
A Swedish Summerhouse in the West Coast Archipelago

Hej friends! The sun is shining, and the Scandinavian summer is in full swing. I have been swept up in the relaxed vibe and now that my children are finally free, we have arrived for a few days in the Swedish high coast - to explore and soak up the scenery of the breath-taking archipelagos. With this in mind, I will be taking some time out from My Scandinavian Home and will be back here again on Monday 22nd July. 

But I'd never leave you high and dry without some inspiration - so here are a couple of snapshots from a stunning summer house in Smögen, on Sweden's West Coast complete with its own jetty - after all, Mondays are made for dreaming, right? 

So beautiful! 

The more I explore of Sweden, the more beauty I find - and with its immense coastline and thousands of lakes, waterfront cottages are forever present! 

I have a dream to live overlooking the water - maybe one day this will come true, but for now I will admire from a far! Do you share the same dream? Or perhaps there are other vistas you long for? 

Wishing you all a wonderful week - see you next Monday!


Photography courtesy of FastighetsbyrĂ¥, shared with thanks

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A Dreamy Cottage by the Ocean Filled with Vintage Finds

It was the vintage zinc bath tub looking out over the ocean which caught my eye.

Instantly knowing that there was more about this home to be discovered, I delved deeper into the @thevintagerose_ instagram feed - and an entire coastal cottage filled with vintage treasures unravelled before me!  

The heritage cottage belongs to Amanda Skipper - who has lovingly restored the hideaway on the shore of Moulting Bay on Tasmania's east coast over time. Today Amanda and her partner can relax and enjoy in the views - whether from the veranda, sitting room or of course, the bath tub!

Ready to dream? 


Having grown up sailing and now living a few metres from the Ă–resund in Malmö, Sweden, I find there is nothing more relaxing than looking out over the water. It's as if everything gets put into perspective and all worries fall away. Do you feel the same? It's my lifelong dream to live in a cottage like this. 

It's not just the view though. It's also the way it tells a tale of a past life through old brick walls, wood flooring, arches, a fireplace and all the other architectural details. And of course all the vintage finds!

Could you imagine relaxing here too? 

See more of Amanda's charming cottage over at @thevintagerose_. And just because we could all use a little dreaming this weekend, here are some more homes by the sea to enjoy: 

Right folks, that's it from me. The weather is so beautiful today, I might just switch off my laptop and head out doors. It's POETS day after all - (Push Off Early, Tomorrow's Saturday). 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 


PS (contains ad for my own work) - While on the subject of relaxing by the sea - I've been meaning to say thank you so much to everyone who has picked up a copy of Njuta book - it really means so much!

Photography: @thevintagerose_, shared with kind permission

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A Dreamy Swedish Cottage in the West Coast Archipelagos

On May 8th I'll have lived in Sweden for twenty years. TWENTY YEARS! I often think back to the summer I met Per - which signalled the start of my Scandinavian adventure. It was a warm and sunny July and I flew over to visit a Swedish friend. We took a road trip up to the stunning West coast archipelago where we spent a week hopping between islands, picnicking on warm granite cliffs and cooling off in the waters of the Kattegat sea. 

I fell in love with Sweden (and so it seems, a Swede!) that summer, with a special place in my heart reserved for the magical islands of the west coast. Even today Per, the girls and I love to sail there and explore the cosy fishing villages and beautiful nature. One of our favourite spots is the car-free island of Gullholmen. It's located just off the island of Orust and instantly recognisable from the tight cluster of cottages and dreamy boathouses. 

Life is slow on the island, and days are spent lolling on decks, watching boats sail past, enjoying a coffee in a little cafe or walking on the quieter stretches of the island to take in the scenery. Needless to say, it's a dream. 

So, when I spotted this charming cottage on ESNY, I couldn't resist sharing it with you to give you a glimpse behind the facade and dream of summer's on this magical little island! 

As with most Swedish summer cottages, the decor is simple and pared-back, with a nod to the coastal location. A glimpse of the channel and surrounding village can be seen from the windows, ensuring the island vibe is never far from sight! 

We're seeing so many window nooks right now, don't you think? They make such a lovely addition to a kitchen - offering a relaxed spot to grab a coffee and chat to whoever is cooking / brewing the coffee! 

Traditional rag rugs (as seen in the hallway) are the floor covering of choice in a summer cottage - I love that they come in all kinds of colours! 

A sea view and a kakelugn? I can just see envision how cosy this would feel come winter, with the wind whipping at the windows! 

Could you imagine sitting here, enjoying supper while the sunsets over the water? Pass me the rosĂ©! 

The cottage even comes with a boathouse and private jetty. That's me sold! 

How idyllic! Could you imagine spending your summers here? 

