Viktoria's Swedish Home with Pretty DIY Festive Touches

Today, we're going on a journey up North to the cosy home of Viktoria Holmgren in Umeå. Sweden. Viktoria is a dab hand at DIY and there are so many lovely creative ideas around her home at Christmas time. Wreaths, stars, bouquets and small embellishments all feature in each room of the house, making it a warm, inviting and 'mysigt' place to be, even when it's cold outside. Let's take a look! 

At Christmas time, Swedes love to go all out, even swapping normal pendant lights for wreaths or stars like this one by Watt & Veke

A sidetable in the kitchen has been transformed into a festive bar with glasses and plates at the ready! My Mum does this too in her house in London and it creates such a lovely vibe - like there could be a party any minute! I do love a home bar, how about you? 

There's something special about vintage glasses like these. I have set from the 1930s at home. 

Viktoria has made candleholder embellishments out of metal leaves to enhance her usual candlestick holders at Christmas - such a lovely idea! 

Wreath making is on the cards year round in Viktoria's home. In December boxwood or eucalyptus are the preferred material! 

A simple bouquet of eucalyptus hangs in the study. It would be equally nice placed in the shower to allow the steam to release the aroma - a perfect way to freshen up in winter! 

I love these little mini Christmas trees - they are so simple and take up next to no space. Look at the little mice too! 

Stars and amaryllis add a wintery touch to the bedroom while the snow comes down outside. 


I'm feeling especially inspired about the metal work - and making small embellishments to add to existing items to give them a small Christmassy touch - so clever! 

Is there anything that stood out to you?

See more of Viktoria's ideas and pictures from her lovely home in Umeå here

It's dawned on my that there aren't that many posts left here on My Scandinavian Home before the holidays. Is there anything in particular you would like to see? Perhaps Scandinavian Christmas tree round-ups, gift wrapping ideas, party table settings, DIY decorations or other festive decorating inspiration? It's also dawned on me that I haven't showed the full tour of my cabin yet, so perhaps that could also be of interest? Please do let me know your thoughts and ideas below! 

Oh, and another thing, sorry for the mix up with the links in Mondays newsletter. I can only put it down to the fact that it was, well, Monday! Gaaah! If you would like to receive each post directly to your inbox, do sign up at the bottom of the page - and I promise to try to be better with the links! 

Happy Wednesday friends! 


Photography: Viktoria Holmgren


  1. I would love to see a Scandinavian Christmas tree lineup. I haven't decorated much in the last few years, but I would really like some inspiration.

    1. Thank you for this suggestion, I created one on Friday for you, did you see it? - I do love a Christmas tree line-up! /Niki

  2. Inspired to try making leafed candleholders of my own. Thank you for the idea, Viktoria!

    1. They are so pretty! Definitely worth a go. I hope too enjoy making them :) /Niki

  3. “ Perhaps Scandinavian Christmas tree round-ups, gift wrapping ideas, party table settings, DIY decorations or other festive decorating inspiration? It's also dawned on me that I haven't showed the full tour of my cabin yet, so perhaps that could also be of interest? “

    ohhh yesss please and thank you!! :o)

    1. Thank you, happy you like these ideas, I'll see what I can do. I've already shared the tree round-up (on Friday), I hope you enjoyed it! Niki

  4. I'd love to see inspiration and suggestions about hanging pendant lights above dining room tables. I look intently at photos you share; how high are the pendant lights above the table? What size lights work for different style tables (round, oblong)? Thanks!

    1. Very good suggestion! It might have to wait until January as I don't have many posts left to go this year, but practical posts like this with some inspiration would be a great way to go. First on my list will be pendant lights for you! / Niki

  5. Gift wrapping ideas please

    1. Absolutely! Keep a look out either later this week or early next! / Niki

  6. I’d love to see a tour of your cabin. Thankyou for the inspiring blogs.

    1. Thank you! :) I'll get working on it and will hopefully share a tour either this week or next! / Niki


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