spent a few wonderful days in Germany this week, I thought we could head down that way on the blog too.  This warm and inviting boho apartment belonging to Ewa Tomko is located in Berlin. 

I have visited the city on many occasions and have always marvelled at how it buzzes with creativity. And in her home, Ewa's creativity shines through. I love that there are lots of plants, art, books and photos - but also countless other personal items such as antique clocks, masks and wall hung plates. 

Keep a look out for the orange lamps (some vintage, some new) which are something of a micro-trend right now. And then of course, there are her feline friends! How many kitties can you find? Take the tour to find out! 

One of my favourite things about Ewa's home is how cosy and relaxed it is. Everything you see is there to be used and enjoyed. The entire living space is truly personal. It's the kind of place you'd step inside and feel instantly at home. 

Also, despite bring a relatively small main room - Ewa has ensured plenty of space for her beloved books and also carved out storage in other tight spaces such as built-in to the side of the sofa. 

Is there anything that I've missed that you love about Ewa's home? 

You can see more pictures over at @ewa_tomko

While in Germany, let's take a peek at some other homes from the past: 

Have a happy mid-week - and happy Halloween to you all, will you be dressing up? My girls are dressing up as Medusa and a cowgirl - so much fun! 


Photography by Ewa Tomko, shared with kind permission

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Tina's Relaxed, Boho Home Full of Plants & Cats!

Why, hello there! I hope you had a great weekend! Love plants and cats? Or simply a relaxed look? If so, Tina's lovely home is for you!  I think the above picture sums up the look and feel of her Berlin prrrrrfectly. But do continue with the tour - there are lots of fun ideas to feel inspired by. Here's Tina to tell us all more about it! 

"I have lived in this wonderful apartment in the Köpenick district of Berlin since March.  It's one of my favourite parts of Berlin as it's where the water meets the forest. My apartment is 56 sqm and I live here with my two cats Eddie and Valenzia". 

"I became interested in interior design when I was eleven years old. My mother was always telling me to clean up my room and I found it so boring. Instead, I rearranged and decorated it! My passion grew over the years and I started to share my living space on Instagram (@tinalebat). Besides interior design, I also love to write. I write about interior design, minimalist details and also about my fears and experiences and share them with my community."

"I love the charm that old apartments exude. The walls carry a history and I, happy to be a part of it. I think it was built in around 1910." 

"It's really important to me that my home feels cosy and not too 'forced'. Plants give me strength and the care they require grounds me. I love to sit with my cats on the sofa and think about life while Lorde plays on my record player. For me, decoration is much more than just products, it reflects us and excites me when I see other people's homes."

Thank you so much for sharing your home with us Tina.

I especially love the way the climbing plants have been splayed across the walls like art - and of course, the cat steps / sling. Lucky Eddie and Valenzia! 

Is there anything that stands out to you in particular? 

If you love this look and feel, check out the plant archive (there are some amazing yours in there) as well as the boho style archive. Two of my favourites! 

Oh, and remember this cat walkway in that home the other week? 

Have a great start to the week! 


PS I'll be back blogging daily again, except Fridays (four days a week). Looking forward to stopping by tomorrow when I'll hopefully be showing you my bedroom update! 

Photography: @tinalebat

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A Creative London Home Full of Greenery, Art and Sunlight

Today I'm sharing a little slice of home with you. Not my home (sadly), but home in the 'London' sense - the wonderful city I grew up in. This two-bedroom apartment is situated in St John's Grove near Hampstead Heath, North London - where as my childhood home was in the South West suburbs. Even so, the Victorian architecture immediately conjures up memories of a place I love and miss (especially in these times)! The flat is currently for sale - and I'm not sure who the owner is, but if I were to play 'through the keyhole' (in case you haven't seen it, this is a TV program where you guess who lives there based on the evidence) I can tell that they love nature, art, flea markets, travel and potentially Scandinavian design - oh, and have impeccable taste! 

