Airbnb / Holiday Let: Your Own Bohemian-Style Hideaway In The Desert!

Do you ever feel like you need to get away from it all? Somewhere peaceful where you have space to think and 'just be'? If so, I might have found just the secluded hideaway for you and it's available on Airbnb! Little Jo (great name!) is tucked away in the northern corner of Joshua Tree, Southeast California with panoramic views over the desert. Inside, the 1950s bungalow is a sea of brown,  cream and white with a distinct boho vibe. Bringing friends? There's a separate casita with a queen size bed and a covered terrace for that first coffee of the day (you know, when you're not quite ready to face the world!). What a dreamy home from home! 

I'm already picturing myself on the porch nursing an ice cold G+T while the sun goes down, how about you?!

I have to confess, it would need to be a trip with friends - being an avid sailor, Per might feel it's a little far from the sea for his liking! Mind you, he might change his mind when he sees the guitar and record collection! 

Could you imagine recharging your batteries here?

You can read more about Little Jo here

Other holiday lets / escapes I love the look of:

Also see a load of fabulous Design Hotels - for all budgets! 

Speaking of which, it's Per and my 10 year wedding anniversary at the end of June and we're looking for a a wonderful, relaxing weekend getaway in Europe. Do you have any tips on great places to go / a beautiful place to stay? I feel a bit paralysed for choice right now and need a helping hand! 

Happy lillördag (little Saturday!) all! 


PS If you're looking to make some changes to your own home this spring / summer - or even thinking of putting it on airbnb but need to update it a little first, we're here to help! Find out more about the My Scandinavian Home Studio room by room online interior design service here - we're offering 20% off right now with code MYNEWROOM too!  


  1. Yes, go to Italy in Lecco or to Bergamo :)

    1. I absolutely love Italy - haven't been to either of these places, am off to check them out. Thank you for the tip!

  2. We have lived in and travel to Europe often. One of our favorite trips was to Croatia.

    1. Croatia is a beautiful country! Very tempted! Thank you :)


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