Before and After: My Summer Balcony Make-Over

On our top floor (third floor) we have a balcony which I have to confess, we've never actually used. In fact, a good friend who has visited my home millions of times even commented that she never knew it existed! It's actually a lovely, peaceful spot which gets at least one more hour than sunshine than our little backyard. And in a time when our homes and outdoor spaces have become increasingly important, I finally decided it was time to do something about it! The balcony is 2.5 metres x 1.5 metres and there's a big door that opens outwards onto it, making it a fairly tricky space to furnish. Fortunately, the wood decking was already in place when we moved in so I didn't need to start completely from scratch - just furnish it! I noticed my lovely Danish client - Nordal had just the outdoor chairs I was looking for and it all went from there. Here's the lowdown:

This is the view from our bedroom. It may look like we only have sheer curtains but look closer and you'll spot a tightly rolled up black out blind over the door. 

I absolutely love plants and surrounding myself with greenery. I planted a wisteria in the ground when we moved in over 10 years ago and it has climbed the entire way up our house, and onto our third-floor balcony! If it could, it would take over the entire interior too (like something out of 'Little Shop of Horrors'!). It's my pride and joy - especially when it blooms - the scent is divine! 

I picked out a pair of rattan-inspired Vasai lounge chairs which have a rattan and wood look but designed for outdoor use.  

Look at any outdoor Scandinavian seated area and you'll no doubt find a blanket - a year-round staple! This one is the linen Saturn towel - which I think works equally well as a blanket, although I have no doubt the girls will enjoy taking it down to the water as soon as Toney catch wind of this new piece!

In my mind you can never have enough greenery so mI'm always looking for ways to add more. This Ajonu pot has a wonderful grainy effect - and is perfect for adding more plants to the balcony (sadly, not everything can grow three storeys high!). 

Since the balcony is on the top floor and therefore quite a long way from the kitchen, we figured a rattan tray would be ideal for carrying items up and down the stairs, but shied away from a table since there simply isn't really the space. Maybe I'll add one later should I feel I miss it!

Also seen here: a summery WEVA pitcher (I might have to exchange the water to PIMMS later!), Tonga notebook in suede and brass watering can. 

I also added a summery jute rug from Granit, so that it would feel softer underfoot. It looks pretty but it will need to bene taken in in wet weather. 

I hope you like my balcony update as much as I do. 

If anyone's looking for us this weekend, you'll find Per and I right here!

See also:

Wishing you all a great weekend!


*This post is sponsored by Nordal. However, all words are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you will too. Thank you for supporting the wonderful businesses that make My Scandinavian Home possible.

Styling: Helen Sturesson


  1. I love balconies. You have made this very charming--those chairs! What a great place to enjoy your morning cup of tea or coffee.

  2. Love the pieces you chose — and your wisteria just MAKES the balcony! It looks like such a lovely peaceful spot to relax and get some Vitamin D.

  3. wouldn't it make more space if you had one large sliding glass door rather than 2 that open out?

  4. Soooo lovely! Such a tranquil space and 3rd floor makes it feels even more removed from the bustle of street level. Very relaxing.
    And absolutely yes, you’ll have to switch to Pimm’s for summer. I am now pick8gn up a bottle this week- I’d almost forgotten about it. My sister lived in London for 10 yrs and she introduced a Pimm’s cup to us over 20yrs ago when my other sisters and I were over to visit. Such a perfect summer drink.
    Happy Summer from Canada!

  5. Wow, kann ich da nur sagen! So ein kleiner Balkon so viel flair für schönes, gut gemacht. Ich liebe Glyzeenien. Leider viel Blütenregen nach einem Gewitter (kurzes Vergnügen). deshalb habe ich auf meinem Balkon 2,5m auf 4m allerlei Kräuter (leidenschaftliche Köchin), Blumen für mich und die Bienen, Tomaten, Peperoni, Chilies und eben Clematis, dies ist super schön und einfach (müssen einfach im Herbst zurückgeschnitten werden und wachsen dem Gitter entlang. Viel Spass weiterhin.

  6. Oh it`s lovely! And wisteria, a favorite!


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