A Danish Summer Cottage Oasis on North Zealand

It's Friday, the sun is shining here in the Öresund region - and it finally feels like summer has arrived!  Yay! In two weeks, school will be out, and - government guidelines permitting (in Sweden it's not currently recommended to travel more than 1-2 hours) - many are hoping this all blows over so they can head to their summer cottages to relax and enjoy the nature! Tine and Christian Hertz live in Copenhagen, but when time permits, they hop in the car with their children and swap urban life for a summer oasis in Tisvilde, North Zealand, Denmark. Acquiring a summer cottage in the picturesque village had been a lifelong dream - and when a small house came on the market, Tine and Christian jumped at the chance. On the small side, the pair built on an extension and carried out a loft conversion in order to make room for the entire family and guests. Today, the family can relax in a rustic, light-filled space where the outdoors merges with the indoors. Ready to transport yourself to a Danish summer oasis? Iben and Niels Ahlberg paid a visit and took these pictures: 

Absolutely beautiful! 

I love the back-to-basics feel and the way double doors can be thrown open to the garden on a sunny day. 

Is there anything that stood out to you? 

I have to say, the surrounding area is stunning (I've had the pleasure of visiting several times and photographed two cottages there for my book The Scandinavian Home). A true summer paradise! 

Up for a little more Danish summer cottage inspiration today? It would be rude not to when the sun is shining so brightly here today!  

Right folks, that's it from me this week. Thank you so much for stopping by (I've loved reading all your comments, especially with regards to my wood floor yesterday). 

Wishing you a wonderful, relaxing weekend - I hope the sun shines for you!


Photography: Iben and Niels Ahlberg - shared with kind permission. Incidentally, if you're looking for prints - check out their online shop North and Space


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