
A de-cluttered monochrome Swedish home

If I do one thing this year with my home it's de-clutter. My sister and her family have just stayed and I was so embarrassed every time someone opened a cupboard - something would always come flying out! So my mission is to do a big clear out, but when?! Does anyone else have this problem? Do you feel organised at home? This Swedish apartment can serve as my de-clutter inspiration, it's just so clean, practical and neat.

JM via Feel Inspired

Apart from the neat factor, my favourite thing about this black and white Swedish home are the lamps. The wall lights are such a practical way of getting light to a space where you need to move the light around such as in my sitting room. As you know the Flos 265 has been a favourite of mine since forever. Will this be the year I finally get one?!

Got to love the Eames RAR too - I think this and the DAW look best in black (you can always get 15% off these with code MYSCAN :).

After some more monochrome inspiration? What about this Stockholm home with a mid-century touch and this Malmö home - so fab in their own black and white way.

I received an e-mail yesterday from the clothes designer behind the dress I showed in my 'all that glitters' new year's eve piece. Jeffrey Monteiro designed the fab piece in 2011 for Bill Blass. I would love a party dress like that, wouldn't you? So exciting to hear from the talented designer himself.

Have a lovely weekend and see you Monday!


  1. Sounds like my cupboards, I always beg people not to open them as they cannot be closed again. try to declutter but find it really hard. x

  2. I too need to declutter, we have so much stuff if doesn't even fit in the cupboards!

  3. Other than my craft room, I feel like we did pretty good organization when we moved into our new place last summer, it helps we have double the space!

  4. Happy New Year, dear Niki! x

  5. Oh! to live so clean and uncluttered! It would be lovely, but, I don't think it will happen for me!! I'm pretty neat, but, I can't help accumulating 'stuff.' I will have to work on this for this year! Happy weekend! ;-)

  6. I feel like I am de-cluttering all the time, but not fast (or deep) enough. Way too much stuff around here! And gorgeous home. I love your posts each day.

  7. Decluttering is exactly what I am aiming for - but hard to achieve on a daily basis. I try to keep visible spaces clean and without too much stuff, and I succeed with it...but, the cupboards and hidden spaces...not a beautiful sight ;). There just isn't time for organizing those...but I guess that is the case for most of us. So I just ignore the hidden stuff and concentrate on other things

  8. Yeah that is my dream too! I started that project a few monts ago, with my mum who have no mercy for all the stuff my boys and I can accumulate in short time. We did a warderobes and two rooms in the house but then I was so bussy with all the projects, so we decidet to go on after the holidays. I think we must start all over again.

  9. Hi! What a nice and inspiring blog you have! I'll definitely check it out often. //maria

  10. love those wall clips. where to get them?

  11. decluttering is top of my list this year! I would love to live in a home like this, it must be so calming having nothing jammed in cupboards, piled on the floor...hopefully one day......I love your blog!!

  12. Love this. Especially the lighting. Have a great week. AMy x

  13. Love this decor <3

    Kisses from Brasil

  14. We are definitely decluttering this year. Far, far too much stuff. I'm trying to make a point of finding ten things to discard everyday. I keep a box by the back door and every time it's full, I'm going to donate it to a local thrift store.

    I love the clean simplicity of this house, but the black and white would drive me a little crazy. I need serene, natural colors to feel at home.

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