
Our home at Christmas

Do you have any Christmas tree traditions in your home? My family and I absolutely love heading out to a tree farm (not dissimilar to this beautiful one I mentioned a few weeks ago) to collect ours. When we get home the entire space is filled with the wonderful scent of fresh pine and we set about decorating it with a steaming glögg in hand. This year our decorations are from Nordal, a Danish online shop working with talented designers to create beautiful, unique pieces.  I went for a pared-back look (you know me!), including simple wrapping paper decorated with ribbon and foliage, adding a sprinkling of brass to the tree with a fab drinks trolley to match! (all that glitters...... ). This year we were keen to go 'off grid', and revert back to an era when trees were lit up from the lovely warm glow of real candles. Using real candles* immediately paves the way for a 'slower' more simple Christmas.  Since they can only be lit for short periods at a time and you need to be extremely vigilant,  it forces you to stop and admire the beauty of the tree and take in the magic of the moment. Here's a peek at our home all decorated for Christmas (with the help of one little elf in particular!), I hope you like it! 

Credits: Photography (me) Niki Brantmark / My Scandinavian Home. Styling Genevieve Jorn (pictures 5, and 7 styled by me).

Oh I do love this time of year, the house feels all cosy now! 

Here's a guide to all the pieces I've used:

1. Diamond xmas tree candle holder 2. xmas tree candle white 3. Paper waste ornament large 4. Metal star golden 5. Two-in-one ball hanger 6. Metal star black 7. 8. Circle candle holder 9. Ring bottle 10. Flower vase  11. Ring vase 12. Fluffy sheep 13. Advent candle holder 14. Scissors 15. Basket 16. brass trolley 17. Box with ribbon 18. Small cement tea light holder 19. Medium cement tea light holder.

If you'd like to know about any other items please do give me a shout in the comments section below!

*Real candles are beautiful and have been used by our ancestors for hundreds of years. However it's important to remain extremely vigilant! Always space candles properly, keeping a safe distance from other decorations, overhanging tree branches and other flammable items. Ensure the candles are straight, and not in the way of any drafts and never leave lit candles unattended. It's also advisable to keep a bucket of sand or water or better still a fire extinguisher close by - just in case!

Have a wonderful day!

PS Did you spot my little helper?

This post was brought to you in collaboration with Nordal. All words are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you will too.


  1. I really like the tree decorations, they are really cosy and not to much. I was looking at the glass table is called brass trolley. I could not see a price for it on the website. I have seen something similar in U.S.A. but since I live in Denmark to received something from there would cost me tons in taxes.
    Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi Michaela, I love the my trolley! You're in luck since this brass trolley is from Denmark! Please send Nordal an email directly and they'll be able to help you.

  2. Gorgeous Christmas tree! I can't wait to decorate mine! Sophie x

  3. Beautiful, atmospheric interior, great extras and a beautiful Christmas tree.

  4. I love the feisty pose of your little helper.

    I would love to have my tree in a basket or a metal tub but unless I cut my own I will have to place the tree into a stand that holds water. Here, the trees are cut at the beginning of November and in stores on November 18th! That's way too early.

    1. Wow that's so early! 😳 Since I was picking up mine quite early this year I went for one with roots in a pot which means it's much easier to stand in a basket and I can water it. Having said that we always forget to water the pour thing so it's already looking a little droopy!

  5. Where's your little helpers dress from please??

    1. It's so sweet isn't it? It's by 'How to kiss a frog'.

  6. Where's your little helpers dress from please??

  7. I love the candles and yes you are right, they are the perfect encouragement to really enjoy the tree and the season. Amanda

    1. It's so lovely to have real candles, it makes the tree feel extra magical and more natural in some way. Can definitely recommend it!

  8. Lovely! Happy advent!

  9. I really admire your blog! Beautiful!


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