Step Inside Dave's Light and Airy Munich Home

Is anyone else sweltering today?! I'm back at my desk at home and it's over 30 degrees (86 F) outside - kind of crazy for Sweden! We're soooo not used to this! I love it, of course - but it's so distracting as all I want to do is head down to the sea every five minutes and dive in. It's times like this, that carefully edited, minimalist homes really come into their own, don't you think? Take Dave's home in Munich, Germany. The living space, which Dave shares with his boyfriend Enrico and their golden retriever Bruno, has been carefully edited to include only pieces they truly treasure. There's nothing superfluous to need. No frills. Just simple, beautiful pieces of furniture, each of which are like a work of art. The result is a light and airy home in the heart of the city that oozes cool. I wonder if he'd mind if I pulled up a chair and stayed for a while. Anyone care to join me?

I'm feeling cooler just looking at these pictures, how about you? Although a nice cool drink (did you see the summer herb infused lemonade recipe I shared last week?) on the rattan chair in his garden wouldn't go amiss too!

I particularly love the sitting room with the mid-century credenza (source a similar one here*), jungle wall chart and snoopy lamp* etc. Is there anything that stood out to you? 

Here a few other light and airy homes to keep you cool today: 

A beautiful, simple white Danish cabin

The wonderful playful loft of a furniture designer

Angelina's breezy Munich home (look out for the snoozing pup!)

On that note, I'm off to grab my towel (actually my bath robe - here by the sea where I live in Malmö, us locals wonder down to the waters edge in a robe over our swim gear and no-one bats an eyelid!). 

Have a wonderful start to the week friends, stay well, stay cool! 


Photography: @daves_home

PS I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was having computer problems (thank you for your commiserations, it really is infuriating!). The good news is that Apple managed to fix my laptop, the bad news is they had to wipe EVERYTHING - baaah! If you spot a few typos in the post it's because I haven't downloaded the Microsoft office (where I spell check my posts). It's on my to do list though, I promise!

PPS I'll be back with a new home tour on Wednesday! The crazies start school next week so I'll finally be back to posting daily again. Thanks so much for bearing with this mamma of two! 


  1. The credenza in the living room looks a lot like mine - same doors, same handles, same legs I think. But mine has only two doors, and on the right there is a set of drawers. Saw the same one in some photos from the home of the couple behind Ask og Eng. I LOVE the jungle wall chart! Would work perfectly above my credenza as well...

    1. Sounds like you need one of the Jungle wall charts over that wonderful credenza of yours!

  2. Replies
    1. Happy you feel as inspired by dave's home as I am

  3. Love it! And thanks for inviting me to stay for a while. May I ask one question? Where can I find the palm themed tapestry/print? I love palms and recently bought the von Martius "Book of Palms." As for me, I truly suffer during heat waves and am basically melting in my living room because our air conditioner turns on and off due to a power shortage in the city (Manhattan). Be well.

    1. That wonderful print is by Dutch brand HK Living. It's called the 'Jungle Wall chart' :) - I love it too!

  4. These are great and cozy decor ideas. I love to decorate my living room like this. IT Services in Arizona​​​​​​​ are working 24/7 to provide best services to their customers. The room decor pictures are amazing.


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