A Small Swedish Space That Will Make You Want to Downsize!

Tjeeeena! Hur är läget?! Shall we start small this week? This Swedish studio in Gothenburg is a mini 45 metre square (484 foot square), but it's proof that you can have it all (even a piano!) in a small space! I also threw in the floor plan from where this lovely space is currently for sale so that you can make heads and tails of the layout (sometimes it can be hard to tell from the pictures). Sure, it helps that the building dates back to 1899 and the period features are still intact, that it has magnificent high ceilings and a beautiful arch window to boot - but there's still plenty of ideas to steal for even the most dark and dingy of flats! White paint at the ready....

Bed-side essentials such as a dressing gown and slippers can be turned into decoration in their own right. I've got my eye on a pretty floral kimono such as this liberty print one

Using the windowsill as a make-shift bedside table for books and a lamp helps to free up floor space.

A small space can become cluttered very quickly. Try to group items together and leave blank space between each zone so you can see some nice, clean areas - it will make the room feel bigger and less cluttered.

It's quite incredible how you can fit showers into the tightest of spaces (my sister managed to get one into a small closet in her second bedroom and now has a lovely little en suite!). Even though this little bathroom is a wet room, a shower curtain would be essential for me as I've got something about getting my socks wet in the mornings (not to mention the loo roll!) - how about you?!

Floor plan

Photography: Anders Bergstedt / Styling Studio Cuvier for Entrance.  

What a pretty space. Does it make you want to pack it up, pack it in and go for a studio in Sweden's second largest city?! I'm not sure I'd swap it for my house right now (what with all my kids and all!) but I wouldn't mind having it as pied-á-terre so that I could pad around, tinker on the piano (when I'm not at Theo's piano by the window in Berlin, of course!) and visit the likes of Artllieriet and Grandpa Store.  A girl can dream after all, right?!

For more small space inspiration this bright and sunny Monday morning - sit back and take a scroll through this archive (as always hop over this apartment if it pops up first!). If there's anything our Scandi friends totally rock at - it's making mini spaces mighty!

Have a great start to the week!



  1. Whoooa! This is so fabulous! Lots of unique details here and also fresh, minimalistic and artistic treat to my eyes. Your vision is singular & utter perfection! The fantastic simplicity makes it a great space to takin to rest. As always, perfection! Thanks for keeping your ideas realistic for some of us. Best regards and have a nice day. :)

    1. Hi Steve, I'm happy you appreciated this. I wish it were my work, but the design credit goes to Studio Cuvier and I'm simply the messenger! It is indeed fabulous though!

  2. Hahahaaaa my first thought was the loo paper quandary too!

  3. Nothing worse than a soggy loo roll!

  4. The bright interior is great but it's good to live without a family because children and bright interiors are a tragedy. We had white walls once in children, this was not the case even the paint was painted which is resistant to washing. But for a studio like a great interior, I like this style. You can see the ceiling high, it must be an old tenement house.

  5. Lovely, absolutely lovely in e v e r y way....except perhaps, for the wet room situation;DD

  6. Very singular and unique in every way! Love the whole space set up :)


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