
14 Ways To Add a Touch of Scandi Luxury To Your Bedroom This Winter

// Paid partnership with Carpe Diem Beds, all words are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you will too*

The North of Sweden experienced its first dusting of snow this week - a sign that winter is on its way! Eeek! Here in the south, the mornings have become progressively darker and as the cold wind blows, we're starting to migrate indoors. And there's nowhere I'd rather be than in bed!  

I guess there's nothing too unusual about that. They say the average person spends 26 years of their life sleeping (seriously?) add to that reading, and luxurious lie-ins and we're talking a serious amount of time in bed!

With this revelation in mind, winter looming, and a wonderful trip to visit the birthplace of Carpe Diem Beds on Sweden's West coast still fresh in my mind, I felt inspired to give my bedroom a complete Scandinavian luxury makeover just in time for winter. Here are 14 tips in case you'd also like to add a little luxury to your boudoir this winter! 

1. Invest in a bed that's just right for you! No amount of luxurious bedlinen can compensate for a mattress that's not suited to your needs! If you haven't already, speak to a bed expert to find out what type of mattress you need. Per and I tested a load of different beds before choosing our Sandö bed from Carpe Diem Beds a few years back. Each side has a different firmness, and it's transformed the way we sleep and how we feel when we wake up. I'm not going to lie, Per still snores though! 

2.  Invest in a good mattress topper: I promise, this will make all the difference to your comfort! Since the climate is really variable with cold winters and warmish summers in Sweden, we chose a mattress topper with a cotton-lined side for summer and a wool-lined side for winter (I just flipped it this week in fact!). There are lots of varieties on the market to suit all budgets so do take a look!

3. Use a mattress protector: not only will this protect your mattress - it will also make your bed feel even more cosy when you slip under the covers. 

4. Use the right duvet for the season: Depending on the climate you live in and how well the temperature in your room is regulated (according to research, the ultimate bedroom temperature is a relatively cool 18.3 degrees celsius / 65 degrees Fahrenheit) - you ned to make sure you have the right duvet to suit your needs according to the season. My daughter recently described our duvets as 'fluffy cloud' - high praise indeed! 

5. Use two single duvets rather than a double: Yes, REALLY! This might not come as a surprise to you if you live in Scandinavian or some parts of Europe. But it's really the only way to get the absolute BEST night sleep possible simply because you can choose your own duvet thickness, stick limbs out at will, and won't fight over the covers! 

6. Use a pillow (or two) that's just right for your needs: An essential element - as the firmness / style will  totally affect the way you sleep. My Mum also taught me to always use a pillow protector (this could be as simple as covering your pillow with an old, worn-out pillowcase which will then go under your a actual pillowcase). I've also added larger cushions which match the bed upholstery (Zaragoza Eggshell by Designers Guild) to have something to cosy up against while reading.  

7. Make your bed with beautiful linen! Let me in on you a secret, Per never texts me. If he does, it will be two letters, like 'OK'! But the other day after I'd prepped our bedroom for winter, he sent me a text that read: 'this bedding is incredible'. 

An unprecedented four words without prompt! 

The secret: it's all in the thread count - the higher the thread count the more luxurious it feels and our new Havbris bedlinen has an immensely high thread count of 500. Also, dare I say it - a simple iron makes a big difference too - boring! 

8. Keep a spare blanket to hand: just in case of drafts, extra cold feet etc! 

9. Add soft, warm lighting and a beautiful scent: Tap into all the senses by adding a lovely warm glow and a beautiful scent to the room. This hand poured Gryning candle smells divine! 

Word of caution, be vigilant- never leave a naked flame unattended and always ensure it's well away from anything flammable. 

10. Coffee and a good read: what would a luxurious lie-in be without either of these? 

11. Add somewhere to sit: hopping around the room on one foot while getting dressed / undressed doesn't spell luxurious - so make sure you include a place to sit- weather a bench, ottoman or footstool (the latter adds an instant 'dressing room' feel. 

