
A Colourful Retro 'Funkis' Home in Norway

Green and pink accents are popping up everywhere this year - which makes me so happy, since it's one of my favourite combinations - are you a fan too?  We've seen everything from the darkest green and emerald to sage green and soft grey-green combined with subtle powder and dusty rose hues. But the 'deco pink' and pea green scheme in this house in Søgne, South Norway brings something new to the scene.

Bambi and Heels print by Julie Pike. 

The house was built in 2011-2012 and designed with large windows to capitalise on the stunning views over the Langeneskilen sea. Camilla, Henning and their son Storm moved in on Christmas Eve, 2012. "It really is wonderful to live so close to the sea," Camilla tells me, "sometimes, when we're having supper we can see fish jumping! Our son Storm is also very fond of the sea and loves to catch crabs and fish."

Camilla is a big fan of retro furniture (teak being a favourite!), contemporary art, and Scandinavian design classics - and of course, colour. "I need lots of colour in my home, I don't feel comfortable otherwise. My favourite hues are pink, turquoise and mint," Camilla explains.

Contemporary Art by Anetmai
Interior designers often suggest adding an element of surprise to a room to really bring it to life and make it truly unique. In this room a beaded, flamingo door hanging does the trick (and looks great next to the retro storage unit!). 

"The flamingo wall hanging I bought in Croatia. I love pieces like that, and when I saw it, I knew it was meant for me! The colours of the flamingos are beautiful, and I think it's a fun piece to have in our living room. It will certainly be moved around the house!

This is a perfect example of how you can transform a neutral space with a few accessories and a statement piece. In Camilla's bathroom a mint coloured retro chest-of-drawers, salmon pink towels and a rattan plant pot add a fresh and vibrant feel. I love the seascape too!

Is there anything that you love in particular from this home? I'm already wondering where to use that deco pink!

You can check out more snapshots from Camilla's home on her instagram @rainbowfunkis - and for other inspiring colourful Scandinavian homes I'm loving: bright colours in a Danish home 
(also featuring Deco pink!), a Danish home full of vintage treasures and 12 child-friendly ideas from a happy family home in Berlin. Oh hang on - why don't I just give you the link to the entire bright colour homes archive - far easier!

I hope you enjoyed the tours!

Vi ses imorgon!


Photography by Camilla / @Rainbowfunkis shared with kind permission

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An Inspiring Dutch Home With Colourful Accents

Hejsan hoppsan! My family and I are staying in Torekov this week, a little fishing village on Sweden's West coast where we're on eat, sleep, repeat mode with a little beach life thrown in for good measure (just how summer days should be spent, don't you think?!). Let's hope the sun shine's on Sweden's football team this afternoon for their world cup bid too (heja Sverige!). Even so, I thought we'd venture to Leeuwarden Holland today and a take a tour of the lovely home of Marrit de Lang. Marrit is a photographer, blogger and mum to little Mia and has decorated her house in a mix of design pieces and high street finds against a back drop of earthy tones including plum, powder, grey and blue. Welkom!

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Louis Poulsen Panthella Floor lamp*Hay Tray Table*, wall colour from Little Greene Paint Company

Ferm Living Socket Pendant, Belly baskets*, Portrait H print* by Gurilla (I have the same one in my office!)

IKEA kitchen

Upstairs landing: rug from West wing

Upstairs sitting room: Dutch bone lamp, macrame plant hanger*, picture by Amber Devreng

Such an inspiring home, I particularly love the colours!

Is there anything that stood out to you?

See more of Marrit's home on her blog: Done By Myself and Instagram. And a lorry load of beautiful Dutch homes in this archive.

I'd love to linger and I did promise to share a few more shots from Gen's sitting room today as well as a round-up of all the details - but I have two little girls standing next to me in their bathing suits, towels slung over their shoulders, eagerly waiting to head to the beach! Better go!

Have a lovely, bright, sunshiny day!


