A Beautiful, Relaxed Family Home With Sky High Beams!

One of my favourite houses lately - that of Jessica Reed Kraus. Located in San Clemente, California, Jessica and her husband renovated it a few years back and have transformed it into a wonderful family home. I love the exposed beams, wood panelling, relaxed vintage touches, built-in bunkbed and all the wonderful natural light. Also, the space is proof that sometimes it doesn't need to be more complicated than white with wood. The rich variations, texture and patina in the timber add so much! Oh, and the beams and nooks are a perfect opportunity to add a playful touch for their four children (check out the swing!). Enjoy the tour! 

Every time I look through the pictures, I spot a new detail to love! So inspiring!

I hope you've enjoyed this tour and got some nice ideas for your home too! Is there anything that caught your eye in particular? 

See more of Jessica's home on her very cool instagram feed @houseinhabit

Fancy taking a peek inside a few other homes today? How about these fine specimens (with a 'beam theme')?

Oh, and Per and I are going to view a house her win Malmö this weekend. It looks like a total renovation job but has a lot of potential - do we take on the challenge or will it totally stress us out? I'd love to hear from anyone who has carried out a renovation or is in the midst of one! We'd need to know what we were getting ourselves in for if we go for it! 


Photography: @houseinhabit


  1. Renovations are a bit stressful but the result is well worth it. We have done our home ourselves and whilst at some points it's been exhausting, there is something so nice about creating a home that is all us and our hard work. Good luck!

    1. I love your balanced comment. It's a tricky one, not least because I can be so indecisive, but as you say, the pay off is achieving exactly the house you would like - and the pride in it! :) Thank you for your help!

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful post.

  3. such a beautiful home!

  4. Ooh!! Amazing!! Loved the photos in this post.

  5. We gut-renovated a property 10 years ago... and I won't lie, it was absolutely knackering. It took eight months with the man working alongside the trades (besides holding down a full-time job) to keep costs manageable. But it was so, so worth it. We have a home that has so much love and care put into it, is entirely unique and to our specifications. I never forget how lucky I am to live in a home I love. Tl;dr: don't underestimate the costs and if at least one of you is handy with power tools, doesn't need too much sleep and would relish the challenge – go for it!

    1. First of all, congratulations on completing such a huge project! Per is really handy with power tools and DIY but doesn't really relish the challenge, I on the other hand, relish the challenge but still learning how to be handy!! I wonder if this would make or break us as a team? We loved our cottage kitchen project - but I'll never forget what a huge project it was for such a tiny space!

  6. Your work is so graceful and beautiful.


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