12. Treat yourself to some heavenly nightwear: whatever your preferred style, make sure it feels wonderful against your skin and you can move freely (like this silk robe!). 

13. Keep moisturisers to hand: skin dries out so much more in the winter!

14. Turn off your phone and relax!

All this writing about winter luxury bedrooms makes me want to go straight back to bed, and the clocks haven't even gone forward yet. 

I hope this has given you a few ideas for your own bedroom. Please do feel free to add your own tips in the comment section below! 

Sov Gott! / Sweet dreams! 


*This post is brought to you in paid collaboration with Carpe Diem Beds and includes gifted items. All words are my own and I only ever recommend brands I love and think you will too. Thank you for supporting the Scandinavian businesses that make My Scandinavian Home possible. 

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Update: Our Tiny House Interior Plans & Inspiration

It's been a while since I shared an update on the tiny house we're building in the garden of the summer cottage in southern Sweden. A lot has been going on behind the scenes, but most excitingly Per and I headed up there for a meeting with the builders last week and it's starting to feel VERY real! A while back, I shared our plans for the exterior. I'm looking forward to sharing the finer details of that soon (once we have settled on the wood finish). Until then, I thought I'd share the plans and inspiration for the interior! 

Our cabin is called a Komplementsbostad which is a special Swedish dwelling measuring 30 m2 (323 f2) and a maximum of 4 metres (13 feet) high. The idea is to use it as a place to unwind at the weekends and in the holidays. If we're staying in the main cottage, it will be a place for guests to stay and hopefully in the future, somewhere our children to come with their family and friends!

The cabin will contain a small kitchenette, social area, bathroom and two sleeping quarters. It's designed to sleep 4. I think I'll start with the latter! 

We decided to lay the sleeping zones out over two floors (which is fairly customary with this type of house). The 'master bedroom' will be in an alcove / nook on the lower floor, and a sleep loft will be placed over the bathroom and bedroom. 

The reason we decided to do it this way and not create a separate master bedroom is because we also wanted to create a nice social area in which to hang out - so we needed the extra space. For the same reason, we also decided not to have a formal entrance / hallway. 

Inspiration for the bedroom / sleep loft area: 

I absolutely love the look and feel of Lina Kjellvertz's cabin (the swede has impeccable taste - check out her house in Mallorca if you have the time!). Her attafallshus was designed by Sommernöjen and features white walls and a light wood ladder and sleep loft - something I am looking to emulate. The only difference is that the atelier / desk area will be exchanged for a bed. Basically like this: 

The bedroom nook will be fairly snug! The cosy danish bedroom below has also been a major source of inspiration for us. See the rest of the lovely cabin here

We are looking to convert the under section of the bed into two separate, very large drawers which will be used to store clothes, bed linen, towels etc. A little like the ones in this tiny Norwegian house on wheels.

We're also hoping to add shelving, but sadly we won't have space for a surface behind the bed like the one seen above since the nook is the exact length of the bed! 


The kitchen and dining area is very much a work in progress! As with everything else, it will of course be small. Since space is of a premium, it will involve upper and lower cabinets. I love this kitchen by Swedish Nordiska Kök - it's clean and contemporary, but also features some beautiful natural elements including stone and wood, which would be a nice way to bring the surroundings inside. Do you like this look too? Clearly the island is a no go, as we simply don't have room! Instead, I'm hoping to find a small vintage table for four. Let the hunt begin! 

One big dilemma: we were hoping to put the boiler in the top right cabinet BUT the plumber told us it would be way too small. Instead it might need to be placed to one side of the sleep loft which is not ideal. I know my family, and they do love their showers! If you have any other ideas on where to place it, I'm all ears! 

Main living / social area

You might have noticed that all these inspiration images have something in common: wood panelling. I absolutely love wood panels, they bring a more relaxed feel to space and help to add a coastal touch.  Are you a fan of panelling too?

