Lovisa's Cosy Swedish Country Home At Christmas

Tjena! I hope you had a cosy weekend! Sadly, here in the South of Sweden the slow has slowly melted away - but further North they're looking all set for a magical white Christmas! 

Evelina Lovisa Lind's traditional red Swedish country home looks so pretty against the white of the snow, and inside it's full of festive touches and as cosy as can be! Think vintage star lanterns, wreaths and plenty of candlelight. One furry member of the family seems to be particularly enjoy the spirit. Scroll on to see more pictures of Lovisa's festive home. 

Outside, the cold hasn't stopped Evelina Lovisa from using her greenhouse, quite the opposite! It's been transformed into a pretty dining space! Just added a heater and you can feel all toasty under cover, with the feeling of being outside! 

What a beautiful home! 

Could you imagine cosying up here this winter? I certainly could! 

See more of Lovisa's home over at @lovisalind. I once featured her previous home (also lovely!). 

There are also lots of more cosy festives homes to be found in the Christmas archive

Have a great start to the week!


Photography courtesy of @lovisalind, shared with kind permission.


  1. My goodness that greenhouse is just dreamy. I want to open a bottle of wine and have a cosy dinner in there...

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  2. I'm moving in! This is perfection. I love the flower/star on the window--I love so many things about this home, but that stands out.

  3. What a beautiful home and a co-ordinated pooch! The conservatory is so romantic I can imagine it by candlelight.

  4. Sooooo beautiful ❤️

  5. I love her use of wallpaper and the painted kitchen floor looks perfect for the space. The pup does seem joyous! And I’m with the commenter on the dreamy greenhouse being ideal for dinner with a bottle of wine!

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