A Small, Cosy Swedish Pad with Warm Tones

It's all very well showing incredible country houses with sweeping staircases or apartments made up of a myriad of large, spacious rooms - after all, I'm a firm believer that you can take inspiration from just about anywhere. BUT, if you are dealing with just one room to live in it can be a little tricker to achieve the look you're aiming for. Fear not, this delightful Swedish studio is proof that sometimes the best homes come in small packages. Designed by Emma Fischer, the Gothenburg living space is a sea of earthy, autumn tones and features an abundance of texture giving the home a lovely, relaxed look. Step this way for the tour!

After my post about round coffee tables last week, I've had many responses from readers saying how much they love theirs. In many ways they are so much practical than a square table: no corners to bang your shins on and they're great for entertaining - but also, from an aesthetic standpoint, the shape helps to soften the look of the room. 

Also, the fluffy rug makes the entire room feel real cosy. 

I love how this sofa has a built in shelf - multi-use furniture is always handy in a small space. 

I'm a huge fan of glass cabinets and this vintage one is a beauty, don't you think? It's important to keep clutter to a minimum in small spaces, and this cabinet helps to maintain a neat and tidy look. I am guessing there's a wardrobe on the hallway for clothes etc. And the bed skirt could also be hiding drawers. 

Book lovers would also need somewhere to store their tomes - I would suggest built in shelves above the sofa or over the bed. 

So pretty! 

I hope you felt inspired by this too! 

See a gazillion more small spaces in this archive

I haven't quite decided on the order of my posts this week - but I'm looking forward to sharing a cabin update and my first Christmas post of the year (yes, I know it's a tad early, but it's starting to get very Christmassy around here in Oslo, and it's got me in the mood for some 'Jul' inspiration!). 

Ha en fin dag! 


Styling - Emma Fischer


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, me too, they give the space such a lovely vibe.

  2. Perfect nest for a single person!

  3. I am in love with this look! Those tones are gorgeous and really boost the look of the room.

    1. Happy you felt inspired by this too, it's such a beautiful look!

  4. Where can I get the wall mounted table?

  5. Hi Niki. Thank you for another very beautiful post! Would you please give more information about the sofa with the built in shelf ?

    1. It's beautiful! I fired off a message to Emma and she tells me it's the Hadley day bed from Sofa Company: https://sofacompany.com/sv-se/soffa/dagbadd/hadley-daybed-bench-fabio-stone-walnut-natural-e-24-cm-173323098271

  6. You had me at vintage! It's all beautiful. I can't keep my eyes off of the molding around the ceiling and that gorgeous fireplace. I especially enjoy posts like this, where it looks like people actually live in the 9apps space!

  7. Just a beautiful use of space, and I love the contrasting Poulsen lamp. I need to add some plants to my kitchen. I think I can also add a rod over my sink. Much appreciate your articles on small spaces! Tak!


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