
A Beautiful Swedish Home Tour with A Smart Bathroom Makeover

Tjena! Hur är läget? Do you have awkward angles at home? Perhaps a sloped ceiling that’s causing you decorating strife? If so, you might just find inspiration in Natalie’s lovely Swedish home.

Natalie (known as @huslyftet on Instagram) and her partner are true decorating wizards – and they don’t do things by halves. Not only did they lift their entire house and move it two and a half metres (eight feet) across the lawn, but they also added an extension before transforming the entire living space to create a truly personal haven.

Today, their pretty, light-filled home features a wonderful array of whimsical floral wallpaper, providing the perfect backdrop for traditional kitchen cabinetry, vintage furniture, and personal touches. But what really caught my eye is the bathroom. Tucked under the sloped roof, the awkward angles made it a tricky build, but with some clever design work, they created the most beautiful space – complete with a shower, bath, and twin basins.

So, pour yourself a coffee and get comfy – here’s the full tour, along with a peek at the before-and-after shots of the bathroom!

I was so excited to see this armchair. I once picked up a pair exactly like this at a 'loppis' (flea market) here in Malmö. Sadly, they were in quite bad disrepair and I couldn't afford to get them reupholstered so I gave them away, but I always wondered who made them. Maybe now I'll find out! 

The guest bathroom door can be spotted in to the right of the above picture. This is what it looks like inside: 

I love how Natalie has picked out tones from the William Morris wallpaper and matched them with accessories like towels - very pretty!

Note the built-in cupboards and drawers in the master bedroom to the right which make use of every inch of space. 

The bathroom
And now friends, as promised, it's time to take a peek at the bathroom. The before pictures (or should I say, the picture of the shell of the room just as the work started) gives a great idea of the shape of the room. not an easy space! 

And here, is the after. Practical (note the amount of storage), pretty and in keeping with the rest of the house.

Such a lovely home! 

I really loved the craftsmanship in the bathroom - and how they created such slim cabinetry to make the space of what would have otherwise been dead space. If anyone else has teenage girls like I do, you'd understand the need for PLENTY of storage!

Is there anything that stood out to you about Natalie's home? 

There are lots more corners to discover over on her inspiring instagram feed here

Update– here are some of the wallpapers and paint colours used this home: 
Honeysuckle wallpaper by William Morris
Cabinets painted in NCS 1510-Y10R

Sitting room
Painted in NCS 2005-G10Y

Robinson Crusoe wallpaper by Charles Burger

Guest bathroom 
Golden lily wallpaper by William Morris

Hallway / entrance
Door painted in S2040-Y20R

Cabinets painted in 2010-Y20R

In case you'd like to see more before and after make-overs today, there are lots to discover in this home makeover archive (if this home comes up first, just scroll down for more!). 

Have a wonderful start to the week friends! 


Photography courtesy of @huslyftet 


  1. Laud the gorgeous wall paper, especially the one used in the bathroom!!! Cabinet and bathroom hardware, light fixtures and wall paper make an admirable difference throughout the home. Yes, the armchair sure looks comfy:) except I stay away from upholstered. Tough to maintain in my home. The bathroom effort is praiseworthy, the side shelving!
    Wonder what the dimensions of the bathroom are, the ceiling? Just being curious, where does the door outside the bathroom lead to? a covered patio, see wood shelved to create a raised bed for gardening, what an idea!
    Have a great week:)

    1. Such great observations, thank you for sharing! You might be able to find the dimensions on her instagram (there is a lot of info in her highlights).

  2. It's so cute!!! Whats the name of the chairs at the dining room? Do you know it? Thank you!

    1. I am afraid I don't know - they are sure to be vintage finds from Sweden. I'll keep a look out for them in case I can find out more information about them.

    2. Thank you! I have same old ones at home and really would love to know more about! ;-)

  3. I feel like I walked into springtime. Everything about this home is sooo pretty (and yes, I noticed the cat). They truly made magic when they configured the storage in that bathroom. I also like how lived-in the home looks. :)

    1. I forgot to mention the cat, he's so lovely isn't he - very relaxed! The botanical wallpapers are such a wonderful way to bring in flowers and greenery, esepcially when it's currently so black and white outside!

  4. Well, the colors used in this home aren't necessarily colors I think I like all that much, but here I am saying that this home is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen!! I love the feminine aspects of the gorgeous wallpaper. All the lovely white cabinets here and there really appeal to me too. So much wonderful storage! The home is crowned with antique brass hardware in the bathroom that sets things off to perfection. I just love this home. And I agree; it looks like spring! : > )

    1. I love it when that happens! Loving the spring vibes you and Kris mention :)

  5. These are the colors and designs that speak to me, the ones I want to use next time I redecorate. Can you help me find the sources for the wallpapers and paint colors?

    1. Done! The post has been updated and even more info can be found in the highlights section of Natalie's instagram feed. Happy redecorating!

  6. I love the kitchen! It is super cheerful . It makes me want to sit with friends and family and sip a nice cup of tea and chat.

    1. I agree, there's nothing like a lovely big kitchen where everyone can hang out, and this one has such a great vibe too.

  7. Very clever homeowners with the bathroom solution and end result. They must be fearless as well as talented… moving the house seems very daunting. Such a pretty home; I hesitate to use the descriptor of “sweet”, but there is a charming sweetness as well as sophistication. I noticed beautiful taps in the kitchen and bathroom. Possibly, green and shades of brushy pink are their “red thread?” Side note, I’ve noticed dahlias seem to be a favored flower in bouquets in several homes you have featured. I love them and have found them a tad tricky to grow, but am wondering if they flourish in most of Scandinavia?

    1. I know, so brave, and no easy feat! You occasionally here about houses in Sweden that have been moved several hundred kilometres which I always find fascinating!
      Dahlias are extremely popular here. I completely agree that they are incredibly tricky and need to be pulled up in the winter here, stored and then replanted which makes them a real faff. I guess efforts are well rewarded but you'd need to be a keen gardener!

  8. The bathroom is a dream,and the wallpaper deee-vine!!!Love the cafe au lait dahlias as well.A very comfortable home,with lots of clever design features.

    1. Happy you enjoyed this tour. I completely agree - there are some seriously divine wallpapers in this home!

  9. What a gorgeous home!!

  10. This is a warm hug in house form. Just lovely.

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