Stay in Your Very Own Tower Near Malmö, Sweden

It's funny how you can live somewhere for twenty years and still discover new and exciting places in your neck of the woods. Yesterday, I stumbled across this tower on instagram and realised with much excitement that it's located just outside Malmö. Not only that but you can rent it for over night stays! Naturally, I'm already planning my trip. And of course, I had to share it with you in case you're headed this way too! 

These pictures are decidedly summery, and the pared down look is wonderful for balmy nights under the midnight sun. But my guess is that it will feel equally as cosy when there's snow on the ground and you're wrapped under a blanket with a log burner going, don't you think? I hope you enjoy the tour of this charming stone tower as much as I have! 

When it comes to holiday homes, simplicity is key. And I think this lovely tower has been decorated to perfection, with plenty of hooks for clothes. 

This is the log burner I was talking about - so cosy next to the bed! I love being able to see the wood-burning stove from our bed in the cabin too! 

Maybe I can even convince Per to get strumming on the guitarre!

I'm mesmerised by the big glass doors on the ground floor and these large windows on the middle floor - so beautiful! 

At night the candles above the bed can be lit for a romantic evening looking out over the fields. Just saying.

What a perfect stay! 

Could you imagine hanging out here for a few days? If so, head on over to Tornet i Pile for more information about booking a stay or organising an event. You might also like to get involved in one of the food workshops! 

Incidentally, I am fully aware that I am busy sharing summery pictures while the rest of the online world appears to be turning increasingly Christmassy (I've even spotted even a new phrase this month 'Novent'! 

I will get there with my Scandi Christmas inspiration (it is so pretty after all!), especially with first Sunday of advent two weeks ago - but I thought I'd wait just a little longer if OK with you guys! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends! 

See you Friday!


Photography courtesy of Tornet i Pile, shared with kind permission. 


  1. I know it's not a lighthouse, but it's giving me very "Moominpappa at Sea" vibes!

  2. The exterior wall is beautiful almost like tweed is it the local style?

    1. I actually haven't seen many houses in this style around Malmö, so i am not sure how typical it is. Maybe of a certain era perhaps!

  3. At Thanksgiving, Thank you!!! You, your family and MSH are an absolute delight!

    1. Thank you so much, I hope you had a lovely few days :)

  4. I'm swooning over this place! Fantastic!

    I appreciate that you are waiting on sharing Christmas decor. I get burned out on Christmas when people post on it so early in the season. Keep doing what you are doing. :)

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence Kris, it's so tricky when everyone gets going so early these days, but I like to wait a little to keep the magic alive!


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