
Win a natural linen tablecloth and napkins!

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Thank you so much to everyone who entered, I loved hearing about all the different types of food you enjoy at this time of the year *mouth waters*. I'm excited to announce the winner of this beautiful tablecloth and napkins from Nordal as, drum roll......

Koza Domowa - congratulations! Please send me a mail with your full name, address and phone number so Nordal can ship your prize to you.


To me, this time of the year is about getting together with family and friends over food, drink and candlelight  - how about you? I try to do something a little different every year with my table setting (check out this year's here). If you're looking for a new look and haven't got around to organising anything yet I might just have the perfect give-away for you! Danish homeware brand Nordal are offering you the chance to win a beautiful pure natural linen tablecloth (140 x 270 cm) and a set of six napkins to match Oh yay! See below for how to enter.

 N.B. I love the more relaxed look but the tablecloth and napkins look beautiful ironed too! 

This give-away is now closed. 

Check out Nordal's beautiful home-ware items here. 

Terms & Conditions
You must be age of majority in your country of residence. We are not responsible for any duties, import taxes that you may incur. Only 1 entry per person. 

This post is brought to you in collaboration with Nordal, however all words are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you will too. 

1 & 2 Photography: Niki Brantmark / Styling Genevieve Jorn. 3. Courtesy of Nordal


  1. Ginger snaps are my favorite holiday cookie. And I love roasting vegetables...simple, but comfort food.

  2. My grandmother's ginger cookies are a holiday staple in my family!

  3. The best food for Christmas are the traditional Polish dumplings - pierogi! With mushrooms and cabbage or potatoes and cheese. We make them also with spinach and goat cheese for example or blueberries, too. Fruit version in the summer tho. :) I also love Polish vegetable salad and some fish like carp in jelly or smoked trout. :) Happy Holidays, Niki! Best wishes from Poland! Kasia

  4. Myself, I have such a sweet tooth so my favourite Christmas food has to be ginger bread with a cup of mulled wine :) <3

  5. Currently pumkin soup with pumkin seeds and ginger. Heart-warming in this time of the year.

  6. I'm looking forward to traditional Czech Christmas food - pea soup, fried carp with potato salad.
    Happy Holidays!

  7. Brussels sprouts, roasted, with chestnuts and bacon, and a light dusting of nutmeg.

  8. As the food addict I am it’s not easy to only pick one food/dish, but any kind of soup, preferably pumpkin or cauliflower, with some nice bread (swedish vörtbröd in christmas time is 10/10) makes me go Halleluja!

  9. We love pumkin soup!
    thanks Brilla

  10. So difficult to choose! My Christmases are all about food :) Cheesy scalloped potatoes are a great favourite and I can't have a Christmas celebration without shortbread, mincemeat tarts and plum pudding!

  11. Good question! Avocado and mango salad? Happy winter!

  12. Lentil soup! So warm and satisfying :)

  13. Moms ciabatta bread stuffing with good!

  14. Definitely gingerbread cookies, not only eating those sweet little treats but also making these brings so much joy :)

  15. Hot chocolate with a marshmallow, pumpkin soup, porto wine or glogg/mulled wine :)

  16. What my family most enjoy at this time of the year are small tapas ( probably because we’re Spanish heheh), so i always prepare marinated salmon on crispy toasts and goat cheese with tapenade

  17. I love everything cinnamon-flavored during this season ✨

  18. I know it's terribly unhealthy and probably not the best quality but Suchard turrón has to be my favourite Xmas food. Since there are some crazy people out there who don't actually think chocolate is food, I'd also say stir-fried Brussels sprouts with some Parmesan. And perhaps some chocolate on top, mmmmmmmm

  19. Ginger thins and mulled wine is a must! Ham and meatballs are also tradition. ;)

  20. I love parsnip polenta with parmesan and brussels sprouts :)

  21. Christmas cookies, mulled wine and eggnog!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. In the wintertime my very favourite thing to eat must be "danske klejner" as my grandmother makes them or simply a good pie shared with great company. I especially enjoy Donal Skehans take on the chicken pot pie - it's simply gorgeous!

  24. Panettone French toast! For a festive breakfast soak thickly cut slices of sweet, fruity panettone in a cinnamon and vanilla infused egg mixture, then gently fry in butter until golden and fluffy. Wash down with a glass of Bucks Fizz! Mandy

  25. Turkey with Herb sauce, carrot pie and garlic herring. Merry Christmas! Maija

  26. I love long breakfasts with my mum's "te-briks" (I do not know the English word, but it is wheatdough in layers with butter between... not the healthiest, but so good), eggs, smoked salmon, cloudberry jam and good cheese. And a good cup of coffee afterwards. I prefer breakfast rather than the heavy Norwegian Christmas traditional dinners. But the Norwegian "lutefisk" rolled in "lefse" with butter, moustard and pepper is my favourite - kind of like an oldfashioned taco wrap - a tradition from the Hedemark area.

