
Cosy Corner At Home / Short Break!

There's a storm rolling (again) so I thought I'd wrap up the week with some pictures of a very cosy corner in our sitting room where I'm planning too hide-out! 

Come spring, the brown tones, sheepskins and blankets will be swapped out for fresh spring blooms and breezy linens. For now, though it's the perfect place to cosy up while the storm rages outside! 

Get the look: Ikea Söderhamn sofa with Bemz linen cover*, rug from Natur Pur (more pictures of it here), wooden table / bench*,  mug by local Hanna Keramic, wooden bowl*, danish wool blanket from Silkeborg Uldspinderi

It's the school half term in southern Sweden next week so I'll be taking some down time with the little ladies and Per. 

But naturally I'd never leave you without some beautiful Scandi interiors to enjoy!  Here are some of my favourite archives:

And these: 

Oh, and if you fee like a relaxing getaway in the Stockholm archipelagos - don't miss my instagram giveaway to win a one-night stay in the love suite at VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd Saltsjöbaden - including a three-course dinner and breakfast for two! It's open until 28th Feb. 

Wishing you a wonderful week - see you Monday 28th Feb! 


*this post includes affiliate links

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Our Stay at Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden in the Stockholm Archipelago

Sponsored by Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden

Is it me or do the first few months of the year always feel a little intense? Take last week, for example: work, food shopping, children's activities, a car that needed fixing, by the time Friday arrived I was completely dishevelled! And then I remembered Per and I had a weekend trip planned. it couldn't have come at a better time! As our train pulled out of Malmö and raced through the Swedish countryside, my pulse lowered with every lake, forest and river we passed. So much so, that by the time we stepped off the train at VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd Saltsjöbaden in the Stockholm archipelago with the sea and islands stretched out before us, all the stress of the week completely fell away.  I couldn't think of a more peaceful place to varva ner (unwind). Here are a few snapshots from our weekend, in the hope that it might inspire you to travel to this wonderful part of the world too! 

Located directly on the shore of the Baltic, 30 to 40 minutes train ride from Stockholm City centre, VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd was built in 1924 and is well known as a conference hotel (evidence of which lies in the modern accommodation block). In recent years, however, the hotel has re-invented itself as a wonderful design hotel, attracting couples and families alike, who are looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the capital, and relax surrounded by nature, art and design, board games and books - as well as great food and wine!  

The slumber! 

I was happy to discover VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd offers rooms for every budget - from single and twin rooms to magnificent waterfront suites - with the same attention to 'design' detail no matter which you choose. It's also a very down-to-earth environment where everyone is made to feel welcome. 

Keen to explore the design, on the first night we checked into a junior suite with nature-inspired wallpaper, cosy wood finishes, Serge Mouilles lamps and the softest Himla bedding. I was happy to find several design books on the shelf - which I read while half watching the Winter Olympics with Per (we're so sociable aren't we - te he he!). Needless to say, we felt instantly at home! 

On the second night we excitedly moved into the Suite LOVE (see what they did there with the name?) - one of three waterfront suites (after all it was St Valentine's weekend!). I'd heard so much about this room and couldn't wait to see it in person. 

Despite a library of books and a stack of board games - nothing could distract us from the ever-changing view over the water (not even Sweden's Winter Olympic medal bids!). The seascape was simply breath-taking. 

The suite also had a droolworthy bathroom complete with sage green subway tiles, a heated white herringbone floor and aged brass fixtures. But to me, the showstopper was the bath which I luxuriated in with a cup of tea and a book (after all, you can take a girl out of England, but you can't take England out of the girl, right?).  

Are you a fan of bubble baths too?  

Bada bastu (sauna / dip) 

What would a getaway in Sweden be without a traditional 'bada bastu' (sauna - bathe)? Every room includes a dressing gown and slippers so you can wander down to the sauna in comfort. 

A dip in the frozen sea after a sauna sounds crazy - especially when there's a dusting of snow on the ground, but trust me, nothing makes you feel more relaxed. It's a ritual many Scandinavians swear by, and scientists have proven it to have many health benefits including pain relief, stress busting and improving circulation as well as cardiovascular to name a few. 

Per, among other Swedes gracefully enter the water, remaining completely still for a few moments before exiting. My plunge, on the other hand is somewhat quicker! Blink and you'll miss it. I like to blame it on my lack of Viking genes, but a lady at our local Malmö sauna told me the other day that it's a skill you develop over time. She has reached the point where she can swim out to a buoy 10 metres way in 2 degrees Celsius (35.5 degrees Fahrenheit) temperatures. I kid you not! 

Food for thought

Feeling more relaxed than ever after our bada bastu - and a lovely walk, we headed to the restaurant for supper. I have to say, VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd has pulled out all the stops on the gourmet experience and offers several mouth-watering packages including everything from lunch and a 'casual tea' to a '24-hour taste experience'. For the more laidback, there's also the option to grill your own sausages over a fire on the shore. Love that!

The main dining area overlooks the water, and when we strolled in, the candlelit room and soft babble of voices and laughter felt like a big warm hug. We tucked into fresh oysters, scallops with poached eggs and winter truffle, Cod with caviar and flower cress and chocolate mousse with raspberry and elderflower. The staff were unbelievably friendly, buoyed by the newly lifted restrictions. Their joy that VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd was thriving once again was palpable throughout our stay! 

