'Holiday at Home' weekend give-away!

This give-away is now closed. 

I love getting a surprise package in the post, don't you?  When the bright coloured tome Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) appeared in my mail box earlier this week I was more than happy. This is one special interior book. Not only does the summer vibe ooze from every page but the images (shot by Lauren Bamford) are a blend of cool Australian interiors, exteriors and holiday snaps which will make you feel like you want to emigrate down under. The good news is that after reading the book you won't need to as it's packed with tips on how to bring that relaxed holiday feel to your own home.  And I'm giving away a copy to one lucky reader this weekend! For more details on how to enter see below. In the meantime here's a sneak peek.

Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) Photography: Lauren Bamford
Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) Photography: Lauren Bamford
Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) Photography: Lauren Bamford
Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) Photography: Lauren Bamford
Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) Photography: Lauren Bamford
Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) Photography: Lauren Bamford

This give-away is now closed. 

For your chance to win a copy of Holiday at Home:

- Simply leave a comment beneath this post saying where you most love to go on holiday. 

The give-away is open to everyone. The competition closes Sunday 21st September, 2014 Midnight GMT. The winner will be contacted via e-mail. Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you!

Holiday at Home by Jason Grant (Harde Grant) is available for purchase here.


  1. Bonjour! I'd be very happy to go on holiday to Australia, I've spent four days in Sydney ten years ago and it was like a dream!
    Thank you for this give-away!

  2. Hello!

    I would most love to go on holiday in The Netherlands. My husband was born there and I dream about living there some day!

  3. My favorite holiday locale is this small town in the mountains near where I grew up. It feels like home, yet so far away at the same time.

  4. I've always dreamed of visiting Denmark, though Iceland also appeals for its dramatic and elemental landscapes. It's good to have dreams, and maybe one day I'll make it there. In the meantime, I visit your blog often to add the beauty of Scandinavian design to my day. Thank you for all your work!

  5. My favourite place for holiday is on my sailboat. Waking up each morning in a different bay with ocean view - priceless!

  6. This looks like the perfect book for winter reading and dreaming of warmer places. One holiday spot I would like to revisit soon is lake Como, in northern Italy and if I could dream of some new adventures it would be a drive from NY up through Maine and New England. Have a great weekend, /Hanna

  7. Hey ! I'd love to go to Iceland with these beautiful and extrem landscapes ! It would feel like I'd breath pure nature !

  8. Fabulous giveaway, book looks gorgeous.
    Lots of places I would love to visit, but now I've seen the second image above, wherever that is I would LOVE to go, haha!!

  9. My dream is a two week trip in the beatiful landscapes of Toscana with local wines and food.

  10. Hej! I love to go to Denmark and Sweden.
    Such beutiful countries, each in their own way.
    Have a nice day!

  11. I am always drawn to the south west of England for it's dramatic moors and stormy coast line

  12. I love to holiday in South Western Australia, some of the most stunning and secluded beaches I have ever seen.

  13. I would love to go on holiday to Iceland! Everything there looks so beautiful!

  14. I love to go to Italy, I lived there for a while, so it feels to come home every time I go there.

  15. Lefkas, Greece - amazing and peaceful place!

  16. Tuscany! The food, the wine, the scenery...

  17. I am absolutely passionate about Sweden. I've already visited it a few times now, a month ago was my most recent trip, and it definitely wasn't my last holiday there! My ultimate dream is to leave behind Belgium and have my 'holiday at home' in Sweden one day.

  18. The question should be where would I not want to go on holiday - it would have fewer answers! But top of the list has to be Venice.

  19. Bonjour
    Being from Quebec where the summer is kinda short, I love going on vacations where there is water and lots of sun. My daughter will probably be close to Marseille for a few months this winter, so I pray we can go see her. The Riviera in february, can you imagine...

  20. I really really want to go to Argentina. Last year I was in Venice for six months and met one of my best friend, who is argentinian, I want to see her again.

