Merry Christmas Everyone!

A little note to say thank you so much for a wonderful year here on My Scandinavian Home. I've loved sharing Scandi-inspired design with you and reading all your lovely comments and personal notes. I started My Scandinavian Home ten years ago and I have to say, I am just as passionate about writing posts today as I was a decade ago, and that's thanks to you all! 

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

'God Jul'


PS I'll be taking a little time off over Christmas and the new year and will be back here again on 6th January. If you're looking for some Scandi inspired inspiration over the holidays, here are a few of my favourite archives: 


  1. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful homes and the beauty of the neutral tones and uncluttered and natural living! Wish you a very blessed Christmas and a better New Year! Stay healthy!! God bless

    1. I just started reading your book " Lagoon (Not too little, not too much), and I really love for what you think,
      and I want to find out who is Niki Brantmark and how many books you already wrote it.

      Sorry for my language, my English not well. 😄

  2. the french woman (who hopes to send her next post with a name at the end chosen !) :
    Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année à vous Niki et à tous les vÔtres !
    May 2022 allows you to make your wishes come true. Thank you for choosing all these beautifull achievements that you present.
    I wish you to enjoy these few hollidays.
    See you soon !

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family! You post is the one I look forward to most every day. Have a wonderful time off.

  4. Merry Christmas to you! This is my favorite website. I visit daily for good vibes and inspiration. Happy holidays from the coast of Rhode Island, USA. Looking forward to more wonderful posts in 2022.

  5. God jul og godt nytaar. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Vrolijk kerstfeest en gelukkig nieuwjaar.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy the season. XOX

  7. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the great content you provide! There's such a coziness to Scandinavian design and I love visiting your site!

  8. Veselé vánoce a šťastný Nový Rok!!

  9. Best wishes from northern Wisconsin, and thanks.

  10. Enjoy your time off and thanks for other year of the great content.
    Best wishes.

  11. Happy new year to you, Niki! Thank you for what you do, bringing us such tasteful contents. MSC is not only an eye candy, it's also highly educational in the world full of kitch and fake. May 2022 be productive and enjoyable!

  12. Merry Christmas!! ���� Thank you for your blog ��❤❤

  13. Enjoy to read. Merry Christmas.

  14. Laurie from Washington23 December 2021 at 15:50

    Niki, discovering your blog has been one of the highlights of the fall (and now winter) for me. You've helped me see the Scandinavian possibilities for my own home... I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and that your New Year is the best yet!

  15. Happy Holiday Season! I always look forward to your posts. You have such a wonderful eye. Wishing you and your family a relaxing time and good health for 2022. Val

  16. Merry Christmas from Michigan. Enjoy time with your family. See you next year!

  17. Merry Christmas to you! Thanks for all your effort that you put into this blog. I just got my cabinets refaced for Christmas and will continue looking to you for inspo.

  18. Hi, just wanted to know if you are feeling good,
    Since Jan 6th I am waiting for you to come back...

    1. Hello! I'm so sorry - I completely forgot I'd written 6th January on my post! I'm back now and have just published my first post of the year. Thank you for your patience! :) Here's to the return of daily Scandi design posts!


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