    I would love to win! All my table cloths are spoiled by spots of redwine:-)

  27. Baked ham with mashed potatoes and gravy

  28. My favorite dish for Christmas is a delicious fish soup with "mayonnaise" that we usually prepare at home. Thank you for this fantastic give away:-)

  29. A Christmas sweet delicacy for me is the traditional Spanish turron. And, as a lifelong self-confessed chocoholic, the chocolate variety is my favourite one by far!

  30. Stuffed cabbage rolls and Christmas cookies!

  31. My absolute favorite is a wintery risotto with grilled butternut, red onion and Forest mushrooms. Creamy goodness!

  32. Icelandic thin bread that we only eat during this time of year is for sure my favourite. So good. And the amazing meringue cookies with chocolate covered liquorice inside. SO yummy!!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. As weather is gloomy it is time for some pumpkin curry and honninghjærte (spiced honey cakes)

  35. Oh what a lovely give-away. I love linen tablecloths. And I love a good cup of coffee with some chocolate next to it, especially when I come home in winter.

  36. gluhwein with ginger cookies and cheese... Yummy

  37. Traditional croatian meal-sarma �� usually made with minced beef but since I am plant based I make mine with lentils ��

  38. il mio è un dolce: il pain d'epices *___* tanti baci, mariaida

  39. We would certainly start with fresh and of course raw Oysters with a drop of lemon . I know ... so french ! ;)

  40. This would be such a blessing!
    *Fingers crossed*

    My favorite Christmastime foods fall into two categories Cuban (from my family) and American (from my husband's family/in-laws). So Cuban pernil (roast pork), fresh bread, and sausage balls.

    Thanks for the amazing contest!

  41. oh, it's difficult to choose. Pumpkin soup, Mexican-style chili con carne, cranberry bread, mulled wine

  42. Best part of holiday seasons is pepparkakor/gingerbread - everythinnggg!! Cakes, buns, breads, filmjolk, pancakes, tart! You name it ❤️

  43. Gingerbread anything (cookies, cake, etc)!

  44. Hi, so I enjoy sweet candy (very popular in CZ) - vanilla rolls, linen (made from lemon peel and butter, glued with currant jam) or gingerbread - I like especially a healthier form with rye flour :-)

  45. My favorite holiday food is date nut bread.

  46. I love rum balls and also butternut squash soup with fresh bread. mmmmm. but not at the same time. :)

  47. I love hot tomato soup and grilled cheese with sharp cheddar!

  48. Lefse! With strong Norwegian roots, my mom always made it this time of year as a way of passing down our heritage.

  49. In sunny perth austalia of course it is skull island prawns tossed in lime juice on the barbeque.

  50. For the moment my favourite food are mandarin oranges - they're always in abundance at this time of year, been like that since my childhood and basically you know that it's December when you start to eat a lot of them. Besides, they're the one holiday food that's relatively low in calories and healthy :)
    For the holiday itself I can't imagine it withut at least some kind of pickled herring. Last year my favourite was pickled herring with apples in curry mayo sauce - maybe not totally traditional flavour, but apples are local, and the curry sauce has this beautiful sunshine colour.

  51. This is the best homemade tofu recipe ever. I eat it with peanutbutter sauce and ovenbaked vegetables, yummy!

  52. Es precioso ese mantel y muy apropiado para estos días de reuniones familiares ;-). En nuestra casa son típicos el cardo, el cochinillo asado y las sopas de almendra como postre ;-)


  53. In recent years I've grown ever so fond of Stollen. Not only is it delightfully delicious without being too sickly sweet, the joy of making it and smelling the dough proving all afternoon long makes it feel festive at home. It's my new Christmas tradition to make it in the weeks leading up to the big day, and then get started on the old-fashioned Christmas cake.

  54. In Barcelona we love to eat canelloni for christmas, provided my Mum is cooking them! :)

  55. We are always having a big Raclette table on Christmas Evening. And I am looking forward to it from the first cold winter day of the year! It is a very festive and convivial kind of having dinner together...nothing gets cold, the kids are happy to prepare their pans for themselves and it can last for hours...

  56. I would love to win this for my sister. My favorite winterfood is caramelised brussel sprouts and pumpkin soup with a splash of pumpkin seed oil.