This panelling by Swedish brand Norrlands Trä seen in this Scandinavian cabin is spot on. I'm just in the process of ordering samples to see which style would look best (every panel option comes in an option of at least two different whites as well as various textures - I tell you, it's a minefield!).

Sitting room
I'm going to be honest, we still haven't decided which direction to go in with the sitting room. All thoughts are welcome at this stage! The only thing we do know is there are a LOT of windows and doors to contend with (see plan) and there'll definitely be a woodturning stove (more info to follow soon!).

But what we don't know, is what seating to go for. 

Do we go for some kind of built-in bench running from the kitchen units to the wall with storage underneath like in these lovely rooms?

Or do we opt for a sofa-bed with storage to make room for extra guests? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Looking at these images I'm wondering if I've over sold our cabin now!! I mean, some of these spaces are simply incredible and quite a lot bigger than our cabin! The pressure is on! 

I can't wait to share more plans with you soon including the bathroom, outdoors space and wood burning stove! Meanwhile, we're hoping the first spade will go in the ground this week - woohooo! 

For more tiny cabin inspiration check out: 

Opening doors vs folding doors - see the comments for the final reader verdict!

And the tiny house archive - which is full of inspiration for small spaces! 

Right guys, that's it from me this week, thank you for coming along for the ride - and for all your kind messages in yesterday's post, it really meant so much. 

Trevlig helg / have a great weekend!


Photography: 1. House Doctor. 2&3 Sommarnöjen 4, 5 & 10. Morten Holtum 6. Nordiska Kök 7. Norrlands Trä 8. Femina 9. My Domaine

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Favourite Small Touches in My Bedroom Right Now

You may have noticed that my bedroom has been the centre of attention these past few weeks. I reckon deep down it's because I'm preparing for my winter hibernation - and a whole load of reading under those bed covers! Do you find yourself naturally gravitating indoors over the autumn / winter too? I realised today that I've shared a load of info about the larger items in the room - such as the wall colour, as well as the armchair, headboard and bed covers (which reminds me, tomorrow is the last day to claim your 20% discount if you're looking to buy something from Bemz - more info here!), but since the devil is in the detail, I also wanted to share some info about the smaller pieces! 

I've had the bedside stool for years - and I have to say, it's one of my favourite pieces. I see they sell similar at the Old Wooden Stool* company. The Ikornnes mirror is from IKEA (I love the ash finish and that you can hang clothes on the rail on the back (maybe I might just hang my clothes up at night for once!).  

This beautiful wall light is the Arum wall light* by Danish brand Ferm Living. I love how it's similar to the wall colour yet still stands out due to its form. Do you like it too? 

On my bedside table is the pretty Vulca mini vase with grey dots and beside that is the Vulca mini vase agave - leaving just enough space for a coffee / glass of water and a book! Below is the large Vulca Vase* (do you see a pattern forming?). I love the irregularity and texture. 

Another new piece: the Motljus print* by Sandra Blomén Machinsky. 'Motljus' means 'backlight' in Swedish. It might make its way up on the wall soon, but for now, I love looking at it from my side of the bed! 

Our windowsill doubles up as a ledge for plants and books (and more often than not, a row of coffee cups and glasses!). I've also added the Anse vase* and Anse pot (how cool are the handles?).

Through the window, you can just make out the outline of a building - and beyond that, is the sea. When are neighbours have their curtains open, we can see the sparkling waters through their windows! I'm not sure if an estate agent would classify that as a 'sea view' but we'll take it! 

The bedside light is the classic Mantis BS3 table lamp - I've had it for donkeys and never grow tired of it. 

Peeking behind the vase is my book The Scandinavian Home - I don't usually surround myself with my own books, I promise! 

