Perfect home displays, the Danish way

These wonderful images of Jo's (of Danish jewellery brand Line and Jo)'s home shot by Line Klein are a lesson in how to display all of those personal items which are way to fabulous to stow away in the bottom of a wardrobe somewhere  (and lets face it, provides another excuse to buy more if we needed one?!).

Line Klein and Yvonne Kone via Emmas Designblogg

What items do you love to display around your home?
PS You can check out more of Line Klein's interior photography and Yvonne Koné's home photographed by Line on My Scandinavian Home here.

Have a lovely Thursday evening!.... it's nearly the weekend...woohoo!

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50 shades of grey in Copenhagen

It's Friday people! WOOHOO! And to top off a Danish week, here's a very cool Copenhagen penthouse. You may've seen it before on Bungalow 5. There are so many things I love about this home - the colour palette (black, white, all shades of grey and a dot of cognac), the original features such as the fireplace and french doors and the stairs lined with fabulous pairs of shoes. If I tried to do that here my 18 month year old would have a field time trying them all on and it would be a bit of a hazard! Still, you always want what you can't have right?!

Pia Møller's apartment, photos credit: Femina/Tina Stephansen Studio 55
What's your favourite thing about this lovely Danish apartment?

Have a wonderful weekend all, and see you Monday!

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10 fab ways to decorate your home with clothes

It's no secret that us girls love a walk-in-wardrobe. But sadly for men, clothes are creeping into the bedroom and acting as the latest wall space accessory too. From necklaces and dresses to shoes and bags, it's the walking-wardrobe. And I love it. 

New York stylist Mary Alice Stephenson's jewellery chest designed by Closet Factory via The Coveteur    
IKEA Livet Hemma

Via Wit and Delight

Via Xunya

Via Brunch at Saks

Via Atelier Rue Verte

Via Cherry Blossom

Via interior photos

House to Home

Adler & Co by A Merry Mishap

I love so many of these ideas. The layers of IKEA mirrors. Using cornicing as shoe holders - perfect. The motorbike sure beats a chair to throw all discarded clothes over or? How far would you go? Sometimes less is more perhaps, it just depends on how fab your wardrobe is!

PS I've hoarded all these pics in Pinterest have done my best to credit but unfortunately not all roads to lead to Rome so if you can give any tips on original publishing house / photographer / stylist I'd be sooo happy. Tack tack!

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