A Soothing Colour Palette of Blues and Greys in a Swedish Home

Tjena! Lately Per and I have been thinking about moving house - mainly to get a bigger garden (from my side), I think he said something about a tool shed....(maybe he's resigned to the fact that he's the My Scandinavian Home DIY main man!). But, having taken a few months to look around the ruthless housing market that is Malmö right now, we're getting major cold feet and considering making changes to our house instead - have you been through this thought process too?! If we stay put, one of the first things I'd update is our kitchen and open plan living area (potential mood boards to follow!). I think this is why this Swedish apartment appealed so much to me this morning. Look at that blue / brown combination! I also love how they've painted the underside of the dining table to match. The rest of the apartment has been painted in subtle nuances of grey which complement the blue in a beautiful way and help bring the entire look together. All in all, a truly inspiring palette! 

The kitchen cabinets and brass knobs are both IKEA.

This soothing colour palette from Jotun Lady is similar to the one in the kitchen:

On trend brown and amber tones compliment the greys and blues and add warmth. 

The Little Petra armchair looks like a big bear hug! I could totally do with a cup of tea in that very spot right now, fancy joining me?!

The same tones are carried through to the bedroom.

This cushion is very similar to the one seen (it appears slightly darker in the picture but I have the same one on my sofa and it's actually lighter in real life). Source a pretty ruffled bed skirt here*.

We were at the summer cottage this weekend and every other person at the 'morgonbrygga' (morning swimming bridge) was wearing an old dressing gown and pair of clogs like the ones in this hallway. Another observation: if you truly want to fit in the next time you're in Sweden you're going to need a fairly battered pair! Sadly I don't have any either - but a quick search uncovered a treasure trove of vintage clogs and even a pair of wood and leather Scholls*

Vintage Swedish footwear aside (!), is there anything you love about this home? Could you imagine going for a colour scheme like this? 

Pull up a chair and drool over a load more Swedish homes in this archive

Have a wonderful start to the week! 


Credits: Entrance
*Affiliate links


  1. Replies
    1. Happy you enjoyed the tour as much as I did :)

  2. What a lovely share! Thank you. Do you know which kitchen this is from Ikea? Thanks :)

    1. I think it's the Lerhyttan cabinets (which have been professionally spray painted). :)

  3. farklı dekorasyon fikirleri için tıkla ilham al eviniiz daha az bütçeye dekore et! https://www.mydecorations.net/

  4. Lovely post. Do you know what the kitchen counter tops are? Material? Color? Hard to tell from photo! Thanks again for the post!

    1. Hello, I am also wondering about the counter tops. Material and colour?

      Thank you,


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