Laura Luoto's Inspiring Second-hand & DIY Helsinki Home

So finally, THAT Finnish apartment I promised to share with you! The beautiful 1950s apartment is nestled in the heart of Helsinki (such a great city - I can't wait to go back one day!) and belongs to interior designer Laura Luoto and her boyfriend Ville. Laura has had a passion for all things second-hand ever since she was a child and the pair have decorated the 43 m2 space using a blend of wonderful flea market finds as well as pieces she has built herself and the odd contemporary piece. I couldn't resist reaching out to Laura to find out more. 

What do you do for a living?
I am an interior designer - with a passion for designing well thought-out homes for my clients. I strive to create high quality, practical spaces with a beautiful aesthetic. It's important to me that a living space feels harmonious so that the mind can rest. 

Can you tell us about your passion for second-hand?
My passion for second hand started when I was very young from when we used to visit flea markets as a family. At that time, I would spend all my money buying clothes from thrift stores but at some point, I started to become more interested in purchasing cool and eclectic items for my own room. When I moved into my own apartment, my budget was small, so buying second-hand allowed me to fill up my apartment with cool finds. 

What's the best thing about buying secondhand things for your home? 
I love the idea that no one has a home like mine since most of the pieces are one-of-a-kind. The uniqueness is what makes this apartment feel like home to me. 

Do you need adjust the pieces you find second-hand?
Absolutely. I love leaving my own mark on pieces - and when I adapt them, I feel even more connected to my home because I've worked hard to make it my own. 

I see from your website that you also make your own furniture occasionally?
Yes, when I can't find something I am looking for within my budget, I sometimes make it myself. For example the coffee table in the first picture is handmade! 

See Laura's instagram highlights for more information on how to make a table like this. 

Lovely home! 

It's also so inspiring to learn that you don't need to spend a fortune to create a beautiful and unique living space. Time to hit those flea markets - and get the toolbox out! 

See more of Laura's home over at @Laura_luoto (there are some great DIY ideas there) and find out more about her work / services as an interior designer here

Feel inspired by other second-hand homes here (don't miss Ida's home, a Norwegian cottage with a wabi sabi vibe and a hyggeligt Danish home on Jutland!- or join the Finnish home love fest in this archive

That's it from me this week. I've got a photoshoot at home today for Carpe Diem Beds for which I'll be transforming my bedroom into a luxury winter haven. Sounds heavenly, don't you think? It's no coincidence that I've timed the shoot right before the weekend!

Have a great one guys, see you Monday! 


Photography:  All pictures by Krista Keltanen and Jonna Kivilahti except 2 & 4 which are by Laura Luoto - shared with kind permission


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