The Northern Lights

On our way back to our room we were rewarded by the magnificent sight of the Northern Lights. It was a first for us, living in the south - and although faint, the unmistakable shaft of green light that pierced the darkness was simply magical. Apparently a very rare sighting - which we owed to the crystal-clear night sky. 

The in-house bakery 

Imagine my delight when I discovered the VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd bakery is well known in the area for its sourdough bread, croissants, cinnamon buns and other delicacies (I do have such a sweet tooth after all, how about you?). 

Locals flock here for the 'casual afternoon tea' (a relaxed take on English high tea) - before picking up a loaf of sourdough bread or cinnamon buns to take home. If you're a fan of patisserie, you'll also love the homemade pastries (I can highly recommend the truffles!). 

An in-house bakery also lends itself to a great breakfast. And in my mind, there's nothing better than waking up to warm bread straight from the oven and a perfectly brewed coffee. Such a luxury compared to the morning mayhem back home! 

I might just have tucked into sausages, eggs and bacon - as well as smoked salmon. Although I noticed others managed to refrain themselves and indulge in more healthy fare including fruit and chia seeds with a shot of detoxing cucumber and spinach (perhaps they were booked into the 'dance and workout weekend'), I wasn't quite sure! 

We eked out the final moments of our stay relaxing in the communal area, surrounded by design pieces as well as paintings and sculptures - and stacks of newspapers and magazines. All in all, a perfect end to a magical weekend. 

We were sad to step back on the train, but also excited to see our girls - energy restored!

I hope this post has inspired you to visit the Stockholm archipelagos one day, and if you do, I can highly recommend VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd Saltsjöbaden - either for a longer stay, or simply tapped on to the end of a Stockholm City break so you can koppla av (unwind) before you return home. 

Best of all? You might be visiting sooner than you think as I'm holding an instagram give-away to win a one-night stay in Suite LOVE with a three-course dinner and breakfast for two (travel not included) right now. Hop on over to enter

A big tack sÃ¥ mycket (thank you very much) to VÃ¥r GÃ¥rd Hotel for a wonderful stay! We'll be back! 


Photography: Per & Niki Brantmark 

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A Harmonious Stockholm Apartment Furnished with Vintage Finds

This lovely Swedish apartment caught my eye this morning. There was something about it that felt familiar and yet at the same time unique. Nestled on the second floor of an early 1920's building in Stockholm, the one bedroom flat has been decorated in soothing tones of white, beige, and a hint of green. The furniture is a perfect blend of vintage and mid-century finds - with every piece unique - and a nod to some of the biggest Scandinavian trends of the moment: conical shapes, fluffy rugs and plenty of linen. let's take a look around! 

What a lovely, harmonious apartment. 

It's on the market - a hard space to leave but from looking at the shared bedroom, I can only guess the family have out grown it. Might you be the next owner? 

Fancy taking a look around a few other Stockholm homes today? Here are a few of my favourites:


Photography: Historiska Hem

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A Playful Danish Home With The Cutest Boys' Room

Up for something playful today? In her Instagram bio, Julia describes her content as ''fairly ordinary every day and motherly life'' but looking at the pictures, her cheerful home on the Danish coast is far from it. In fact, there's a joyful touch around every corner thanks to Julia's ''great penchant for quirks, colours, flowers and nice finds' - not to mention art! I particularly like her son's room which is bursting with eye catching pieces from prints and planets to playful patterns and lots of furry friends. These cheery touches transcend into other parts of the home in the form of colour, pattern, flowers and art. Ready to take a tour? 

Rather than covering the entire room in colour, Julia has selected accent walls and worked with them to create a focal point. 

Her son's room has been painted half blue for to create a cosy zone - and then dots have been added for a playful touch. 

Julia has sourced items for her sons room from the likes of Faun & Luna, Bobles (tumbling furniture) and Maileg. The blackboard with oak frame is by Sebra. 

Try PSTR, The poster club, Minted, Postery and Desenio for fun children's prints. 

I hope Julia's Danish home has put a smile on your lips today! It certainly has mine. 

Oh to have small children again so I can decorate their rooms - so much fun! 

Is there anything that stood out to you? 

Take a peek inside more playful homes today here: 

Thank you for all your comments yesterday about wanting to see more of Alexandra's vintage-industrial inspired home in France. There are lots of lovely pictures to look at on her instagram @belettepetite. She also wrote to tell me that she's thinking of creating a masterclass in English - might that be of interest? 

Goddag! (Good day!).


Photography courtesy of Julia / @smaaglimtaflykke, shared with kind permission. 

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A Beautiful Vintage-industrial Inspired Living Space in France

Hej, or should I say 'bonjour! in the language of love - something of which I am hoping to spread today on Valentine's Day with this dreamy open-plan room in France! Alexandra - who owns online antique furniture boutique Petite Belette and runs online 'upcycling' masterclasses - describes her home and workshop as "a universe made of forgotten furniture, of raw and simple materials that respond to the adage: 'nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed,' (Antoine Lavoisier). I couldn't resist sharing this light-filled room, packed with personality - and yet at the same time cosy and calm. A perfect place to curl up with a book!

Eclectic furniture, industrial touches and rough walls rich in patina all help to create this wonderful room!

A library of books wait to be plucked from the shelf before curling up on the sofa. 


Imagine all that light! 

Could you imagine pottering around this room today? 

Wishing you all a happy St. Valentine's Day and a wonderful start to the week! 


Photography picture 1: Audrey Fitzjohn - Home magazine. Other images courtesy of @belettepetite 

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