Photography: Marrit de Lang@sabine_buro_binnenhuis and @hansmossel

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Budget Make-Over: A Small, Dingy Hallway Becomes a Bright, Happy Space

Do you ever think you play it way to safe at home? I sometimes look around and wonder why I'm not going a little more wild! Perhaps not on the bigger investment pieces like sofas and kitchen cabinets but on the smaller items like paint and accessories (i.e. things that can be easily swapped out once you tire of them) - after all, pops of colour can put such a big smile on your face!

This hallway is a fine example. Natalie Jacob of Arsenic Lace, recently transformed her dingy, windowless hallway and stairwell into a bright and happy place as part of the Calling It Home One Room Challenge. Think rainbow pink stairs, vibrant botanical wallpaper and macrame plant holders - all on a shoe-string budget!

Natalie opted for Fern Leaves wallpaper from Boho Walls and placed an IKEA bench under a row of hooks for multipurpose storage.

The stairs have been painted in Soft Pink, Creamy Peach, Perky Peach, and Summer Sun Pink by Benjamin Moore and range from a lighter pink at the top of the stairs to a deep coral at the foot. 

Natalie made the plant hangers herself (DIY tutorial here) but there are many affordable options on Etsy, like this lovely one!

A painting by Natalie's partner Ethan has been designed to perfectly match the colours of the hallway - so clever (and pretty!).

You can read more about Natalie's hallway refresh here and see more inspiration from her lovely home (and a load of GREAT cocktail recipes) here (after all, you totally need a drink to match the stairs).

Another space guaranteed to put a big smile on your face is this vibrant home in Nashville - so fabulous!

Anyone else wondering of they should add more colour to their home? Not sure where to start? Kate Watson-Smyth suggests that if you're unsure what colours to go for - look at your wardrobe. if you're comfortable wearing it, you'll be comfortable having it in your home!

Have a lovely day!

Photography: Thaddeus Rombauer

PS If you'd like to read a little more about Scandi style, I shared my tips and where to shop for Scandi-pieces in the US in Domino magazine here

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12 Child Friendly Ideas From A Happy Family Home in Berlin

This wonderful turn-of-the-century apartment in Berlin is everything a family home should be. Owned by Nicki (creator of Siglinchen) and her partner (both doctors) and their three daughters (aged 6, 12 and 15), the light-filled, 120 metre square (191 feet square) home is a blend of the minimalism (that Nicki so desires) and the relaxed, colourful vibe that comes from being a family of five. The result is a calm yet vibrant space bursting with happy colours, playful touches, music, books, art and plants. I clocked 12 great things to take-away from this delightful family home (scroll all the way down for notes on how to get the look too!). Enjoy the tour!

1. Research has shown colour affects emotions, and can have a significant effect on a child's development. Warmer colors like orange and yellow bring happiness and comfort and red has been known to increase the heart rate and therefore increase alertness and the appetite (according to Sciencing) - perfect for the kitchen then! 

2. Touches like the Donna Wilson cushions add a playfulness and help to create a home that embraces children and adults alike.

3. Children have the grubbiest fingers (at least mine do!). Using bright coloured fabric will protect your furniture (and can be thrown in the wash every now and again too!).

4. Using your kitchen windowsill as a mini garden for flowers, herbs and vegetables will help your children to learn about nature and the changing seasons -  and enjoy the proceeds too! 

5. Children's high chairs don't need to be boring! I've always loved the Tripp Trapp chair since it grows with your child - and how funky is that retro one too?!

6. It goes without saying that kid height hooks are helpful for keeping stuff off the floor - and they can't not notice these fabulous bright coloured Hang it All ones either. Perfect!

7. Who says you can't have white in a home with young children? White walls are easy to clean with a damp cloth and white furniture covers can be easier to clean than any others since you can always out tougher stains. Just make sure they're removable! 

8. Why stop at bunting when you can have pom poms and garlands too?! OK, this decor has been strung up for a party - but who says you can't totally leave it up for way longer than is necessary - especially when it looks this pretty!

"March to June is birthday season and the apartment is filled with garlands and balloons. The children and I love them so we leave them up for ages." Nicki.

9. Maps are great for helping children make sense of the world. Plus, if you're short for meal time chat, you can always start to plan your next adventure!

