
Budget Make-Over: A Small, Dingy Hallway Becomes a Bright, Happy Space

Do you ever think you play it way to safe at home? I sometimes look around and wonder why I'm not going a little more wild! Perhaps not on the bigger investment pieces like sofas and kitchen cabinets but on the smaller items like paint and accessories (i.e. things that can be easily swapped out once you tire of them) - after all, pops of colour can put such a big smile on your face!

This hallway is a fine example. Natalie Jacob of Arsenic Lace, recently transformed her dingy, windowless hallway and stairwell into a bright and happy place as part of the Calling It Home One Room Challenge. Think rainbow pink stairs, vibrant botanical wallpaper and macrame plant holders - all on a shoe-string budget!

Natalie opted for Fern Leaves wallpaper from Boho Walls and placed an IKEA bench under a row of hooks for multipurpose storage.

The stairs have been painted in Soft Pink, Creamy Peach, Perky Peach, and Summer Sun Pink by Benjamin Moore and range from a lighter pink at the top of the stairs to a deep coral at the foot. 

Natalie made the plant hangers herself (DIY tutorial here) but there are many affordable options on Etsy, like this lovely one!

A painting by Natalie's partner Ethan has been designed to perfectly match the colours of the hallway - so clever (and pretty!).

You can read more about Natalie's hallway refresh here and see more inspiration from her lovely home (and a load of GREAT cocktail recipes) here (after all, you totally need a drink to match the stairs).

Another space guaranteed to put a big smile on your face is this vibrant home in Nashville - so fabulous!

Anyone else wondering of they should add more colour to their home? Not sure where to start? Kate Watson-Smyth suggests that if you're unsure what colours to go for - look at your wardrobe. if you're comfortable wearing it, you'll be comfortable having it in your home!

Have a lovely day!

Photography: Thaddeus Rombauer

PS If you'd like to read a little more about Scandi style, I shared my tips and where to shop for Scandi-pieces in the US in Domino magazine here

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Anyone Else Rather be on Svenja's Balcony Today?!

Why hello there! Hope you had a good weekend? I'm slowly cranking into action (mondays, huh?!) - but I think I've found where I'd really love to be right now - on Svenja's balcony in beautiful Vienna! In fact, I'd quite happily be relaxing anywhere in her entire apartment right now! Originally from Germany, Svenja worked as a style editor before moving to Vienna with her boyfriend. Today she shares her passion for interior design on Traumzuhaus and her delightful instagram feed (check out her enviable trips to Bali, Greece and Thailand - gah!)- where she frequently shares snapshots of their monochrome-themed home. I spy a whole load of beautiful design pieces too! Enjoy the tour!

Above Ground print, Hank vertical Chandelier (wall candle), Mantis floor lamp, B&B Italia sofa

Her Side print, AJ lamp, Ljungby vase, ECM espresso machine.

Petite Friture Vertigo Suspension light, Flos 265 wall lamp.

Eye Eye Print, Korbo handwired basket

Simplicity at it's finest, don't you agree? And how about that balcony?!

I love the idea of having a coffee machine in the sitting room too - there's something so decadent about it! Sort of like - 'I'm just going to drift on over and make myself an espresso without missing a single second of Games Of Throne'!

Is there anything that caught your eye?

I do believe this is the first ever apartment I've featured from Vienna! I'm not sure why since I'm sure there are lots of fabulous homes in Austria's capital city - tips / submissions welcome!

You can see more of Svenja's apartment here - and check out a load of beeeeautiful monochrome spaces in this archive.

Have a great start to the week!

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A Thoughtfully Curated Dutch Family Home

Well, I do believe we've made it guys: it's Friday! And the sun is shining. Hurraaaa! I hope you've got some fun plans for the weekend? But please don't go quite yet as I have the prettiest house to share with you ! This gem of a family home in Tilburg city, North Brabant, The Netherlands belongs to Ilona Polycen (also known as @mamoesjka_nl), her partner Daniel and two sons Tycho (13) and Fender (7). The thoughtfully decorated interior is characterised by subtle shades of pastel, soft light  wood, one-off pieces and vintage touches. I caught up with Ilona to find out more.

How would you describe your interior style?
I like a fresh white canvas decorated with vintage, design or handmade items, mostly in fresh or soft pastel colours. I’d much rather have one item that I really love rather than five things I just like. I don’t shop on impulse. I will always take my time before I buy something for my home.

Do you have  a favourite spot?
You’ll often find me sitting on my pink home-made bench. It’s my favourite spot in the house, where I write, scroll through Instagram and sit with family and friends. From my bench, I also have a clear view of the rest of the living room and the open-plan kitchen.

Do you update your home often?!
I love to use my home as my test lab. If I haven’t painted anything for a few weeks, the paint tins literally call out to me from the closet.

Where do you shop?
I like to search the internet for new treasures. I look for both new and second-hand items and design pieces as well as less expensive finds. For me, it’s very important that they’re not things that everybody likes and buys. I want stuff that is unique and is available on a small scale. For that reason, I always search for small websites or designers that sell their own work. It’s so much more fun to make a small independent enterprise happy by purchasing some of their products than to buy something from a big retail chain.

