10 Scandinavian Summer Cottages with a Little Extra Alfresco

The Scandinavian summer is all about making the most of the great outdoors, especially after the long, dark winter! Summer cottages are therefore designed to capitalise on the outdoor space. Alfresco living room areas, kitchens and bathrooms are a popular choice, while others might have anything from an outdoor pool to a more simple bathtub! For chillier days there's a sauna, and for everyday there's the lake, fjord or sea for morning, afternoon and evening dips! I hope you'll feel inspired by these ten wonderful Scandinavian summer homes. 

So many wonderful ideas here. Could you imagine incorporating some of these into your home / outdoor space? 

To be honest, the weather has been decidedly bad this summer so I think I'd opt for a sauna right now! Anna's floating one is really fabulous, don't you think?

With the holidays in full swing, I'm taking a couple of weeks off to be with my family. I hope you have a relaxing fortnight and the sun shines for you! 

See you on Wednesday 9th August! 



  1. Have a wonderful summer break❤️

  2. ¡ Felices vacaciones ! Echaré de menos tu blog estos días

  3. Beautiful all that lush greenery I live in beautiful Nice but this is so peaceful I can’t help imagining myself there.


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