What a wonderful home! Did you notice the parquet floor - beautiful! 

You can see more pictures of this lovely place - and read more about the property over at The Modern House

And if you happen to know who the owners are, I'd be super curious to hear if my predictions were correct!  

Shall we pull up a chair and take a tour of more British properties today? 

A charming rustic London townhouse
Before and After - A Rundown flat Becomes a Stylish London Pad

Tomorrow, I'm off to photograph the smallest property I've ever been in a beach hut! It's so pretty too! I can't wait to share more! 


Photography courtesy of The Modern House

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A Relaxed Artist's Home Full of Plants

I started the week 'keeping it real' with a relaxed Copenhagen home, and thanks to the wonderful response (I've loved reading all your comments!), I thought I'd end in the same vein. In my mind, nothing brings a home to life quite like pets (and people of course, but today it's all about the furry friends!), throw in plants and a load of sunlight and you're really onto something. Artist Laura Agustí shares her 'urban jungle' in the heart of Barcelona with her cat Oye and Fox Terrier - Gos D'atura mix, Crasti. A self-confessed 'plant addict', Laura has filled her home with over 100 plants which thrive in the mediterranean sunlight. Art also adorns the walls. In the mornings, Laura throws open the balcony door to create a wonderful airy environment in which to live and work. Welcome to Laura's relaxed world! 

What a gorgeous space. I can practically feel the warmth from the Barcelona sun (well needed in a very grey Southern Sweden today!). 

I love the presence of her furry flatmates Oye and Crasti too!

Is there anything that stood out to you? 

If you have a moment, hop over to Laura's instagram to discover her art and more inspiring shots of her home (as well as hundreds of plants!). 

On the subject of plants: I'm proud to say I've turned over a new leaf (see what I did there?) and am taking way better care of my greenery.  And I'm proud to say they're actually starting to thrive! I might be getting ahead of myself here, but I was even thinking of investing in some form of indoor tree.... although I'm guessing this might require a whole other level of care! Gulp. Should I take the plunge?

If, like me, you love an 'urban jungle' - here's a little more plant inspiration:  

And a little know-how: 

Watering cans at the ready! 

Have a great weekend friends, see you Monday!


PS I hope my posts have provided a little escape for those feeling anxious over the election in the US this week. We're even on the edge of our seats in Sweden! 

Photography: Laura Agustí

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The Cosy & Eclectic Home of a Swedish Stylist

"FRINALLY"! I heard this a few weeks back and haven't decided if it's annoying or not, but it's best said as you fly through the door on a Friday afternoon, arms raised theatrically in the air.  Give it a whirl and see how it feels! My second favourite day of the week (after Saturday) calls for something special - and real - don't you think? I'm going with the super charming home of Swedish interior stylist Camilla Larsson. Camilla describes her home in an instagram caption as 'a very ordinary Swedish apartment' - but I'm sure you'll agree that there's nothing ordinary about the way she's decorated it. Her ultra-personal and mysigt (cosy) living space is packed with an eclectic blend of furniture and accessories - and there's not a space on the wall or spot on the shelves that doesn't contain something special. So, pour yourself something steamy, make yourself comfy and keep your eyes peeled - there's a lot to see!

Aaaaaaah. It's Friday, I'm in love! This home is just lovely, don't you think? 

I hope it's given you some inspiration for your home - or at the very least, put you in a great mood with which to kick off the weekend! 

I've got a load to do today before I shout FRINALLY - so I'm going to leave you to run back through the home tour a few more times (I promise you'll spot something new each time!). If you'd like to know where anything's from, give me a shout in the comment section below and I promise to stop by over the weekend to see if I can help. 

In the meantime, you might also like to look at Camilla's inspiring feed over at @inasfina and find out more about her home styling and interior projects here

Here are a few other home tours that keep it real: 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! 


Photography: Camilla Larsson

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