Inspiration from a Swedish Attic Apartment with Low Angled Ceilings

Good morning friends, how are you today? I'm stopping by to share this Swedish apartment which has some perfect inspiration for tight, angled spaces and how to fill darker homes with light! 

Nestled under the roof on the top floor of beautiful house dating back to 1913, the owners of this apartment have worked around the angled ceilings to ensure a truly lovely living space. Let's take a closer look at some of the elements at play. 

The kitchen units have a staggered height, and where no units would fit, a shelf has been used instead to ensure every inch of space can be used. 

Two skylights have been installed to ensure natural light. Try Velux for similar. 

Dormer windows are a perfect solution to draw in lots of light and carving out standing space. 

There are solutions available for every shape and sized space these days. A made-to-measure glass door and windows help to ensure a flow of light between the rooms to capitalise on any natural sunlight that enters the home, while a curtain can be pulled across for privacy and a cosy feel in the bedroom. 

The doors open right out for a light and airy feel. 

Low art in the bedroom adds a decorative touch while the bed is tucked under the ceiling and a dormer window. 

A closet can be seen tucked in behind the glass door above. 

In Sweden, it's common to find washing machines in the bathroom (another popular alternative for apartments is a communal washing room in the basement). In England, it's popular to have washing machines in the kitchen. Where do you tend to have your machines? 

I have always loved the idea of art in the bathroom, it adds such a cosy, personal touch. 

A window seat in the stairwell capitalised on natural light from the window. 

Such a pretty house - I love the garden with a communal outdoor dining area! 

It's very common for Swedish apartments to have an inner garden where you'll find a shared dining area, barbecue and children's play area. Some even have herb gardens! 

Working with awkward angles takes some extra thought and problem solving, but I think this home is a great example of how you can find a solution for every shape and size today! 

I particularly liked the glass wall and door designed to fit the sloped ceiling - this could be a perfect solution for our top floor! 

I hope you found some nice ideas for your own home here today!

Speaking of dark spaces, I'll be working on our windowless downstairs loo today. Per and I have been doing a budget make-over using a splash of tile paint as well as a few other touches. I am hoping to share the makeover with you on Friday, but we'll see how we get on, DIY updates always takes longer (and creates way more mess) than you think, right? 

Wishing you all a great Wednesday! 


Styling: Copparstad. Photography: Boukari. For sale via Historiska Hem. Found via Nordroom with thanks. 


  1. from the french woman : just because is funny, in france, a roof dormer with 2 small pieces of wall on the sides and a hat roof with 2 slopes is called : "a sitting dog"! i do not know why ...

    1. I never knew that!! I wonder where the expression came from?

  2. "a sitting dog" : "un chien assis"

  3. This home is full of happy surprises that delight the eye. Very inventive uses of space and decor.

    1. Oh, I live in the US and currently have a tint dedicated “laundry room” for the washer and dryer. In previous homes in other states, they have been in the basement, the garage and in the kitchen in a couple of rental homes.

  4. The glass door is amazing!

    My washer and dryer are in the basement of my US home, which is common with older homes in the mid-west. Newer homes often have a dedicated laundry room. I lived in a townhouse years ago which had the laundry units in the downstairs half-bath.

    1. Ah yes, that makes total sense. I was so busy thinking about apartments that I forgot to mention that it's also common for the washing machine to be in the basement in Swedish houses. My mother-in-law has a mangle in hers!

  5. I keep my washer and dryer in the garage, with an indoor drying line for the winter. Here in the UK we aren't big fans of communal laundries or outdoor spaces and I think that is a huge shame. Far too many semis or detached houses still being built where low-rise flats would make so much more sense and show community spirit. I love the idea of shared eating areas and gardens.

    1. The garage is a great place for a washing machine! When I grew up my parents kept a giant freezer in ours!
      Having seen what Sweden has done, I think the UK is really missing a trick! They could make so much more out of the communal outdoor spaces.
      Here, it's not uncommon to see bike sheds, herb gardens, barbicue spots, lovely gardens, recycling and waste bins as well as children's play areas. Every spring there is a communal 'garden prep' day where everyone comes together to get the space ready for the summer, usually culminating in a barbecue. It's a great way for everyone to come together and meet their neighbours as well as take a sense of pride in their outdoor space.

  6. In Canada, laundry was usually in the basement until recently - it is in my post-war house.

    I'd hate to have my cooktop right next to the sink. I suppose they didn't put it at the other end of the counter because of the adjacent stairs.

    1. Ah yes, it makes sense to have laundry in the basement. This is common in houses in sweden too.
      I guess one of the benefits of having it next to the sink is to be able to quickly drain vegetables, pasta etc - having said that, a little more space between would be nice!

  7. Yes, I noticed that too - thank you for pointing this out. It's a little like a greenhouse!


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