Anne's Enchanting Family Home in Lille, France

We woke up to pure sunshine today - a true diamond of a day! Honestly such a gift in Southern Sweden in January: it's like a heavy lid has been lifted! A quick walk by the sea at lunchtime is definitely in order. But that's only if I can peel myself away from Le Chien à Taches - my latest blog and instagram find! The account is curated by Anne, a freelance graphic designer based in Lille, France who loves to share her latest home updates and travels as well as beautiful snapshots of family life with husband Kevin,  daughter Ninon and Dalmatian Maggie. Their family home is an eclectic blend of white-washed rooms, darker more cocoon like spaces and soft rose pink which serves as a backdrop for furniture in a blend of materials such as rattan, mid-century teak, wool and rustic vintage wood. It's hard not to feel enchanted by each and every room!

The gorgeous chair is from La Redoute (out of stock?)

Such a lovely home, don't you think?

That Maggie *heart eyes*!

I also love Anne's pictures from her travels and everyday life (seen here) - such beautiful angles!

After a little more interiors inspiration today? Here are three homes I absolutely love thanks to their use of colour: 

Have a lovely, sunny day!


PS On a total side note - I'm curious to know - does anyone else suffer from vertigo? I mean, the dizzy-room spinning-feeling sick kind of vertigo? I tend to get it when I'm feeling a little stressed and it's the worst feeling :( Would love to hear from anyone else that suffers from it. 


  1. Replies
    1. It's such a lovely space, I thought you might like it Susan!

  2. I have had two episodes of vertigo and now carry with me (in my purse) a seasickness pill which is over the counter in the no prescription required. It is called Meclizine.

    Sandra Larsen

    1. It's always comforting to hear from a fellow sufferer! My husband nipped out and bought me some travel sickness chewing gum and it helped loads, thank you for the tip!

  3. I have had verigo for many years until I found magnesium. I use daily Disporal Magnesium Extra Direkt 400mg and cannot live without. That is German procuct,but is sold in Sweden as here in Finland. No other magnesmium I used gave same effect. My life changed since that. I also met ear specialist who gave me diagnosis benign postural dizziness and conducted Postural treatment that may be done daily at home. Stress always increases symptoms. Take care!

    1. Hi Maija, thank you so much for the tip. I hadn't heard of using magnesium before, I'm going to see if I can find it in Sweden. x happy to hear you're feeling better.

  4. Happy you think so too, it really is a lovely home!

  5. Hi, Can i pin this photos in my Pinterest boards???

    1. Please do, great if you can include Anne's credit details.

  6. Thank you for such a beautiful blog-I am so inspired by your posts! So sorry to learn that you have suffered with vertigo. My mother has similar bouts and she found that it was caused by some sort of crystals that had built up in her inner ear. Hope that your doctor can help you! I too have some vertigo sensations but they last only a moment-sadly they are a precursor to a migraine headache....I try to take Magnesium daily (a US brand called "Calm") and I know that stress will set things off. Take good care of yourself!

    1. Yes, it's the crystals variety :( sorry to hear your poor Mother suffers from it too (and you to a certain extent) - no fun at all. The doctor was great - and I'll be on the hunt for this magnesium tablets too, thank you so much for the tip. x

  7. I was diagnosed with Menieres Disease (vertigo, ringing in ears, vomiting) 15 years ago. The MD said not much to do for it. I saw a homeopath and got a constitutional remedy and had two treatments of cranial-sacral massage from a osteopath. I was symptom free within two weeks and it has not been back. It has been fifteen years now.
    I am sensitive to anything spinning though....and avoid looking at spinning objects, will not go on some rides at amusement park as it feels intuitively to me liek something not good for my nervous system. I can still do a cartwheel though and that does not provoke vertigo! Menieres sucks...and the vertigo the worse part.
    I have also heard that vertigo is showing up in some seasonal flu cases...not sure your history, but you coudl just have a case of viral it. Supporting your immune system (Vitamin C, D, A, zinc, magnesium), fluids, lymph massage of the neck, plenty of sleep, fluids avoidng foods you are allergic too: sugar, dairy, you likely know the culprits...feel better!

    1. Hi Claire - this is really helpful and encouraging! I have been suffering from it on and off for around 15 years but yet to nip in the bud :( I'm feeling inspired that you have managed though so I am going to follow your tips. The vertigo is just dreadful!!! Thanks again. x

  8. Your home is amazing - straight from a magazine. Love every single thing about it.

    Glad you had some sunshine.

    I don't get vertigo but my daughter does. She always has and we don't know why. She gets it on stairways (yikes) and has to look up and take her time or could fall. Hope yours passes.

    1. Hi Michele - your poor daughter, it's no fun at all. Thank you, I'm working on it and am so happy to have so many kind words of support. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  9. Hang in there Niki, keep trying! I wish I had tried alternative medicine sooner, as I have permanent hearing loss in my affected ear. I honestly think if I had not used homeopathy I would be daef in that ear now. I have also had great luck with acupuncture for other problems. And I also am a big believer in food allergy screening to identify problematic staples in your diet. My mom was a skeptical nurse who did not trust conventional medicine because she saw the all the harm it caused (and the good too!) but taught me nutrition, fresh air, sunshine, exercise could do alot too. Giving up dairy and gluten has helped my joint pain tremendously for example. Vertigo can have an allergy component as well. It is worth looking into if you have not already. It always infuriates me when people say they have tried everything, and they only mean conventional medicine. There is a world of other options out there, just try to find a well trained practitioner, as they are alot of quacks out there too. Best of luck!


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