A Swedish country-style Christmas

Here in Sweden people general start decorating over the first weekend of advent so I thought we're in need of a little inspiration, what do you reckon? This beautiful Swedish country home of stylist and photographer Marie Delice Karlsson and her family is beautifully decorated using a green and white theme. I love the simplicity of the decorations which include bare-branched Christmas trees (which I'm sure smell divine) - who said you should only have one tree and that it should be in the corner of the sitting room? And I love the demi-john as a candleholder on the table. 

Styling and photography: Marie Delice Karlsson with kind permission. Lantliv

Anything you love about this home in particular?

It's got me thinking about Christmas trees. Here's a picture of our Christmas tree from last year which we cut down from a nearby forest (our annual family tradition!)...and here's a little inspiration on Scandinavian style Christmas trees....or for a more modern Christmas tree. What does your tree look like?

Oh and if you're shopping for advent calendar's this weekend I'm loving this pretty white linen advent calendar from The Linen Works (and their linen tablecloth is perfect for Christmas too!).

Or perhaps you'd like to create your own advert calendar?

Have a lovely weekend!

PS You can see more lovely images and read about this home over at Lantliv.


  1. I love this house because my own house is in the countryside and I'm always looking for inspiration ! I'm definitely keeping my decorations very simple - holly and greenery from my garden. My christmas tree will be decorated by my sons and include lots of items they have made over the years. It will not be a 'designer' tree but will reflect what the season is all about. I can almost smell the house in these pictures, pine trees and fruit. Wonderful.

    1. Your Christmas decorating style sounds perfect. Christmas scents and a tree decorated by the entire family are exactly my sentiments too.

  2. such a beautiful home! I love the little touches of christmas everywhere, but they aren't overwhelming. so pretty!

  3. All that beautiful wood panelling is just a dream! And this might be a weird detail, but i love that the kitchen cabinets are real, heavy wood. They look so original and beautiful. xo

  4. This home is so beautiful, I love every picture and can't decide what's the best.

  5. I love this atmosphere! I would like to spend my christmas eve in this house :)
    Thank you for these pictures !

  6. I love all in this house, all is absolutely magical :)

  7. YAY! Ideas for Christmas decorating.

  8. I love this house, especially those grey stairs in the first photo. Swoon!

  9. I love some of the ideas presented here. Changing the sheets for the holidays is one of my goals.It is always a matter of finding the right ones in the right size. Happy holiday hunting.

  10. So simple and beautiful. If only I could reduce a bit! But I think in our old stone house in piedmont it will be finally possible. Nothing yet in there �� nice weekend, hug barbara

  11. Beautiful house !!!! Have a great saturday!

  12. Åh nu saknar jag verkligen en svensk vinter med pulkakning och apelsinätande i snön.

  13. i love everything about this. so beautiful.

  14. I love your tree from last year! Green and white is right up my alley since I don´t do red that much...This year I´m adding sparkles in gold too it. Had silver last year...
    xo Caroline


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