Do you have a favourite piece?
My favourite piece of furniture is the vintage cupboard that my partner and I bought at a thrift store. I really loved it when I first saw it, but we both thought it was far too expensive (the cupboard was not in the best condition) and we left the shop without buying it. But soon I had second thoughts and we quickly went back again and bought it. We gave the little cupboard some love with oil and wood paste and I now think he’ll stay forever!

Chrysanthemum wallpaper by William Morris

25Lamp, this mustard waffle throw is similar.

What's your best home decorating tip?
I like to do things my own way. I think that’s my best tip I can give anyone. Make the choices yourself. Fill your home with items you really love and that make you happy. These days you can find inspiration everywhere. I like to scroll through Instagram and see all kinds of interiors, but I have to stay true to myself. Something I’ve learned over the years is to choose what makes you happy and don’t do what everyone else is already doing.

Thank you so much for inviting us into your home this sunny Friday, Ilona!

If you don't already follow Ilona on instagram it's a must!

And for more beautiful Dutch home inspiration take a peek at a lovely light-filled house boat, the happy home of Marij Hessel, and a charming and relaxed Dutch home.

Have a fabulous weekend all and see you Monday!


All photography: © Ilona Polcyn

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The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Hanging Plants

Niki Brantmark / Genevieve Jorn

While Kendall Jenner and Kaia Gerber might be the It girls of fashion, in the interior world it's plants that are stealing the limelight! From large Palms and Fiddle Leaf Figs to smaller Chinese money plants and asparagus ferns, anything goes in the urban jungle! Last month we explored indoor climbers which have been slowly winding their away up the inside of windows across the continent. And this month I thought we could get into the swing (get it?!) of hanging plants. These guys have been hanging around (this is fun) for a while now and look set to stay! In fact, new and exciting ways to suspend your greenery to new, lofty heights are, er, on the rise! I caught up with my green-fingered friends Igor Josifovic, author of Urban Jungle: Living and Styling with Plants, Hilton Carter, who's incredibly green home I featured here and the Arctic Gardener to get the complete low down and find out more about how we can create our best hanging garden game!

Hilton Carter

So what makes the best hanging plant? Igor advises "any trailing plant is perfect for a hanging pot as they prefer space to grow freely."

5 great hanging plants

1. English ivy*
2. Heartleaf philodendron
3. Spider plant 
4. Devils Ivy*
5. Boston Fern 

* the leaves are toxic so keep away from children and pets.  

Benjamin Edwards
 Tip:  If you have a ground floor window plants make a great 'natural' screen. But Hilton warns "be mindful to not block too much light coming into your windows so that your other plants, sitting away from the window can still benefit."

via Bloesem
Carly Page Summers
Hanging plants can be really heavy so you need a sturdy hook and a drill in order to make sure they stay up. Alternatively look for natural places to hang them in your home - like handles, knobs and ledges.

Chris Warnes
They also make great table decorations. In this space there were no pots necessary as branches were simply hooked over a long cane suspended from the ceiling. The beauty of this is you can update it depending on your mood, the occasion and what you find in the garden / local flower shop!

Hannah Puech Marin
Continuing on the same theme... using a rail (or in this case, a vintage ladder) is ideal if you're looking to hang lots of plants (and add to the collection as time goes on). This also means less holes in the ceiling (in a bathroom that's always good!).

For a more relaxed look it's good to use a variety of blooms. "I like to mix and match hanging planters choosing different hangers and pots as well as various lengths creating a more lively hanging garden," Igor tells me. "Of course this depends on personal preferences. But usually I would say hanging plants look lovelier when grouped together unless you have one big hanging statement plant."

Jeroen van der Spek
As long as the plant is suitable for hanging, there are no rules to the types you group. "I like to go free and wild listening to my guts. You can get playful and pair a trailing Tradescantia with purple leaves with a green Bird's Nest fern and romantic ivy plant," enthuses Igor.

Nicolette Johnson
When it comes to keeping your plants healthy, Hilton advises hanging them in places you can easily get to. "The easier they are to get to, the more likely you'll keep them alive and healthy."

And to water them; "take them to the shower or kitchen sink, water them and then let them drain out for about 15 minutes before putting them in back in the water," he adds.

You might want to forgo the traditional hanging planter in favour of a Kokedama. Of Japanese origins, a Kokedama is a ball of soil, covered with moss from which a plant grows. Word of warning - these guys need a lot of water and a shady place.

To care for them check the weight and if it feels light, it's time to submerge the ball in water.

Hilton Carter
Another great option is the hanging terrarium or 'air plant' (source a similiar glass here). The beauty of these is that they are lightweight and can therefore be hung from the branches of other plants. 

via Vtwoven
And finally, the best hanging plant for a beginner? The Artic Gardener suggests opting for a spider plant. "It's really easy to grow so if you're a newbie gardener, you should give it a go."

Now that we're armed with the know-how, all that's left to do is invest in a few planters. Here are some of the prettiest out there:

1. Woven Palm Leaf Hanging Basket
2. Concrete Hanging Planter
3. Raj Hanging Planter Set
4. Mistana Nanette Flower Pot
5. Affiti Hanging Clay Planter
6. Macrame plant hanger
7. Hanging Planter

I hope this has been helpful! I for one, feel much more equipped to create my own hanging garden. I quite fancy one over the bath! Do you have a spot in your home ready and waiting?!


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