In my mind, there are several key ingredients that help make a house a home. This list includes people (yes, I can see how this one might be an obvious one *laughs out loud*!!). But lately, it's become really popular for brands to recreate 'apartments' - and no matter how amazing the interior designer / stylist, they can never truly give a place its soul! Other key factors include art, plants and books. And throw in a delightful pet (or should I say 'companion?' - anyone else following the UK news lately?!) and a home instantly becomes warm and inviting (awww, I miss having a cat!). Twenty-six year-old interior architect student Aya's 80 m2 (862 f2) in Krefeld, Germany includes all of these factors and more (the handsome hound is actually Till's parents' dogs - but he's often over to visit). But above all else, it's Aya's passion for collecting rare plants that really brings their home to life. Enjoy the tour!
This striking black kitchen is from IKEA.
"I would describe my style as a mix between Scandinavian minimalism and boho - inspired by our vacations abroad."
A plant in the kitchen sink is a daily sight in Aya's home - and I have to say - it sure beats dirty dishes (thinking of my own right now...).
"My parents use a greenhouse full of plants for their dining area. When I moved out and moved to a new city, I missed taking care of things and needed a hobby - so I started collecting rare plants."
I love how Aya has created different ways to display her plants using plant boxes, plinths and unusual pots!
"I really like plant boxes - they are great for hiding plastic pots and stuff. It's also a good way to combine plants with different shapes and colours."
I love the idea of an indoor mini greenhouse and wanted one ever since I saw one in the kitchen of this beautiful, creative Stockholm home. Isn't this one lovely in Aya's home?
Design House Stockholm sells a great mini greenhouse.
What do you think?
Does Aya's home make you want to bring more plants indoors? I love greenery but I have to say, I'm, hopeless at looking after plants. These days I stick to plants that require as little maintenance at all - like plants that root in water and terrariums - genius! How are you with keeping plants alive?
If you're looking for a little more green-fingered inspiration over the weekend, here's a little more:
Also, don't miss the fabulous home of the Arctic gardener, the charming swedish home of a plant and flea market enthusiast, Igor's happy plant-filled place and an incredible loft full of plants! Talk about plant heaven!
Have a fabulous weekend friends!
PS If my writing is a little off today it's because I've been at design fairs all week and was up at 4.15am this morning to travel to Frankfurt for Ambiente. Very excited to be here but have to admit, I'm on my third coffee and counting.... if you're curious to see more, I'll be sharing my finds over on instagram stories today and tomorrow.
Photography: Aya / @living_lush_life - shared with kind permission.
I love the little greenhouse. Cheers, Amanda