10. Marcel Proust once said "there are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favourite book." Words to live by indeed! 

11. Tap into the calming influence of nature. Not only do plants help to purify the air, research has also shown they help to improve memory and concentration in both children and adults. 

"Since I generally prefer a more minimalist look and feel, I try to keep furniture and 'stuff' to a minimum  - both on the floor and walls." Nicki. 

"I love colour and I think it works best against a natural background - so it becomes white with lots of pops of colour." Nicki. 

12. Art makes you smart! A recent study revealed that children who visit art galleries demonstrate stronger critical thinking skills, higher levels of social tolerance, greater historical empathy and a taste of museums and cultural institutions. Why not start with your own private gallery at home?! it'll help to brighten up the room too. 

What a truly inspiring home, don't you think? It feels loved and lived in!

f you're curious about any of the items or feel like creating a similar vibe, you might find the below helpful: 
Get the look:

1. Whole Wide World
2. Girl 1
3. HANG IT ALL wall hanger
4. High Chair in Aqua Blue
5. Meg Printed Cotton Accent Pillow
6. Nursery Decoration
7. Pamina Sofa

If you'd like to see more of Nicki's lovely home hop on over to her instagram feed here.

And for more family home inspiration I'm loving a cheerful and bright Dutch home, all things bright and beautiful in a pared back family home and a lovely light-filled Swedish family home (this last one is one of my favourites!).

If you've got any great tips for creating a family home I'd love to hear them! 

Ha det så bra!


Photography:  Nicki / Siglinchen

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Beautiful Colour Inspiration From 'The Home', Copenhagen

Men hejsan! I hope you had a härlig weekend?! I'm slowly cranking into action - but I am feeling bouyed by the thought of 3 days of design in Copenhagen this week (of which I'm hoping to attend at least one  - let me know if you'll be there too?!). The Danish capital is full of design hot spots (as you can imagine!). One of the ones I'm most excited about right now is 'The Home' by Ferm Living. Created along the same lines as The Apartment, The Loft and Artilleriet studio, the Danish brand has transformed an apartment in a period property in Amagertorv into a beautiful living space featuring rich, sophisticated hues, understated cosiness and of course, the unique, playful yet pared-back flavour of Ferm Living! Abi from These Four Walls (who I had the pleasure of meeting in Malmö a few months ago) snapped these lovely pictures. Enjoy!

Naturally, the home is entirely furnished with items from Ferm Living's range. But it's also a great example of how to introduce rich colours into your home and create that hygge vibe the Danes are so good at! I particularly love the burgundy ceiling (it looks very similar to the Norwegian Wood tone in my home office)- who'd have thought it'd look so great with grey and blue? Food for thought indeed! And I love the way they've continued the tone throughout the space too. 

In the kitchen there are subtle touches of burgundy on the shelves.

And in the office it's present in the form of wainscoting (such a perfect workspace, don't you think?!).

And the burgundy makes an appearance in the candy striped wallpaper, rug and blanket in the master bedroom. 

Side note: I'm considering using the Unfold Room Divider (seen in the corner above) to separate my bedroom from my home office - what do you think?! 

Fruiticana pineapple rug (on wall), palm cushion, double dot blanket, popcorn bolster cushion and rabbit storage box.

And finally, the burgundy is continued into the children's room (another of my favourite corners). This little space is so clever and a real masterclass in how to create a kid's room that's on trend, ties in beautifully with the rest of the home and looks as cute as pie! Love it!

Is there anything that stands out to you? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the colours, furniture or anything else that caught your eye!

In case you're visiting Copenhagen sometime soon, The Home is available to visit by appointment only through Ferm Living (perhaps they're worried we might not ever leave - highly possible from my side!). And you can also see more pictures of it over on Abi's blog here. Don't forget to hop of the bridge to Skåne and say hi too!

If you're in the mood for more beautiful Danish interior inspiration today, take a peek at this archive (this home tour from last week seems to have gone completely viral too, I can understand why!). 

Ha' en god dag!

Photography: Abi Dare / These Four Walls, shared with kind permission. 

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