The fab light-filled studio of Camille Styles

Happy Monday! Is there such a thing?! Well yes, if you work in a space like this. Designed by Claire Zinnecker  for Camille Styles, the studio is filled with natural light, pops of bright colours and lush greenery. There's also plenty of meeting / social spaces where I could see myself drinking tea and chatting - I mean, brainstorming- which include a fab sofa, round Tulip table and grey marble kitchen.  I'm sure I'd look forward to my Monday mornings would be if I worked in this studio, how about you?


Owner: Camille Styles. Designer: Claire Zinnecker. Shared with kind permission from the photographer: Jessica Pages

Is this your kind of work space?

Items I know and love: Eames DSR side chairs, kilim cushions/pillows, rustic wooden stool, Tulip dining table.

A lot of thought has gone into this space. Not only does it look great but everything is designed to stimulate productivity. Take the table -research suggests having items which are curved rather than straight create positive emotions which in turn stimulates creativity. Round tables also encourage people to work together (if ever there was an excuse to invest in a Tulip table).

In turn, research has shown that the presence of greenery can help employees recover from demanding activities, lower stress levels and reduce office pollution levels. Time for a little indoor gardening?!

See more pictures of this fab studio here. I also love this, this and this studio and all of these images for office/atelier/studio inspiration.

I also found this piece interesting about why large open-plan offices are so not cool.

Have a great start to the working week! 

PS Thank you so much to everyone who entered the weekend give-away - the winner will be announced here later today! 

PPS I am in the process of making a few improvements to my blog design, please bear with me! if you see anything strange it would be great to hear about it in the comment section. Thank you! 


  1. I fell in love with that green sofa..looks so comfy..just take a book and read..

  2. I think this is one of my favorite space thus far. I really love the white on white decor with a pop of green. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a beautiful calming workspace. I truly believe that such a space makes for better creativity. #inspired :)

  4. How I'd love to be working in an environment like that right now! I especially love the big plants - bringing a bit of the outdoors inside really fuels creativity.

  5. Oh, the kitchen is perfection! Love this space - I would definitely be happy working here!

  6. This kitchen is perfect! My husband and I are thinking about building a house this year and this will definitely go into the "dream kitchen" folder for later.

  7. Hi there, just wanted to say that your blog is a real delight. I have been following for a few months (or probably more...) and I love it all - pics+texts.
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, what a lovely comment. I'm so happy you like it.

  8. Where is the book shelf from? :-)


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