Island life: A Pared-Back Swedish Summer Cottage

Hej there, kompisar! I hope you had a fabulous weekend! I decided to shake things up a little this week and kicked off my Monday with a run along the beach (in case this sounds super smug, I can promise you this is the first and most likely the last time I'll manage a Monday morning run!). The sea has been on my mind a lot lately thanks to my rejuvenating trip to the Danish coast last week. Over the weekend (on instagram) I asked friends what the sea meant to them in one word and felt so moved by the answers which included 'home', 'escape', 'serenity', 'freedom', 'peace', 'tranquillity' 'restoration ''rejuvenation', and 'power' (among others). Perhaps this is how the owners would feel everyday at this delightful Swedish summer cottage? Located on the waterfront in the southern part of the Swedish island of Gotland, the pretty cottage is typically pared-back - allowing the inhabitants to lead a simple life and enjoy everything the Swedish nature has to offer.

Creature comforts such as a roaring wood burning stove and a Kong oil lamp are perfect for warming the cockles after a blustery beach walk (I could have used one of these after my dip last week!). 

Although basic, this guest room has everything you might need - reading lights, lovely blue and white bedding (this lovely linen bed set* is similar), a radio and a Gotland sheepskin rug*

Such a peaceful view from the end of the bed! How lovely would it be to wake up here each morning?

I've been thinking about removing the wardrobe doors in our hallway for ages (no one ever closes them anyway!) and replacing them with a simple curtain - I love the relaxed look (notPERFECTLINEN* is my go to source for made-to-measure curtains). 

Actually this reminds me a little of something else I read last week which made me chuckle: "no one is as hopeful as a Mother who leaves a pile at the bottom of the stairs in the hope that someone might take it up." Haha! Anyone else feel this?!

Could you imagine spending your summers here?!

If so, I've got news for you - it's actually for sale! Food for thought at the start of the week!

For more idyllic summer cottage inspiration today, take a peek at the summer cottage, rural retreat and log cabin archives which will have you dreaming of escape! Roll on the summer!

Have a wonderful start to the week friends!


Photography: Emma Jonsson Dysell Styling: Sofie Gidfeldt for Fantastic Frank


  1. This is lovely! You could also say, no one is as confident as the child who leaves a pile at the top of the stairs in the knowledge that mother will take it down! Amanda

  2. I toss dirty laundry down the stairs
    When clean and folded. I stack on the stairs to carry up. I live alone, so only me to carry them up.

  3. Beautiful cottage - and the perfect spot so close to the water.


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