Hanna's Cosy Finnish Country Home in the Snow At Christmas

Hello friends! how are you? Keeping warm I hope? Here in southern Sweden it's minus 7 degrees Celsius (19 Fahrenheit). As long as I'm wrapped up, I love it as it's a very dry cold and everything is white - like a true winter wonderland! A lot of Northern Europe is now blanketed in snow, so we're all hoping for a white Christmas! Do you have snow where you are too? In Finland, Hanna and her husband Tomas, and children Frans, Hilda and Eedvin are cosying up in their charming rustic cottage in rural Finland. 

You'll likely recognise their home as I featured it last year - and it's so unique and memorable! This morning I popped over to Hanna's instagram as I was intrigued to see how the family have decorated their home for Christmas - and of course, it looks as cosy as can be! Here are a few pictures showing touches of red, a rustic tree, homemade paper flowers and sofas draped in sheepskin. A perfect place to curl up and spend 'Joulo' (Christmas).

Hanna loves making paper snow angels and flowers to hang on the tree and in the window. 

Find DIY tutorials for how to make Christmas snow angels here and paper flowers and stars here

I love the rustic tree, it's so pretty, don't you think? Did you see my Scandinavian Christmas tree round-up on Friday? There are some lovely rustic ones in there too! 

How lovely! I can just imagine coming in from the snow and cosying up there with the fires roaring, how about you? 

See more of Hanna's Finnish home here

If you like to make things at Christmas and are on the look out for more DIY ideas this week, here are some my favourites: 

Have a great start to the week, stay toasty! 


Photography: Hanna / @punainen.pihlaja shared with kind permission

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21 Beautiful Scandinavian Christmas Tree ideas - From Traditional to all out Crazy!

The Christmas tree is the ultimate decoration - and one that completely transforms a home from being a little cosy to all out festive! To me, decorating the tree is a big family tradition and a day we look forward to all year. The carols are playing, the glögg is flowing, and Per is busy untangling the lights while the girls and I delve into the box of decorations! 

In  Sweden, over 69 % of the country is covered in forest, so we're spoilt for choice when it comes to sustainable trees. In fact the trees are so beautiful they don't need a lot of decorations, just a few lights or candles so the branches can shine. In case you're looking for some Scandinavian Christmas tree inspiration this year, here are some ideas. Whether you live big or small, prefer a symmetrical or more rustic look, or looking to go all out with something completely crazy - there's something for everyone here today! Let's get started. 

The traditional tree

In Sweden you generally have the choice of three Christmas trees: the Rödgran (Picea abies) AKA the red spruce, Norway spruce or European spruce which is the most common. It smells divine BUT, the needles drop - so if you bring it in too early, you'll be looking at twigs by Christmas Eve!

And then there's the Kungsgran (Abies nordmanniana / Nordmann fir) with its symmetrical shape and needles that stay fast to the tree or a Silvergran (Abies alba / silver fir) which is native to the mountains of Europe and slightly bushier with a lovely, natural silver sheen. You'll see examples of all of these in this round-up!

The dining room tree
Everyone has a standard place for their Christmas tree, but why not think a little outside the box this year and find a spot where it can be seen from as many areas as possible. For example, dining with a tree in the background will bring a really cosy, festive touch to every meal! 

Keep an eye out for pretty garlands and touches of red. And notice how Anna's tree (third picture down) is a little too tall for the room, but it only adds to the charm - after all, the beauty is in the imperfection. 

The rustic tree
Trees made from foraged branches from the forest floor - or simply a tree against a rustic setting make for a really cosy, relaxed feel! 

The propped up tree
Is it just me, or can a tree foot be a really awkward contraption? One year, our tree fell over three times, I'm not kidding- In the end we had to tie to the wall!! We've since changed the foot which has made a huge difference, but if you're concerned about yours, perhaps this decidedly cool, casual 'leaning against the wall' business could be an idea. They do need water though so you'd still need something at the foot! 

The wonky tree
I've always been intrigued by off-beat trees. Despite my best efforts to bring one in at Christmas, Per can't quite get used to the idea so we always end up with something more symmetrical. Rogue branches and funny shapes can add so much character and give the illusion that you've simply wondered out into the forest and chopped one down (maybe you have!). 

