
The Colours in This Danish Home (and Wardrobe) Will Be Hot in 2020!

How about a little respite from all the Christmas craziness today? I was scrolling through Instagram over the weekend and stumbled on the fabulously funky, colourful home of Trine Staberg Petersen (well worth a follow on instagram if you love danish interiors and fashion!). Trine lives in Copenhagen with her husband and three children and has decorated her home with vintage furniture and accessories in an array of colours ranging from deep red and caramel, to earthy green, chocolate and lavender. Many of these shades are set to be big in 2020 and I love the way Trine has combined them. But my favourite thing of all? The retro soda stream! It took me straight back to my starlight express roller boots and walkman sport! Keep a look out for it in the tour!

I hope you enjoyed this tour as much as I did!

Did you spot the soda stream? FYI it's available online here.

The lavender / dark brown combination in the bedroom really caught my and is set to be really big in 2020. I also love the combination of light pink with red - it breaks every rule in the book, but hey, rules are there to be broken, right?! 

Is there anything that caught your eye? 

I guess you know what's coming - yep more colourful Danish homes! I say it a lot, but if you want to   look into a crystal ball and know what's coming, you just need to look into the home of a Dane! 

Looking for Scandinavian Christmas inspiration? This archive is full of it! I'm also super excited to share a very Scandi Christmas inspiration round-up with you tomorrow (perfect, if you're looking for some simple, last minute decorating ideas). Hopefully see you then!  

Have a cracking start to the week friends!


Photography Trine Staberg Petersen - shared with kind permission


  1. Absolutely love this. Feels so homely!

  2. Ha - the soda stream was the first item I zeroed in on - I wondered whether it is as popular in Sweden as in Canada - since I purchased mine (some 10+ years ago), plain water is no longer enough - I need my bubbles! I have converted a few friends and they are now the same Soda Stream addicts as myself.

  3. Love that more colourful Danish homes will start poping up more often.Really love the minimal feel but with beautiful colours! So much fun.


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