My black and white bedroom

Over at NIB Norwegian interior bloggers have been invited to choose something from their home that shows who they are. And I thought, why not join in here. My favourite little corner is one side of the bedroom. Ok I technically share it with my man but you can see that, umm, he didn't really have much of a say. (Poor guy!). I have so many treasured items, pictures of my family, presents from friends and nostalgic trinkets that tell a story that it's definitely a little corner of my world that I really love.

All pictures: My Scandinavian Home

A little guide to where things are from: the black wallpaper and bedding is Designers Guild. The mirror is Graham & Green. The reading lamp is the IKEA +365 BRASA. The two little vintage apothecary bottles were a present from P's dad who's a doctor. And I found the Swedish Gustavian chest-of-drawers in their attic. The jewellery holder was a birthday present from my P (good man!). And no guesses where the Chanel No5 perfume was from! People are buying second hand perfume for lots at the moment for the lovely bottles so if you have one that you don't like the scent of and thinking of slinging it out, e-bay it instead!

Do you have an area of your home you feel is truly yours and represents you?

Oh and also I've been looking for a pretty 'washed out' pink or lilac coloured throw for my bed - any tips? Or perhaps another colour - what do you think?


  1. Your bedroom is a DREAM! With nice wallpaper and accessories, everything beautiful! Enjoy! Hugs, Barbara

  2. Just lovely, and that wallcovering?! Is it flocked? I think a soft coloured throw would be great and something you could easily change out when you are in the mood for a quick change.

    1. Thank you! Yes flocked :) Must find myself a throw, feel a bit incomplete...

  3. You bedroom looks absolutely lovely!!

  4. so so cool! loving it!

    kisses sigrid

  5. Love your home, just gorgeous! Glad I found you...newest follower!

  6. so fresh and beautiful!

    wen with

  7. Hello Niki AKA Miss nosey!!! I love it :-)))) so thankful I came across your blog x

    Your bedroom LOOKS LIKE NIRVANA!!! I endeavour to make a tranquil space for our bedroom, very soon. With your inspirational images I hope to succeed xx Dani

  8. Very elegant! I've read so many of your posts already! Cannot stop! LOL! I've added you on my Bloglovin' list with my daily reads!:-)

  9. would love to know where does the ceiling light come from? is it made of shells? <3 Anna

  10. Love your room. Can you give me details on the wallpaper?


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