The Fabulous Stockholm Home of Lovisa Häger

Hello there! Kind of tricky business this hump day, don't you think? It's when you realise there's only a few days left until the weekend and yet you've got about a week's worth of stuff to do - bah! In my lagom book I wrote that no matter how busy you are - breaks are essential and will actually make you more efficient - and who am I to ignore this?! So, let's down our tools, put our feet up and take some guilt-free minutes to admire Lovisa Häger's beautiful Stockholm apartment! Lovisa is a Swedish interior designer, blogger, artist and economist! The contrast between creation and structure in Lovisa's daily life is reflected in her interior and art where she looks to combine classic design furniture with unexpected details to create an artistic and personal home.

//affiliated links marked with *//

Lovisa's home is made of off neutrals and a dark grey accent. I LOVE the way Lovisa has used the accent shade to create a dramatic, yet cocoon like feel in the bedroom and cleverly carried it through to the main living area in the form of skirting boards and window frames for a truly striking effect! 

Intrusion print, mantis wall lamp*, the Härmanö bed in Zaragoza Eggshell and washed white linen bedding* are similar. 

 "The (interior) style that I'm going for is classical and Scandinavian with an edge! I love soft colours and tone-in-tone, and I try to compliment it with natural materials and a few favorite designer pieces. I love things that you spontaneously want to look twice at, perhaps to understand the construction or origin, and that's one of the main reasons why my focus over the years has become DIY. When people enter our home they always have to go on an 'exploration' to see my latest projects, as our home is in constant change they are always very curious to see what has happened since last time they visited!"

Floatation print, Lovisa made the table herself, Wishbone chairs*

Serge Mouille wall lamp, Atollo table lamp, Abstraction print

Lovisa made the coffee table herself, source a similar beige waffle throw here.

Lovisa has recently joint forces with Wall of Art to convert her beautiful artwork into large scale, limited edition prints.

"The idea behind my art was really to create something that would compliment the interior in my own home, where the focal point is colour and structure - a feeling - rather than a motif. I have been craving large paintings for a while now, I want artwork that isn't afraid to be noticed but that still isn't overpowering, so I've been working a lot with trying to find that balance through size and soft tones. When working with interior design, I'd say that artwork is the best way to transform a space and add new dimensions, and that's why I was so excited to take on this project!"

I was so busy admiring Lovisa's artwork that it took me several moments to notice the cane radiator covering  - I mean, how beautiful is that?! Trying to think where I can incoporate the same idea into my own home. Hmmm

Flos Snoopy table lamp*

 Source a similar vintage credenza here*, Perception print

In the last picture you can also see a close-up of the beautiful parquet floor which looks like it's been sanded down and white washed, it looks especially great next to the dark grey skirting boards.


I must say I've got a serious case of home envy over this one - anyone else feeling the same? So much so, that I might just have to hop over to Lovisa's 'An Interior Affair' instagram and blog (I need to find out more about the DIY tables!) - see you there?!

And for more Stockholm apartments like this I'd recommend these tours: Karolina Modig's creative home, a striking Swedish home with a wall of books and the beautiful Stockholm home of Amelia Widell.

Happy hump day!

(is it just me or is this term a little awkward among Brits?!).


Photography: Jesper Florbrant / Lovisa Häger 

FYI - some if these pictures have been taken from Lovisa's instagram which have been taken over time. This is why you might see the same item appear more than once (The Kinfolk Home*, I'm looking at you!). 


  1. Really liking the look of those tall skirting boards! I think the contrast between them and the walls really makes them stand out too.

  2. I really love the sofa : where is it from ? and my english is improving thanks to you Niki!


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  4. I love the design .....

    Thanks for sharing

  5. It looks really great, I love Scandinavian interiors, it suits me perfectly, I plan just such a renovation finish, which is coming soon, so I'm inspired by the ideas from the Internet: D I hope I find something interesting, for example on this blog :) I'm stuck in each other. I am waiting for more interesting inspirations, I greet you warmly!


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