Splashes of Colour in a Swedish Home that Combines Old and New

My sister came to visit me from sunny Mallorca in the Balearic Islands, Spain last month and she found the cold and darkness really refreshing (LOL!). She sent a picture of the landscape to her friends back home - and they assumed she had added a black and white filter to it. Nope, when there's snow on the ground and no leaves on the tree, the world is genuinely monochrome. The snow blizzard we are currently experiencing in Malmö is no different - my friend had to wear ski goggles on her bike to work wbich did actually add a rose tinted film to the world. And yes, the Swedes are still cycling!

It's in wintertime when I appreciate colour in the home the most. A pop of sunny yellow here, serene sky blue there. Maybe a splash of fuchsia pink and pea green won't go amiss either! In fact, this uplifting Swedish house has just the right amount of colour for me - and also boasts some lovely furniture too, much of which is vintage. 

Välkommen in! 

The pendant light is great, don't you think? It's the Filigrana light in Tobacco Canes by Sebastian Wrong. 

Kilim rugs with a hint of colour are becoming more and more popular. In fact, I was in a Kilim dream world at the Domotex floor fair last year! Try Etsy* for similar. 

Loving the layers of linen in the sitting room. If you have an IKEA sofa you can easily re-create this look by investing in a 'loose fit' slipcover in linen from Bemz*.

Most old houses in Sweden have a fairly steep roof (designed so that the snow falls off). The owners of this one has made use of the nooks and crannies to create cosy sleep zones for their little ones! 

Sky blue and pea green is a great, very 'now' combination! Are you a fan? 

Such a cute row of Fjällräven rucksacks too! 

This is one of those home tours which is worth going through several times - and each time you'll spot a new detail! 

For me, it's the mix of treasured second-hand finds or heirlooms with bang up to date, contemporary items that really stands out. The owners are clearly passionate about home decorating and spend time to source special pieces - some of which they have customised. 

Is there anything that stood out to you? Are you onboard with the wallpaper trend? I think it works best with older houses but who knows... we might see a revival in more modern homes too. After all, when I was growing up Laura Ashley wallpaper was EVERYWHERE - with lamps to match! 

Now, it's time for the owners to move on - and for someone else to take the reins of this beautiful house (see the listing here). 

Have a happy Wednesday vänner. Keep warm if you're here in the North - and cool if you're down in the South! 


Photography courtesy of Historiska Hem, found via Nordroom with thanks. 
*affiliated link


  1. from the french woman :
    ah laura ashley ... her wallpapers, of course, her lampshades and ... all her floral and frilly dresses. a new dress every year to be beautiful for christmas day and another one for easter day ! spoiled little girl but not always delighted with the clothing choices imposed on these occasions ! a whole era ...

    1. Oh yes - I forgot about the clothes!! So funny!
      Fortunately my Mother veered away from those and dressed me in liberty print smock dresses (which she made herself) for birthdays and christmas!

  2. I also grew up in the Laura Ashley era! I was going to ask you about the wallpaper revival? I am grappling with the idea for my hallway, but also was hoping that it is not a two yr fad....

    1. It was everywhere wasn't it? We had it in our bedrooms mainly - and all my friends had it in their homes too!
      I think that as long as you go for a classic wallpaper that you love then it will work for years to come. We are currently putting up Sandberg wallpaper in the master bedroom at our summer cottage. I think it's going to look really pretty - can't wait to finish and share the results (it's quite a lot of work!).

  3. I had a Laura Ashley dress back in the day, which I loved at the time, but Laura Ashley fashions wouldn't fit my current style. It's funny how styles change over time.

    I really like this home. Where I live, we have a lot of wintry weather (personally, I love it--opportunities to go snowshoeing!) and I agree with the subtle use of color to provide some cheer. This home has a light and happy vibe, but isn't over-the-top with color.

  4. I just love this home, thank you so much for posting it. It looks clean and fresh with a wonderful selection of color. It certainly looks like a home you could curl up in. It's just prefect. All the rooms are my favorite!

  5. Thank you, Niki!!! Your post cheered us up, sitting in a wintry mix.

  6. How cute is the bunny wallpaper?

  7. It has such a youthful vibe and is uncomplicated. The Scandinavians have the "je ne seis quois" for interior design that the French have (or used to have) for fashion. So effortless with unexpected elements that just work.


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