One of the most asked about items in my bedroom is the pendant light. It's from Paris au mois d'aout. It's also a point of contention as I've had a few comments questioning the size and height over the bed. It works for us, but I guess we're used to it! I love to play with scale and feel that it's important to have at least one thing in a room that's oversized. It adds so much interest. 

The bench is from Skovby and under foot is the Tisca Olbia rug (we painted the wood floor in 'Strong White' - from Farrow & Ball, which strangely, is actually a pale shade of grey!). 

I think that's everything but if I missed anything please do give me a shout below! 

Speaking of which, I'm working to fix commenting issues this week so bear with me if it looks a bit weird / not working in the way you'd like - hopefully it'll be resolved in the next few days. 

Har det så bra!


Photography: Niki Brantmark 

*This post contains gifted press items and affiliate links - which means that if you click on a link and buy an item I might make a very teeny amount of money, perhaps enough to cover a morning coffee (a small one!). 

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Bedroom Details: One bench, Two Different ways

Sponsored by Skovby, all words and photos are my own and I only ever work with brands I love

Do you find that you only know something was missing until you add it - often by accident? I was asked by Danish brand Skovby to photograph the beautiful #833 Bench. I was originally considering placing it by the kitchen table, or in the hallway - but following my bedroom make-over last week, I realised where it really belongs is at the foot of my bed! If you have the space for one, benches are ideal as they can be used for so many different things - a place to sit and get dressed in the morning, somewhere to enjoy a cup of coffee (it makes a great midpoint between languishing in bed and entering the world!) - or a perfect place to store books and other treasures. Here's this beauty of a bench, styled two different ways: 

1. The dressing bench 
Why hop about the room trying to put on socks when you can chill on a bench in style! Place a little basket underneath for slippers or chunky knit socks and blankets. If you feel the chill in the night, you can reach down and grab it, without even rustling the covers! 

Any bench will do, as long as it's the right length. But I have to say, the Skovby #833 Bench is absolutely beautiful - and ideal. It's crafted from solid wood and 170 cm long making it a perfect three-seater and an ideal length for a180 cm wide bed (it's little sister, the #832 bench is 120 cm is suitable for narrower ones). 

If you prefer a darker look, it's also available in oak oil and black oak versions - all with the lovely brass detail. 

2. The storage bench:
The long surface makes this bench an ideal place for books and other items - a little like a mini library at the foot of your bed!  For this styling we also added a vase with lilac from the garden - but I am the first to admit it's not entirely practical as Per pointed out (while removing countless cushions before settling in for the night!!). I was merely exercising a little artistic license, and it does look pretty, right?

Not only does solid wood have a beautiful patina, it can also last a lifetime when handled with care. Soap and vegetable oils can help to impregnate, nourish and maintain the wood so it stays beautiful. 

Needless to say, I'm keeping this bench right where it is! 

Which look / use do you prefer ? Could you imagine having a bench at the end of your bed? Or perhaps you already do! 

If you're feeling inspired, hop over to Skovby to find your nearest store

Have a fabulous, relaxing weekend - see you Monday! 


Photography: Niki Brantmark

This post is brought to you in paid partnership with Skovby. All words are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you will too! Thank you for supporting the exceptional Scandinavian businesses that make My Scandinavian Home possible. 

My Autumn Bedroom Make-over with an IKEA hack

Paid partnership with Bemz which includes affiliate links, all words are my own*

Hejsan! I'm curious: are you a fan of change? I love change and find that surrounding myself with a new environment always gives me new energy (Per's actually the opposite, which can be, shall we say interesting!). I often make small changes at home, but with Autumn looming (dare I say it!) I felt it was time for something bigger!

