
A Wonderful, Relaxed Family Home In the Heart Of the Beaujolais Wine Country

Sometimes I'm going about my business in Malmö as happy as Larry and then a home tour pops up that knocks me for six and has me dreaming about a total life change! This is one of those days! And once you see the pictures, I have a feeling you might just feel the same. Lysiane Marcel lives in a beautiful 18th century house in the wine-producing region of Beaujolais, France, with her husband Laurent, three children Léonce, Bertil and Colette and their cats and dog. Their home is an inspiring blend of vintage, antique and high street finds (I even spy some IKEA pieces!), giving the space a truly relaxed and personal touch. I briefly caught up with Lysiane, who runs a concept store in Villefranche, to find out a little more about her 'golden' house in the heart of the Pierres Dorées. 

Your house looks magnificent! How old is it and when did you move in?
It is an old vineyard house built in 1752 from pierres dorées, which is the golden stone of our region. We moved in when I was pregnant with Colette three years ago. 

What inspires your interior style?
I follow my heart and allow the house to guide me. 

I can imagine feeling very inspired by a house like this! Was it love at first sight? 
Yes, but we were afraid about all of the space because the house is very large, and we were living in an apartment in Lyon at the time!

Do you plan to decorate the entire house, or will you leave some of the rooms empty?
We plan to create a lot of guest bedrooms for our friends. They are empty during the week, but we often have friends to stay at the weekend. 

What do you love most about your house?
I love the space, the light, the floor and all the little details that come with an old house. 

And finally, do you have any tips for anyone who dreams of owning a similar property? 
It takes a lot of time to find a house like this. We visited 30 properties before we found it! it's all about following your heart, a home must make you feel good. 

What do you reckon, are you ready to enjoy croissants and a café au lit by the pool?! Or perhaps a glass of Beaujolais would be more apt?! 

Check out more of Lysiane's beautiful home over at @une_idee_entete. Lysiane also sells her family's lovely clothes second hand on instagram here

I've shown a few other wonderful French country homes (which I still dream about), including:

Is anyone else feeling truly inspired now for a Monday?!

Have a great start to the week! 


Photography courtesy of @une_idee_entete, shared with kind permission


  1. Such a wonderful home!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Inspiring. But I still need to see something more magical than Zoe de las Cases...

    1. That was indeed a lovely house, they are both beautiful in the own way, I Definitely wouldn’t say no to either!

  3. It's lovely.
    I immediately zoomed in on the plumey grass (in the vase and in the wreath). I am always split when it comes to these and other dry plants - according to feng shui, it's a total no-no (not that I adhere to its principles but for some reason, I always remember that).
    I do have my own dry hydrangeas in a vase though - they beautiful even when dead.

    Loving all the various light fixtures although I would not hang the Sinnerlig in the cooking area (it will be impossible to keep clean). Mine hangs above the dining room table and I think it's better suited there. One of my fave Ikea pieces.

    1. So interesting! I have a lot of dried flowers around my house right now and have to say I love them (mainly because there’s not as much faff around going to the flower shop every 5 minutes) but I do love fresh flowers too, especially in summer time!
      I’d have never thought about that with the lamp and keeping it clean, makes total sense now you mention it (mental note to myself as I’m trying to find a lamp for my kitchen).

  4. I love your description, it’s spot on! There really is SO much to love about this home, and you can feel the warmth from the pictures!


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