A White Summer Cottage in Finland that Oozes the Simple Life

This morning I'm prepping for my panel discussion about 'maximalism' at Formland design fair in Denmark tomorrow. So, I thought - why not go all out with a minimalist tour on the blog today (I can't help it, it's the rebellious streak in me!). Tarja, her husband and two boys spend their summers at this lovely summer cottage in Finland - and everything about it oozes the simple life. The wood panel walls, ceilings, beams and floor are a sea of white while furniture has been kept to a fairly spartan selection of vintage pieces - all of which emit warmth and nostalgia, giving it the space a cosy touch. 

I can just imagine the family leaving the hectic city behind and heading here to switch off for the weekend / holidays. No distractions, no schedule to keep, no mess - just an easy life flitting between the calm interior and the great outdoors! 

See more of Tarja's city house and country home over at @villavalkea

What type of vibe did you get from this cottage? I'm curious to hear! 

It's been while since I featured a Finnish home, why not stay a while and take a look at a few more: 

Stor kram! 


PS I'll share a post on the 2022 trend: 'Newstalgia' or new maximalism soon! It's an exciting development I the world of interiors, with something for everyone. 

Photography: @villavalkea


  1. Love the old map of Finland next to the large green cabinet. Fits well with the nostalgic pieces.

    1. Thank you for pointing that out! I am such a big fan of old maps, and they're particularly perfect in a cottage like this :) / Niki

  2. I'm curious - I rarely see microwave ovens. Is this because they are not used or are they hidden?

    1. Thank you for raising this. People definitely use them, they're very popular here. In Swedish kitchens they're often immediately above the oven - especially in modern kitchens. I guess occasionally they are also hidden / Niki

  3. Looks like a place where happy memories are made. So peaceful.

  4. Happy you enjoyed this tour too! / Niki


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