As pretty as it was, I've grown tired of the 'blushing peach' wall in the bedroom and felt it was time to change up our bedroom to give it a fresh lease of life. Per and I applied lime paint to the walls a few weeks ago, and I've since been layering the room with new pieces as well as beautiful textiles from Bemz (the Swedish brand makes luxurious designer textile covers, cushions and other accessories for IKEA furniture and I've been a fan ever since my sitting room make-over way back in 2017!). So, what 's changed in the bedroom? Here's the low down: 

Overall look
To me, a bedroom should have a wonderful element of calm. It should be somewhere that's easy to switch off - and also somewhere heavenly to wake up. I consulted with the MSH interior designer Helen - and we decided to go for soothing tones of white and soft beige as well as cosy Autumnal tones of cocoa, acorn and rosemary. So pretty together! 

I've also added a new mirror (we've never had a full body one so maybe I'll no longer look like I've been getting dressed in the dark!), various vases and a reading lamp (all Ferm Living)! 

Let's get started with the bigger pieces: 


As you may have noticed, we've never had a headboard before. To be honest, I always thought it was impossible with the window. But I was keen to give it a go as I knew it would make our bed feel so much more sumptuous and 'grown-up'(!) come Autumn! 

This one is the STAVANGER / BORÖY headboard from IKEA which is perfect as it just slots between the bed and the wall leans. I then added a Bemz universal headboard cover which comes in different widths and a choice of 130+ fabrics, and it just slides on over the top of any headboard. How crazy is that? See the end of the post for details on discount and samples.

I chose a new linen fabric which launches this Autumn (more info to follow!),  however, there are a couple of other beautiful white linen fabrics available. 

Side note: the windowsill has always doubled up really nicely as a shelf for books, plants, my Anse vase and morning coffee  - and admittedly a whole host of other things like batteries, receipts etc *rolls eyes!*.  

The bed skirt

Are you a fan of bed skirts? Once considered twee and a little OTT (I am still scarred by some of the floral ones I witnessed in the eighties!), bed skirts have totally come into their own in recent years, have you found the same? 

I love them as they hide a multitude of sins under the bed including unsightly bed bases, storage and that ghostly black gap (hands up anyone who's ever checked under their bed before going to sleep). Plus, they add a wonderful element of calm to the room. 

My new one is the Boxpleat, Rosendahl Pure Washed Linen, Absolute White. It's so pretty - and has a lovely, relaxed feel about it. 

I love a throw. They make a bed look so much neater when made. This is the Loose Fit, Brera Lino by Designers Guild, Natural which has beautiful seams (if you're thinking of getting this, go big. My bed is 180 cm x 200 cm and I opted for the 240 cm x 240 cm one). 

I love the subtle contrast with the white bed skirt too. What do you reckon? 

I'm not sure how these cushions slipped through the net (Per banned me from buying more for the house sometime a go) - but I'm so glad they did! I always think Cushions are a perfect way to add accent colours (this time I went for Autumn vibes in acorn, cocoa and rosemary)- and also to snuggle up against for some cosy bedtime reading. 

I picked out four larger cushions to lean against the headboard (size 60 x 80 cm) and then smaller ones to pile on (50 x 50 cm).  

A bedroom wouldn't be complete without a 'chairobe' (your entire wardrobe of clothes waiting on a chair to be put away or worn...!), guilty of this? I am! 

We've had an IKEA Söderhamn armchair in our bedroom for donkeys, and I was keen to cover it in a retro bouclé, tweed or teddy from the new Bemz Tactile Collection. You'll most likely have spotted the trend for textured fabrics over the past 12 months and now we can all update our existing IKEA sofas and armchairs! Liking that a lot! 

I chose the Söderhamn Armchair cover regular fit, Boucle, ivory. All I need now, is a pile of books and a candle and I'm good to go! 

And that's it! 

I hope you like our new bedroom as much as Per and I do!

If you've got questions about anything you've seen just give me a shout and I'll be happy to help. I'll likely do a follow-up post highlighting the details soon (just in case you're curious about the vases, lamp, print etc!). 

If you're interested in buying a Bemz cover, I'd advise ordering samples first so that you can test out the colours and fabrics at home (it can be hard to tell online). 

