6 Clever Tricks To Learn From A Small, Swedish Box Bedroom

Many of us have a small box room in our home. Maybe it's the master bedroom, maybe it's a guest room - or maybe you're a student living in halls (been there!). Whatever the case, it can be soooo tricky to get the balance right, don't you think? A few months ago I shared a feature on 16 ways to transform a tiny room into a dreamy, yet practical bedroom - and the response was overwhelming. So, today I thought I 'd share a tour of another mini yet mighty bedroom! Despite the small size, the bedroom is clutter-free and feels the essence of calm thanks to 6 clever styling tricks. I hope it inspires you to transform the tiniest room in your home! 

1. If you use too many colours in a small space it will quickly start to feel cramped. Yet, subtle, earthy nuances help to add interest while maintaining an element of calm. Try Magic Linen* for similar linen bedding. 

 2. A low round table plays with the height of the room and takes up less visual space - providing a spot for bedtime reads, morning coffee and even fresh blooms!

3. Combine different textures in similar tones to add a cosy feel to the room while keeping the look clutter-free.

4. Make the most of every inch with a wall-to-wall wardrobe. A cleverly placed mirror also helps to light up a dark room and create the illusion of space.  This one is available at IKEA. 

5. An additional bedside table at the foot of the bed provides an extra spot for smaller items. 

6. A row of hooks is perfect for adhoc (or your prettiest) items - but also helps the room to feel cosy. FYI I spotted hooks like these in H&M Home the other day! 

I might just steal some of these tricks for my elder daughters room!

Did you get any ideas for your home too?

Get a load more beautiful ideas in the bedroom archive.

I don't know about you, but this post has made me feel all sleepy and ready for a lie-in - bit tricky when I'm in Transylvania - yes really - so crazy! And I might add, such a beautiful place! More in IG stories right now!

Sov gott! 


Photography: Anders Bergstedt / Styling Nouvel Interior for Entrance


  1. I love the flowy floor to ceiling curtains and the low side table! Very pretty and soothing!

    1. I don't think I mentioned the curtains - thanks for pointing them out, they're so pretty. I love how they catch the light.

  2. I have subscribed to many decorating blogs over the years. As my sense of style has evolved, I have come to deeply appreciate the Scandinavian style. I now only follow a couple of blogs and I look forward to your posts every day. The homes you feature soothe my soul. I now live in a small one bedroom apartment, and cannot change the paint or wood finishes, but I have found that simplifying my decor, and using a lot of cream and white with soft blues has become very satisfying. Thank you for always sharing such wonderful homes with us.

    1. Thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment, it means so much to me. I'm happy that my blog is one of the places that you come to for inspiration each day :) your home sounds lovely!

  3. I love the rug! Could you tell where is it from?

    1. The rug is beautiful! I asked the stylist and she thinks it's from 'Tell Me More'. I also found a similar one on Etsy for my daughter's bedroom (search 'before + after: Allie's bedroom make-over' and you'll find a link. I hope this helps!

  4. This is one of the best how-to's I've ever seen. The round tables are genius, instead of square ones shoved up against the wall. Detailed explanations about the position of the hooks and the colour/texture combinations are so helpful! I've gotten so much inspiration for this. thank you!

    1. So happy to hear you found this inspiring :)

  5. I also love the curtains - especially the way they go right across, giving the impression of a much bigger window. We have the same hooks in our spare bedroom (useful for hanging clothes that have been worn but are not quite ready for the laundry basket :) )


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