  21. I am looking forward to a Spanish holiday at an as-yet-unplanned future date. Grenada perhaps?

  22. I love going to the Jersey shore (USA) or Bermuda. Sand, sun, and surf = vacation for me!

  23. I am absolutely passionate about Scotland!


  24. I would love to go camping in the Mojave desert!


  25. I have always wanted to go to Fiji. The water, the sand and the beautiful blue skies are simply stunning!

  26. ahhhh it has to be oahu's north shore with its kickback surfer old hawaii vibe!

    michele at hellolovelystudio dot com

  27. My favourite destination is my home country New Zealand with family and friends. Bliss.



  28. I would most love to go sailing in Greece. Sea, wind, islands....
    tonka021 at yahoo.com

  29. Scandinavia! Oh, and New Zealand! So many places! The book looks lovely and perhaps will convince me to holiday at home. kellybohan@gmail.com

  30. Iceland! Because I'm in love with this country!

  31. I love to got to Bali, Indonesia. The last time I went there with my family, it rocks!

  32. Hello there! Thank you for this giveaway - it's really nice of you. Well, for holidays, I love to go in a peaceful and quiet place. It could be lovely South of France villages or in the beautiful English countryside... Oh dear... I wish I was there right now.

  33. Geniales fotografías!!

  34. Hello there! Thank you for this giveaway - it's really nice of you. Well, for holidays, I love to go in a peaceful and quiet place. It could be lovely South of France villages or in the beautiful English countryside... Oh dear... I wish I was there right now.

  35. I would love to go to Japan. It's my dreamed destination since I was a child! :)

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  36. Whenever I get to pick where to go, I always say Sweden. I just everything there so much, and I'd love to spend an entire summer there (or live there for a few years) :)

  37. We love to go camping every year in northern Canada!

  38. thanks for the give-away, the book looks beautiful..
    South of France was wonderful a few years ago, would love to go back some day

  39. Born in the South of France, I usually prefer beach places as holidays, but I had an amazing relaxing time in Mariehamn, Aland, Finland. I loved the colorful wooden cabins, the perfect homemade breakfasts, walks along the seaside eating berries. I would like to discover a similar place soon.

  40. One of my favorite places to go is the little town of Olinda Brazil. cobblestone hilly streets. old colonial Inns, hammocks on the porch and caiparhinas ! But I have been known. more, to just vacation at home. Relaxed and ever so happy.

  41. Anywhere where my family is, inside my home or outside in the backyard :)

  42. Our family's favourite place is a little island near us, here on the west coast of Canada, called Hornby Island. A tiny little island with beautiful beaches, trails, and a relaxed atmosphere.

  43. Just at home by the wood stove

  44. I would really like to go on a holiday to New York, never been to America but "I have a dream" :-)
    I can be reached at my blog or email: beate.bauer.bb@gmail.com
    BIG HUG from Norway - also a godd destination to go on holiday, for those who has not yet been here :-)

  45. I would love to return to Iceland. I spent a short holiday there last year and it was spectacular. There is lots more I would like to explore.

  46. I'm dreaming of a vacation at the Amalfi coast in Italy...
    Everything about it - the food, the art & architecture, the views, the people, the weather - sounds like a dream to me, and I just know it will be a vacation I will never forget :)

  47. I'm dreaming of a vacation at the Amalfi coast in Italy...
    Everything about it - the food, the art & architecture, the views, the people, the weather - sounds like a dream to me, and I just know it will be a vacation I will never forget :)

    Hadar Uzan

  48. Hi! I love to visit islands. I love Minorca in Spain, Sardinia and Sicily in Italy and I'd love to go to Lanzarote (Canary Islands) next year. There's something magical about islands and their light!
    Thank you! Best regards from Barcelona,
    Marta G
    A Bilingual Baby blog

  49. I would to visit Scandinavia
    Tal Paz-Fridman

  50. I love the gorgeous Spanish island of Menorca - island life perfection!

  51. I love to holiday at Opotere Beach in New Zealand's Coromandel Peninsula......such desolate, untouched beauty.....crystal clear water and powdery white sand.......bring on Summer!


  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. If money was no object the stunning island of Formenterra would win every time!

    Grant Thomas - grant.thomas1@xtra.co.nz

  54. Thank you for such a neat giveaway - my favourite place to holiday is Noosa in Australia - the surf and sun are just the ticket!!

    My details -

  55. my favorite place to holiday is simply reykjavik in latesummer. perfect fusion of nature and city. :)


  56. Hej! My choice? Sweden and again Sweden! Next stop Växjö at the bilkyrkogården...fun and unusual!@succo_mela

  57. Hello! Last yesr I had the chance to visit Stockholm and I would like to spend some weeks exploring Sweeden. I love all that is related with the Nordic style. Thanks!!