Right guys, that's it from me. Wishing you all a lovely day! 

I'm tempted to go back to bed now, what do you think? 


Photography; Niki Brantmark

This post is brought to you in paid collaboration with Bemz and contains affiliate links. However, all words are my own and I only ever work with brands I absolutely love and think you will too (#Ilovemyjob!). Thank you for supporting the businesses that help bring fresh content to your mail box and make My Scandinavian Home possible.

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My New Home Yoga Studio / Corner!

Kindly sponsored by Sponsored by Nordal (all words, photos and product choices are my own)*:
Hej hej! Are you ready for the week ahead? The girls went back to school this morning (I can't tell you how hard it was for us all to wake up!), which officially marks the end of our carefree summer holiday - and the return to what will no doubt be a crazy Autumn. Eeek! This season, I've decided to do things a little differently. I've always been one of those people who loves to run around at a hundred miles an hour (my preferred choice of sport has always been tennis and jogging) - how about you? But due to unforeseen circumstances back home in London (more to follow soon when I feel ready), I've decided to take care of myself more in the coming months - take some time out here and there and slow down

I've been meaning to start yoga for several years and I finally took the leap a few weeks back - turning to my dear friend Sarah Brooks-Wilson (who's been practising yoga for years) for advice. Sarah helped me pick out these fine specimens from Danish brand - Nordal (co-owner Signe Nordal runs a yoga and Ayurveda studio called Simple Days in Sondrup, Denmark and developed this wonderful collection for Nordal as a result). And we spent a few days transforming a disused corner of Per's and my bedroom into a mini yoga studio! 

I promise I won't be sharing any pictures of my Downward-facing Dog pose just yet (trust me, it's not something you'd want to see!) - but I thought you might like to see some pictures of my yoga area, just in case you're looking for inspiration!

I've always loved this corner of our bedroom. It's flooded with natural light and since it's on the top floor - very calm. In the past it's been used as everything from a home workspace to more recently, a dumping ground for all kinds of things - big and small. It feels great to finally make use of it again!

As with the rest of my home, I was keen to stick to natural materials - selecting pieces in wood, cork, rattan and cotton - as well as ensuring beautifully soft fabrics and a clutter-free look in order to be able to really switch off! 

The yoga items include a cork matcotton belt and super soft blanketcork blocks as well as a water flask (this one is GIANT and my whole family loves it, to be fair it could suffice for all of us on an outing - but so far, I've managed to hold onto it up here, let's see how long it lasts). And the large bolster is also super helpful. 

The screen is also from Nordal - I've had it a few years now (you might remember it from this post). 

To get me started, Sarah has recommended several apps including Downdog (her favourite), Asana Rebel,  and Daily Yoga. 

The relaxation / Shavasana at the end (using a YIN yoga mattress and a meditation bolster) has become one of my favourite parts of the routine, it makes me feel so wonderfully calm and also leaves me feeling centred and balanced the rest of the day. Just what I need right now!  

Sidenote: how unbelievably soft and comfortable is yoga wear? I'm SO going to be wearing this kit around the house, I might stop short at going to the shops in it for now, no matter how tempting!).

Honestly, before this, I'd only ever heard of a yoga mat! Thank you so much to Sarah and Nordal for helping me to create my studio. It's a perfect place for some respite during these crazy times. I'm looking forward to my Autumn routine already! 

Oh, and I came up over the weekend to find Liv and Allie doing yoga here, it really warmed my heart! Maybe Per will be in on the act too soon - although, that remains to be seen! 

I'd love to hear from any yoga fans out there - any tips for some great apps / online classes? I'm only just finding my feet so all thoughts welcome. 

As always, do let me know if you have any questions about any of these items / this corner of my home! 
In the meantime, if anyone's looking for me, I'lll be right here. 


*This is a paid partnership with Nordal. However, all words are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you will too. Thank you for supporting the wonderful businesses that make My Scandinavian Home possible.

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