When Cape Town based wedding photographers Bruce and Rebecca first acquired the charmingly named Sunbird cottage in 2016, the interior was drab, dark and dated (like what I did there with the 'd's?). Working with a relatively small budget, the pair scoured the market for second hand and overstocked items and carried out a huge amount of the renovation work themselves. The one investment they make was employing the services of architect Donne Atkinson - which was tantamount to realising their vision. Other than that, Bruce project managed the build and once the main construction was completed, he carried out a lot of the finished himself with the help of friends. Needless to say, the overall finish is warm, cosy and personal. I hope you enjoy the before and after pictures as much as I did!
How lovely is this parquet worktop? It's making me question my choice of marble for the cottage kitchen renovation. I love the patina!
This corner is so lovely and personal. And look at all those CDs! We still have a load in one of our cupboards too - they hold so many memories. Have you saved yours?
Opening up the ceiling has helped flood the space with light and added a load of character. I also love the faded kilim.
In a relatively small space (the ground floor is 70 metres square / 753 square foot) spiral staircases are a great option. I also like how a series of shelves on the upper level shield the bedroom from view.
The pair added the round window which has become a wonderful focal point above the bed.
Wow! Such a wonderful transformation. They have given the cottage a whole new lease of life. It can certainly bear the name 'sunbird cottage' with pride now, don't you think?
Is there anything that stood out to you?
If you're into renovation work as much as I am, you can always explore the archives for more before and afters and home makeovers this weekend (as always, if this home pops up first just scroll past!).
I hope you have a wonderful couple of days - see you Monday friends!
Photography: Sarah and Bruce - shared with kind permission and found via Miss Moss with thanks.
PS Thank you so much for all your input into my summer cottage kitchen plans yesterday, really appreciate it. It's not too late to weigh in!
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