
A Relaxed Artist's Home Full of Plants

I started the week 'keeping it real' with a relaxed Copenhagen home, and thanks to the wonderful response (I've loved reading all your comments!), I thought I'd end in the same vein. In my mind, nothing brings a home to life quite like pets (and people of course, but today it's all about the furry friends!), throw in plants and a load of sunlight and you're really onto something. Artist Laura Agustí shares her 'urban jungle' in the heart of Barcelona with her cat Oye and Fox Terrier - Gos D'atura mix, Crasti. A self-confessed 'plant addict', Laura has filled her home with over 100 plants which thrive in the mediterranean sunlight. Art also adorns the walls. In the mornings, Laura throws open the balcony door to create a wonderful airy environment in which to live and work. Welcome to Laura's relaxed world! 

What a gorgeous space. I can practically feel the warmth from the Barcelona sun (well needed in a very grey Southern Sweden today!). 

I love the presence of her furry flatmates Oye and Crasti too!

Is there anything that stood out to you? 

If you have a moment, hop over to Laura's instagram to discover her art and more inspiring shots of her home (as well as hundreds of plants!). 

On the subject of plants: I'm proud to say I've turned over a new leaf (see what I did there?) and am taking way better care of my greenery.  And I'm proud to say they're actually starting to thrive! I might be getting ahead of myself here, but I was even thinking of investing in some form of indoor tree.... although I'm guessing this might require a whole other level of care! Gulp. Should I take the plunge?

If, like me, you love an 'urban jungle' - here's a little more plant inspiration:  

And a little know-how: 

Watering cans at the ready! 

Have a great weekend friends, see you Monday!


PS I hope my posts have provided a little escape for those feeling anxious over the election in the US this week. We're even on the edge of our seats in Sweden! 

Photography: Laura Agustí


  1. I'm swooning over the gallery wall over the couch. It might be my favorite ever.

    1. With you on this - it's an incredible gallery wall!

  2. Really love the swallows on the wall (third picture), makes me remember my dear country! Also the floor...very original!!

    1. I love it how something like this can take you back to a time or place (or your home country). They're beautiful!

  3. Is that cat everywhere?! (Of course knows how to live.) Doggy is so cute.
    Last picture has a lovely atmosphere. I can recommend Hilton Carter's Baltimore home and his instagram account for indoor plant lovers.

    1. The cat rules the roost!

      I'm a huge fan of Hilton Carter's work. I once featured his incredible home on My Scandinavian Home (tap his name into the search to find it) - his instagram feed is so inspiring!

  4. Pets always know how to find the best seat in the house - and this home has many! I love the vignette with the sunlight streaming in on the cat in the wingback chair with the art and dresser. It’s all lovely and a great mix of wonderful art, life coming from the greenery and the furry four-footed family members!

    Thanks for another home inspiring that genuine lived-in quality.

    1. The sure do!

      I'm so happy you enjoyed this tour as much as I did! :)

  5. Beautiful design -- but I'm loving the Siamese cat the most!

    1. He's wonderful! Especially loving the last picture - he looks a little like me trying to get up on a Monday morning!


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