  57. Right now, until the holidays will actually start, it is a very spicy lentil soup.With Cumin,chili and coconutmilk

  58. Ooh! Beautiful giveaway, I am still trying to get the candle wax off our favourite table cloth! My favourite thing to eat at this time of year is festive spiced bubble and squeak from all the left overs - with apple sauce, and a glass of spiced rum cider! Have a magical December :)

  59. Wouldn't be Christmas without Panettone and Pandoro on out tables here in Italy. If you happen to be in Italy during Xmas holidays, you abs must try one of these (or both ;) - Daniela

  60. In Christmas time our family divide into 2 parts- meat-eaters and vegetarians :D It will be some dishes from wild animal meat, herring with mushrooms, vegetable cake, lot os salad.. and of course hot wine :) Merry Christmas!

  61. In Portugal, at Christmas, Codfish is the kings of the table. The tradition says “Boiled Cod”, but since tradition is not the same any longer, I love doing it in the oven with spinach, sweet potatoes, garlic and LOTS of olive oil. Remember, our Codfish is dry not fresh. Hope you like it.

  62. What a gorgeous giveaway! We celebrate a very traditional Irish Christmas with roast turkey with stuffing, roast potatoes (spuds!), brussel sprouts, carrots & parsnips and a gorgeous veggie gravy made by my sister. Saliving at the thought of it already! x Siobhán

  63. Cindyfried@gmail.com14 December 2017 at 11:08

    I look forward to winter so I can make stewed red cabbage with apple, cloves, red wine, brown sugar and sultanas. It tastes even better the next day and is divine with crisp roast potatoes (but really, what isn't?)

  64. I like to toast a slice of panatonne and servewith with crème fraiche or quark and raspberries, yum!

  65. As a good portuguese I love the codfish with corn bread made by my Mom

  66. Christmas pudding with vanilla ice cream - YUM!!

  67. I love "passatelli in brodo" a traditional recipe from Romagna region in Italy where my grandmother was born.I used to prepare them with her when I was a child. Such good memories!The recipe has passed on to my parents and I always enjoy eating them (and not only at Xmas time!! :) )

  68. Gosh, it has to be Yorkshire puddings (homemade, natch) and coconut macaroons. Perfect!

  69. This time of year it is glögg (mulled wine) and lussekater( buns with saffron). Really .That is what I think about at breakfast, and from the moment that I leave the office.
    It is rather unhealthy actually, lots of sugar. But I disregard that and enjoy the emotional warmth and well-being it brings.

  70. What a great set! Would love to enter :) my favourite food this time of year is a good hearty stew with meat and sweet brown beer. I love preparing it on a grey afternoon - it has to simmer for hours so you can enjoy the food smells for ages :)

  71. I've always wanted one of those pretty linen tablecloths...

    What comes to my mind is not exactly food but drink: Glühwein (mulled wine)! It smells like winter, cozyness, love and Christmas. :)

  72. Mussels and with home made french fries.

  73. I have to say the christmas pudding my mother always makes riz a la mande with with warm raspberry and pomegranate sauce. Happy holidays.

  74. These times, my favorite food is baked pumpkin right out of the oven. Nothing better than this! Nothing! (Big love. Very big. Especially with organic mustard - heaven!)

    Greetings to you!

  75. I love soups, and white bean+sweet paprika with braided yeast bread(traditional on Christmas eve in my small village)is my favorite :)

  76. Potato Latkes and doughnuts to celebrate Hannukkah and christmas pudding with white sauce to celebrate Christmas!

  77. Riskrem - rice pudding, made with just a very little bit of sugar and an unseemly amount of whipped cream folded through it, once it has gone cold. It becomes all fluffy and looks like a bowl of snow. We eat it with a cold fruit sauce, like a raspberry coulis. Even my English grandfather, who has some unfortunate memories of school dinner rice puddings, can't get enough of the stuff.

  78. In Austria we love some warm, freshly baked organic dark bread with melted cheese on top and some black pepper. It's sooo delicious!

  79. Ohh, it´s beautiful! My mom swears by linen for bedsheets and tablecloths, so it reminds me so much of her... Love it! My favorite, for winter in general a great stew but for Christmas it´s pork roast - yum! For sweets, marzapan all the way ;)

  80. If I’m totally honest I love to sneak up late at night during Christmas and eat crisp bread with butter and cold leftover meatballs! It’s divine and goes well with a decent cup of tea.

  81. When it's cold outside I tend to become a proper soup eater - besides all kinds of japanese soups I really love a red pepper one at the moment.

  82. My favourite Christmas food is melomakarona! These traditional Greek Christmas cookies are made of flour, olive oil, honey and walnuts and they are simply divine! Happy holidays! :)



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