The multiple tree
I've seen a few 'grouped' tree set-ups on Instagram and Pinterest this year, is this an idea you would consider? 

The mini cat-friendly, small space tree
I love a mini tree - they're ideal for small spaces and cat friendly! Whether you go for a potted tree or a sapling in water, they're perfect for adding a festive touch. 

The upside-down tree
I'm tempted to suggest this to Per just to see his face. Either way, it's different and fun and would make a great talking point, plus it's a great way to keep the cats away!

The outdoor tree
I love a tree in the garden or on the porch, it spreads so much joy. Plus, you can keep it in a pot or in the ground so it will continue to grow each year. 

I hope you enjoyed this Christmas tree round-up as much as I did. Is there a particular tree / style that resonated with you? 

I'd love to hear more about your Christmas tree traditions (if you celebrate). Have you put your tree up yet? Ours is in the garden waiting to be brought in and decorated this weekend. 

See more Christmas decorating ideas in the Christmas archive (if this pops up first, just scroll on past to reach the other posts). 

Wishing you all a lovely, mysig (cosy) weekend! See you Monday. 


Photography credits: 1. Northern sisters collective 2. Malin Persson 3. Mari Magnussen 4. What Decorates My Day 5. Malin Persson / Petra Bindell 6. Sheerluxe / Arket 7. Anna Truelsen 8. Emily Slotte 9. Carina Olander 10. Design Hunter / Dorian Bowen 11. I was unable to find the source for this, if you know, please do let me know! 12. Natalie Myrberg 13. Walther & Co 14. Walther & Co 15. Walther & Co 16. Boxwood avenue 17. Niki Brantmark / Helen Sturesson 18. Ikea Lives Hemma 19. Visual Addict blog 20. Ludovic Maillard for Bonpoint 21. Johanna Vårt Lilla Gröna

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Viktoria's Swedish Home with Pretty DIY Festive Touches

Today, we're going on a journey up North to the cosy home of Viktoria Holmgren in Umeå. Sweden. Viktoria is a dab hand at DIY and there are so many lovely creative ideas around her home at Christmas time. Wreaths, stars, bouquets and small embellishments all feature in each room of the house, making it a warm, inviting and 'mysigt' place to be, even when it's cold outside. Let's take a look! 

At Christmas time, Swedes love to go all out, even swapping normal pendant lights for wreaths or stars like this one by Watt & Veke

A sidetable in the kitchen has been transformed into a festive bar with glasses and plates at the ready! My Mum does this too in her house in London and it creates such a lovely vibe - like there could be a party any minute! I do love a home bar, how about you? 

There's something special about vintage glasses like these. I have set from the 1930s at home. 

Viktoria has made candleholder embellishments out of metal leaves to enhance her usual candlestick holders at Christmas - such a lovely idea! 

Wreath making is on the cards year round in Viktoria's home. In December boxwood or eucalyptus are the preferred material! 

A simple bouquet of eucalyptus hangs in the study. It would be equally nice placed in the shower to allow the steam to release the aroma - a perfect way to freshen up in winter! 

I love these little mini Christmas trees - they are so simple and take up next to no space. Look at the little mice too! 

Stars and amaryllis add a wintery touch to the bedroom while the snow comes down outside. 


I'm feeling especially inspired about the metal work - and making small embellishments to add to existing items to give them a small Christmassy touch - so clever! 

Is there anything that stood out to you?

See more of Viktoria's ideas and pictures from her lovely home in Umeå here

It's dawned on my that there aren't that many posts left here on My Scandinavian Home before the holidays. Is there anything in particular you would like to see? Perhaps Scandinavian Christmas tree round-ups, gift wrapping ideas, party table settings, DIY decorations or other festive decorating inspiration? It's also dawned on me that I haven't showed the full tour of my cabin yet, so perhaps that could also be of interest? Please do let me know your thoughts and ideas below! 

Oh, and another thing, sorry for the mix up with the links in Mondays newsletter. I can only put it down to the fact that it was, well, Monday! Gaaah! If you would like to receive each post directly to your inbox, do sign up at the bottom of the page - and I promise to try to be better with the links! 

Happy Wednesday friends! 


Photography: Viktoria Holmgren

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