A Dreamy Swedish Cottage in the West Coast Archipelagos

On May 8th I'll have lived in Sweden for twenty years. TWENTY YEARS! I often think back to the summer I met Per - which signalled the start of my Scandinavian adventure. It was a warm and sunny July and I flew over to visit a Swedish friend. We took a road trip up to the stunning West coast archipelago where we spent a week hopping between islands, picnicking on warm granite cliffs and cooling off in the waters of the Kattegat sea. 

I fell in love with Sweden (and so it seems, a Swede!) that summer, with a special place in my heart reserved for the magical islands of the west coast. Even today Per, the girls and I love to sail there and explore the cosy fishing villages and beautiful nature. One of our favourite spots is the car-free island of Gullholmen. It's located just off the island of Orust and instantly recognisable from the tight cluster of cottages and dreamy boathouses. 

Life is slow on the island, and days are spent lolling on decks, watching boats sail past, enjoying a coffee in a little cafe or walking on the quieter stretches of the island to take in the scenery. Needless to say, it's a dream. 

So, when I spotted this charming cottage on ESNY, I couldn't resist sharing it with you to give you a glimpse behind the facade and dream of summer's on this magical little island! 

As with most Swedish summer cottages, the decor is simple and pared-back, with a nod to the coastal location. A glimpse of the channel and surrounding village can be seen from the windows, ensuring the island vibe is never far from sight! 

We're seeing so many window nooks right now, don't you think? They make such a lovely addition to a kitchen - offering a relaxed spot to grab a coffee and chat to whoever is cooking / brewing the coffee! 

Traditional rag rugs (as seen in the hallway) are the floor covering of choice in a summer cottage - I love that they come in all kinds of colours! 

A sea view and a kakelugn? I can just see envision how cosy this would feel come winter, with the wind whipping at the windows! 

Could you imagine sitting here, enjoying supper while the sunsets over the water? Pass me the rosé! 

The cottage even comes with a boathouse and private jetty. That's me sold! 

How idyllic! Could you imagine spending your summers here? 

Did I mention that the address is 'Krabban' ('the crab')? Love that! 

Sadly, this cottage is a little out of reach budget-wise for Per and I - but maybe if we all chip in together with some form of crowdfunding we could divide it between us, right? Always good to dream! 

See the complete viewing here

Would you like to see a few more cottages from the West coast of Sweden this weekend? Check out: 

And if you're thinking of visiting the area (it's a bucketlist place for sure!), here's my guide to 10 beautiful islands to visit.

Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend friends! See you Monday! 



  1. Oh my goodness, I am in love with this sweet cottage. I would place it on the top of my list of favorites!

  2. Lovely, lovely. Guess there are sleeping quarters too! Thank you:-)

  3. Love, love, love this cottage- and the boat house looks like a fantastic rustic party space!!!

  4. I'm in! :) It would be so much fun to stay here. I love the interior, and the view of all of those red roofs is dreamy.

  5. thank you for all your blog posts
    always a joy- i look forward to
    your ideas and curation of photos effects and speals to my home decor and is in and of itself
    i just read your book - thoroughly enjoyable
    have read your blog for many years
    your book was on the "new books" shelf in the library here in texas

    have a great season ahead

  6. .. and always these stunning kakelugn .. beautiful

  7. My partner was a Swede, unfortunately he passed away a few years ago, so I'm alone. It is heartwarming to read your story... but to see these wonderful images of my youth is painful at the same time. They are of a fairy tale... thank you Nikki, I love your vlog. Maia


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