Did I mention that the address is 'Krabban' ('the crab')? Love that! 

Sadly, this cottage is a little out of reach budget-wise for Per and I - but maybe if we all chip in together with some form of crowdfunding we could divide it between us, right? Always good to dream! 

See the complete viewing here

Would you like to see a few more cottages from the West coast of Sweden this weekend? Check out: 

And if you're thinking of visiting the area (it's a bucketlist place for sure!), here's my guide to 10 beautiful islands to visit.

Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend friends! See you Monday! 


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Charming Seabird Cottage, on Lamb Island, Australia

For anyone who needs to hear this today: Anna Swain is selling beautiful 'Seabird' on Lamb Island just off Brisbane, Queensland Australia. 

Not familiar with Anna Swain? A glance at her instagram and you'll quickly establish that everything she touches turns to gold, in a beautiful, rustic and relaxed kind of way. And Seabird is no different. 
With panoramic views of Moreton Bay, Anna and her husband Andrew moved the property to the island by barge, before turning their hand to the decor. 

The house is filled with an eclectic mix of treasures including 120 year-old Egyptian bathroom tiles, solid timber fans and claw-foot tubs as well one-off vintage and antique pieces - all of which come with the house! Everything has been carefully handpicked to ensure life is all about kicking back and soaking up the golden light while watching boats drift by. 

While it may sound like an ideal holiday home, good transport links (it's 25 minutes by ferry to Brisbain and an inter-island ferry can whisk you to neighbouring Russell island with its shops and primary school) mean you could also turn it into your year-round dwelling! What a dream for anyone looking for a change of pace!

 Ready to take the tour? 

Be still, beating heart! So beautiful! 

Could you imagine kicking back here? If so, any potential buyers can reach out directly to Anna via her instagram (where you can also see plenty more pictures!) - just saying! 

Would you like to view more dreamy island homes today? After all, what are Monday's for, if they're not for dreaming? Take a look at: 

Here's to a relaxing start to the week! 



Photography courtesy of @annaswain, with thanks 

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An Artist's Cottage, Atelier and Gallery by the Sea in Cornwall

Usually we go to visit family in England at Easter, but this time sadly we didn't have the time. Often when we go, we pay a trip to Cornwall in the southwest, where some of my ancestors are from and my sister has a beautiful house (they rent it out too - more details here, in case you're a budding surfer or simply love beach life and coastal walks!). 

The rugged coastal nature and quality of the light has been a draw for artists since the early 19th century.  
And it must be with a very heavy heart that the landscape painter has decided to sell her home (found via Nordroom today!), atelier and gallery in nearby Padstow. You can tell that so much love has gone into the decor - with it's white washed walls, pillars and beams, arched doorways and lovely antique furniture. And the stepped garden is lovely too! A perfect coastal sanctuary in which to inspire creativity. 

The coastal vibe is accentuated with subtle details such as a pendant light made from a ships horn!

A wood burning stove in the centre of the room is made from a repurposed spun steel trawler net bobbin.  

Shells and other beach combing finds have been displayed in bell jars. Art decorates the walls in every room.

The  reclaimed doors have gothic and Georgian elements. 

Notice how treasures have been displayed in a glass cabinet built into the side of the stairs. I love this idea! 

Books shelves are laden with white tomes. Look closely and you'll see they are all labelled. I am wondering if they could be catalogues from galleries? My mum has a ton of these too. It could also be that the owner has taken time to cover the books to preserve the original jacket, before labelling them. Or a blend of the two. 

Upstairs, a subtle blue wall helps to connect the home with it's coastal location. 

An atelier on the top floor serves as a perfect place to sit and paint in quiet. 

The garden has views over the camel estuary, and this seat offers an ideal perch to sit and watch the town go about it's business along with passing gulls. I see it's already occupied! 

The front of the house is perfectly positioned to be a shop or gallery. 

What an amazing opportunity to fulfil a dream of living in Cornwall and start a gallery! More details here in case you're feeling inspired! 

My Mother would love this house - I must send her the link straight away. She used to work in the art world and wherever we go, she pops into galleries looking for paintings. Needless to say, Cornwall is one of her favourite haunts! 

If you're planning on visiting England - do try to visit the Southwest. It's full of pretty coastal villages like this one. Last summer my family and I went on a day trip to St Ives - home of the Tate and Barbara Hepworth museum and sculpture garden, which I absolutely loved! 

Would you like to see other homes by the sea today? 

And so many more in the coastal archive! 

Altogether now: 'Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, Oh I do like to be beside the seaaaaaa!'

On a final note, I seem to have got a little out of sink with my posting days - the next post will be on Friday and after that, I'll be back to my usual Mon - Wed - Fri routine! Thank you so much for following along! 


Photography courtesy of Inigo with thanks. 

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