  58. I would love to visit New York! You can contact me via Pinterest messages :)

  59. Hi Niki,

    what a nice idea to giveaway this great book! I love interieur books and also travelling. There are so much nice places all over the world, but my most lovely place is the small island Pangkor Laut in Malaysia. It's like a jungle with a nice beach with smaragd green water, delicious food and also some animals like monkeys, monitor lizards and horn bills are living on that beautiful island.

    Have a nice Sunday Niki!

    Hugs, Nadine

  60. My favourite place for holidays: Azores, a group of islands west of Portugal, and the baltic countries. Have a great Sunday! saramatiasferreira(at)gmail(dot)com

  61. My favorite place to go is Arizona... I have family there so it's a usual. BUT the nature there is also beautiful! Another favorite place is the Canary Islands. The weather is always perfect there!

  62. I 've been to Stockholm and I've loved it!Now, I'm planning to visit Norway in spring.Greetings from Greece!

  63. What a nice book:) My most desirable holiday destinations are in mountains (like little villages in Southern Austria) or culture-rich cities (like Barca or Paris or...). But the best vacations are full of dancing, specially lindy hop (like in Herräng in Sweden).

  64. I'd love to laze about Boracay or Palawan in the Philippines for some tropical R&R time! If only I could figure out how to take that feeling home with me..!


  65. Thanks for your giveaway! It looks like a very cool book. I would love to visit Scandinavia someday! jana702@msn.com

  66. Scandinavia especially Copenhagen is my choice in the summer sun and Sicily anytime but summer.

  67. I'd love to go to Scotland! Such a dreamy place, please make my dream come true :D me@jesygo.com.mx

  68. Wow, this is gorgeous! I love to holiday in the UK. London, being my favorite place ever!

  69. Beautiful book!! A holiday I LOVE definitely includes camping under the stars anywhere in Africa!

  70. Hola.
    Preciosas fotos.

    Para mi lo mejor de las vacaciones es el romper con la rutina, simplemente el descansar y hacer cualquier cosa por muy simple que sea pero hacerla con calma y disfrutandolas al maximo.
    Nuestras ultimas vacaciones fueron maravillosas haciendo el Camino de Santiago.

    Besos. Natalia.

  71. Ok, is it ok if I mail you my details when/ if I win?
    I hope my next holiday will be a few days to Venice, because I would love to see the Architecture Biennale. We would also love to go to Indonesia one day together because my husbands father is from Indonesia. Good luck picking a winner! Simone

  72. My dream holiday destination is Bali. Good waves for surfing, peacefull people and sun! <3 Dreaming about that holiday all the time <3 (denisebetsema@gmail.com)

  73. I love swimming and being in the sea so my dream destination always needs to include swimming :-) As I live in Norway where the sea is pretty cold, I don't get to do this back home for many months a year. To tide me over from holidays warmer places, I try to spend a lot of time outside, gardening or walking in the woods or by a nearby lake.

  74. I would love to go to New Zealand again. I love it very much.
    Greetings from Slovenia.

  75. I have never been disappointed with Mediterranean islands like Sicily, Sardegna, Capri , Greek islands, Malta. These are trully inspirational, full of vibrant colours and scents, pleasant climate and the sea. Add deliscious food and it's absolutely perfect!

  76. I'd love to return to the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway, but I'd like to try a completely different holiday experience by visiting Greek islands.

  77. For me, it has to be Zakopane, in the Tatra mountains, Poland. One of the most beautiful mountain regions in the world, and where my husband and I got married earlier this year :)

  78. I would love to go to Crete, I am sure my girls would love it too... who knows maybe in 2015 we will manage it :0)

    Best wishes from: lublin79@interia.pl

  79. I love holidaying in the Australian country side, somewhere where there is lots of trees and fresh clean air. Thanks for the giveaway!

  80. I would love to visit Sweden one day!

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. My mum has a beautiful cottage on a small lake in Wisconsin. I only see her every year or so as I live in the UK with two small kids but I would love to take them there for a holiday with their Grandma! alex7w3@yahoo.co.uk


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